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Halloween Haunt?

Fear the Four

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Can someone explain this to me? I didn't do any of it. I just rode roller coasters. LOL

Take the time to try the Haunt attractions some of them look really good but the ones I tried last year was just plain stupid.(Urgent Scare and Cornstalkers)

I know. Urgent Scare was not scary at all. It was just really gory. Kind of like that one movie... "Haunting in Connecticut". :rolleyes:

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Can someone explain this to me? I didn't do any of it. I just rode roller coasters. LOL

Take the time to try the Haunt attractions some of them look really good but the ones I tried last year was just plain stupid.(Urgent Scare and Cornstalkers)

I know. Urgent Scare was not scary at all. It was just really gory. Kind of like that one movie... "Haunting in Connecticut". :rolleyes:

All it pretty much was a bunch of infected doctors working on infected patients which are screaming.... very scary. NOT!

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Can someone explain this to me? I didn't do any of it. I just rode roller coasters. LOL

Take the time to try the Haunt attractions some of them look really good but the ones I tried last year was just plain stupid.(Urgent Scare and Cornstalkers)

I know. Urgent Scare was not scary at all. It was just really gory. Kind of like that one movie... "Haunting in Connecticut". :rolleyes:

Really? you didnt like the outside at all? I'm a little hurt by this... :-/ but then again you coulda been the ones not having fun with it, and running through and trying to make fun of the actors... just curious were you there on fri or sat? :P

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I'm looking forward to my first ever Haunt experience on my birthday ;)

We are booking the hotel soon, and bringing friends with us...leaving the kids with grandma. It's almost like waiting for Christmas lol...(ok, that's just sad, but yeah..I'm excited)

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Can someone explain this to me? I didn't do any of it. I just rode roller coasters. LOL

Take the time to try the Haunt attractions some of them look really good but the ones I tried last year was just plain stupid.(Urgent Scare and Cornstalkers)

I know. Urgent Scare was not scary at all. It was just really gory. Kind of like that one movie... "Haunting in Connecticut". :rolleyes:

Really? you didnt like the outside at all? I'm a little hurt by this... :-/ but then again you coulda been the ones not having fun with it, and running through and trying to make fun of the actors... just curious were you there on fri or sat? :P

Pretty much every day. The outside part waiting was a lot better than inside. I liked the person that like came out of the ambulance. That was cool. And this other lady wouldn't leave my group alone. :) It was funny.

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Can someone explain this to me? I didn't do any of it. I just rode roller coasters. LOL

Take the time to try the Haunt attractions some of them look really good but the ones I tried last year was just plain stupid.(Urgent Scare and Cornstalkers)

I know. Urgent Scare was not scary at all. It was just really gory. Kind of like that one movie... "Haunting in Connecticut". :rolleyes:

Haunting in Connecticut was too scary! It had many jumpy parts that scared me.. So be quiet :P I agree somewhat though, I left the theater not scared really at all.. (SORRY I COULDN'T RESIST)

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Urgent Scare was good on the outside, but it was annoying on the inside..

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Can someone explain this to me? I didn't do any of it. I just rode roller coasters. LOL

Take the time to try the Haunt attractions some of them look really good but the ones I tried last year was just plain stupid.(Urgent Scare and Cornstalkers)

I know. Urgent Scare was not scary at all. It was just really gory. Kind of like that one movie... "Haunting in Connecticut". :rolleyes:

Haunting in Connecticut was too scary! It had many jumpy parts that scared me.. So be quiet :P I agree somewhat though, I left the theater not scared really at all.. (SORRY I COULDN'T RESIST)

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Urgent Scare was good on the outside, but it was annoying on the inside..

I had more fun standing in line for it then going through it.

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Can someone explain this to me? I didn't do any of it. I just rode roller coasters. LOL

Take the time to try the Haunt attractions some of them look really good but the ones I tried last year was just plain stupid.(Urgent Scare and Cornstalkers)

I know. Urgent Scare was not scary at all. It was just really gory. Kind of like that one movie... "Haunting in Connecticut". :rolleyes:

Really? you didnt like the outside at all? I'm a little hurt by this... :-/ but then again you coulda been the ones not having fun with it, and running through and trying to make fun of the actors... just curious were you there on fri or sat? :P

who was the lady last year that held the muffler and was constintly freaking out?

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Can someone explain this to me? I didn't do any of it. I just rode roller coasters. LOL

Take the time to try the Haunt attractions some of them look really good but the ones I tried last year was just plain stupid.(Urgent Scare and Cornstalkers)

I know. Urgent Scare was not scary at all. It was just really gory. Kind of like that one movie... "Haunting in Connecticut". :rolleyes:

Really? you didnt like the outside at all? I'm a little hurt by this... :-/ but then again you coulda been the ones not having fun with it, and running through and trying to make fun of the actors... just curious were you there on fri or sat? :P

who was the lady last year that held the muffler and was constintly freaking out?

I know who your talking about. My friends uncle was picking on her.

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I heard a rumor that the Action Grill is going to be turned into a new haunt this year! Someone related to the haunt told me that they're going to use both sides of the patio, as well as the inside of the building for a new haunt, called Slaughterhouse. Personally I'm glad to see new haunts come in (assuming this is true). I think there are a few very good ones, and a few that either need work or need to go.

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I heard a rumor that the Action Grill is going to be turned into a new haunt this year! Someone related to the haunt told me that they're going to use both sides of the patio, as well as the inside of the building for a new haunt, called Slaughterhouse. Personally I'm glad to see new haunts come in (assuming this is true). I think there are a few very good ones, and a few that either need work or need to go.

While I hope this is true, because this sounds awesome! Wouldn't it be funny if next season you walk in to buy food and see blood all over the floors! :lol:

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Pretty much every day. The outside part waiting was a lot better than inside. I liked the person that like came out of the ambulance. That was cool. And this other lady wouldn't leave my group alone. :) It was funny.

which lady O:)

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Urgent Scare was good on the outside, but it was annoying on the inside..

I had more fun standing in line for it then going through it.

Probably because it was the returners on the outside, and ppl that kept signing up, or ppl that we had to pull from other attractions because we didn't have enough workers to run the house, since ppl can't seem to hack working there, to make fun for you guys, so that you'll have something to go through.

and its really just a matter of how you go into it. are you going into these places going "These ppl aren't going to scare me, I'm going to act all touch and macho" therefore having no fun, and then in turn claiming things were "lame and stupid" lest you forget it takes thousands of ppl to work these haunts. Urgent Scare needed 80 a night to run properly.... towards the end of the season we were literally down to 30.... b/c ppl either couldn't take the hours (we're literally there for 9 hours with no break if you're over 18 and a half hour break if a minor, 5pm-2am) and dealing with ppl punching us, kicking us, and trying to be the "tough guy"

It seems (to me) that its the teenagers that are complaining about some of the attractions... did you ever think that we see so many teenagers that come through taunting us, touching us when they're not supposed and generally being THEE rudest guests towards the workers.... ppl tend to forget that these ppl are here FOR THEM, to have fun, because we WANT to. Haunt workers don't like dealing with some ppl just as much as you like dealing with some of them... yes there are some groups who dont fit the stereotype... but enough bad apples, we just give up even trying to scare certain age groups..... because its just not worth the crap we're going to get....

who was the lady last year that held the muffler and was constintly freaking out?

Which muffler thing? O:) the short one or the longer one that was a "blanky"

I heard a rumor that the Action Grill is going to be turned into a new haunt this year! Someone related to the haunt told me that they're going to use both sides of the patio, as well as the inside of the building for a new haunt, called Slaughterhouse. Personally I'm glad to see new haunts come in (assuming this is true). I think there are a few very good ones, and a few that either need work or need to go.

sorry to burst you're bubble, but the odds of that happening are very slim. Like someone already mentioned about Wings it might become and over the top eatery, but Health Codes and Safety Codes just wouldn't be feasible turning a used eatery into a Haunt zone....

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Urgent Scare was good on the outside, but it was annoying on the inside..

I had more fun standing in line for it then going through it.

Probably because it was the returners on the outside, and ppl that kept signing up, or ppl that we had to pull from other attractions because we didn't have enough workers to run the house, since ppl can't seem to hack working there, to make fun for you guys, so that you'll have something to go through.

and its really just a matter of how you go into it. are you going into these places going "These ppl aren't going to scare me, I'm going to act all touch and macho" therefore having no fun, and then in turn claiming things were "lame and stupid" lest you forget it takes thousands of ppl to work these haunts. Urgent Scare needed 80 a night to run properly.... towards the end of the season we were literally down to 30.... b/c ppl either couldn't take the hours (we're literally there for 9 hours with no break if you're over 18 and a half hour break if a minor, 5pm-2am) and dealing with ppl punching us, kicking us, and trying to be the "tough guy"

It seems (to me) that its the teenagers that are complaining about some of the attractions... did you ever think that we see so many teenagers that come through taunting us, touching us when they're not supposed and generally being THEE rudest guests towards the workers.... ppl tend to forget that these ppl are here FOR THEM, to have fun, because we WANT to. Haunt workers don't like dealing with some ppl just as much as you like dealing with some of them... yes there are some groups who dont fit the stereotype... but enough bad apples, we just give up even trying to scare certain age groups..... because its just not worth the crap we're going to get....

I have to agree with Stalker Chick. I worked inside Urgent Scare, in the "elevator" room as an eyeless doctor(which was an evolutionary character). as a "newbie" I learned alot about who you can and can't scare, and we all dealt with punching & kicking. Given what we had to work with I feel everyone did a great job, and as the season wound down it was more difficult as we kept losing people. I don't think we ever had the 80 people needed to properly work the attraction. what i find funny is I have seen several posts about how "lame" US was, as well as several stating how great it was. Folks, it is all subjective, and we are all entitled to our opinions, and I see all feedback as constructive. I can remember scaring some people so bad they would fall over, and one woman refused to go any futher in the attraction. and some of the best scares come when you catch a "tough guy" off guard.

Just My 2 cents worth..

Typical Guy

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It seems (to me) that its the teenagers that are complaining about some of the attractions... did you ever think that we see so many teenagers that come through taunting us, touching us when they're not supposed and generally being THEE rudest guests towards the workers.... ppl tend to forget that these ppl are here FOR THEM, to have fun, because we WANT to. Haunt workers don't like dealing with some ppl just as much as you like dealing with some of them... yes there are some groups who dont fit the stereotype... but enough bad apples, we just give up even trying to scare certain age groups..... because its just not worth the crap we're going to get....

Typical Guy

When I worked Fearfest I always felt that the rudest people were the parents who brought their frightened kids through the line and would yell at you "Don't scare my kid!" Well I'm sorry sir or ma'am but if you don't want me to scare your kids don't bring them through the line in the first place!

As for the tough guys, if I couldn't get a scare a second try I would come up with something funny or make fun of them in some way to their group to let them know they don't have to be so serious and they could enjoy themselves. It worked probably over half the time, but sometimes you just get punks and there is nothing you can do but move on to the next group.

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When my group goes through a Haunt, instead of having the "you can't scare me" teenager attitude, we tried to have as much fun as possible. Such as, screaming when you get scared, pretending the Haunt is real, acting scared if the SCAREacter did a good job trying to scare you. Just try and have fun when you go through a HAUNT and you'll be amazed at how different the experience is. I thought Urgent Scare, as well as most of the other HAUNTS, were awesome, if you make them fun.

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I heard a rumor that the Action Grill is going to be turned into a new haunt this year! Someone related to the haunt told me that they're going to use both sides of the patio, as well as the inside of the building for a new haunt, called Slaughterhouse. Personally I'm glad to see new haunts come in (assuming this is true). I think there are a few very good ones, and a few that either need work or need to go.

Why they would use Stunt Crew Grill and not an actual theater location that just happens to be vacant by the time Haunt rolls around (*cough*Nick Theater/Putz HQ*cough*) is beyond me, but them going for a Slaughterhouse maze wouldn't be much of a surprise/that new of a concept. Considering the maze themes they already have (house, circus/carnival, hospital, haunted trail, insane asylum/prison, cemetery), a generic butcher shop where human meat is said butcher's specialty would more than definitely fit in with the rest, despite what other Haunts had/have to stray from the norm.

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I noticed some of the other CF parks have alien themed Haunts. That would be pretty cool if KI got one. If they got rid of Asylum (I don't really like this maze that much) and it put it there then it would fit perfectly back in X-Base.

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