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Top Gun Replaced


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mad.gif My friend told me that when he went to Pki last Saturday that it was closed for good. He said that he asked a pki worker and he told my friend that they closed it to be replaced plus one of the trains broke apart. I just wanted to know because Top Gun is cool. Is he joking? Please let me know. sad.gif
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huh.gif Thanks alot. My friend lied to me. I'm glad. Im going Thursday I can't wait. And for all of you who said that I am a lier if you can read I said that my friend told me that now. next time read the facts. Edited by Coaster-King
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Here are some tips...

Tanner's Tip #1 - Don't Believe Other People (See it for yourself unless they are very reliable and at least make the lie believable.)

Tanner's Tip #2 - If it's going on at the park, it will be here or on another site. UNLESS it is in the rumors section.

Tanner's Tip #3 - You're new here, everyone's going to think you are lying. Don't post such "touchy" topics until you earn the respect of people here and they think you do know what you are talking about.

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I figured it was a lie, but either way, I'm still not allowed to comment on such things w/o:

1. Knowing for sure.

2. Getting PKI's permission (if it's confidential).

3. Getting my publisher's permission (if it is book related).

I do like Top Gun, and Face/Off, and Rugrats Runaway Reptar. Best of all, I like The Beast.

Italian Chef

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Whoever came up with this is total BS. Why would pKi fix Top Gun after last season's incident, if they were planning on getting rid of it? I think someone is pulling your leg. The only time I saw TG closed this year was during limited operation days, when they didn't always have enough people to run everything in the park.

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Tanners Tip number 2....

Pretty sure there bud that there is a darn lot of crap that goes on that never makes it on da net. What makes you think otherwise?

I'm sorry, but if a ride was closing and it was made public; it would be here.

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