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Tomb Raider:The Ride


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  bignathan4403 said:
Hey, I was wandering if TR:TR is up and running now? I'm going the 21st so I was just asking. Are any other rides down, or just Tomb Raider? God I hope Delirium is still working. unsure.gif

Thanks a bunch,


As we've covered this before, no one knows if a ride will be open on a certain day. It may or not be, no one knows until as early as an hour before, or even as late as park opening.

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I really wouldnt mind that much if it was closed but my uncle or my cousin havent ridden it yet, so I want to get them on all of the new rides and stuff. Last time I rode TR:TR it broke down while I was in line, we waited 1 hour for it to be fixed, making our total wait somewhere around 2 1/2 hours. dry.gif If it has that long of a line when we go this next weekend, forget it. It's a good ride, but not THAT good. blink.gif

I personally like FOF better than anything, we are going to ride that first to avoid the long line we usually get in the afternoon. I hope I can get a dark ride on FOF this time cause last time I rode with the lights on because they were having problems with it getting stuck in the launch tunnel. TR:TR is cool too though, great themeing.

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  coasterbilly said:
TR:TR looks awesome.  Sorry, but what kind of a ride is it, i'm really not sure what the ride actually is, can you fill me in?  Thanks a lot.

TR:TR Is a Huss Ride (so is Delirium) The name of the model is called Giant Top Spin. TR:TR is the same thing only themed to tomb raider.

You can find info, movie clips, pictures of Giant Top Spin here

Huss Rides-Giant Top Spin

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Of course the catch with Tomb Raider: The Ride, is that the ride is a whole lot more than just a giant top spin. No other top spins, or dark rides for that matter, hurl you into spikes, drop 60 feet face down, flip you head over heels, and suspend you upside down over a lava pit with erupting geysers of steam and "lava". Not to mention an awesome(though terribly long)preshow process with large rooms, roll back doors, and artificial smoke and fire. Wrap that up with actual movie props, incredibly detailed theming, and the ride's own personal soundtrack, and you get the most elaborate PKI attraction yet. I would really like to see another dark ride like this in the park. I just wish it worked more.

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TRTR was running when I was there Thursday and Friday. When we went into the last antechamber the door began to shut and one of the ride ops stood there just looking at us as if he would never see us again so I waved and he waved back lol

I sat in the front row and had one of my best rides ever on it. I was even splashed in the face by the lava. The only thing I noticed was the statue's eyes wasnt working. I thought I remembered last year at the end of the ride while it was still in the dark, the eyes would light up and shine out...Both times I rode it, they wasnt working. I also noticed the op station, I always thought it was behind the top spin not in front of it...

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  DanielRadsgrl said:
Tomb Raider is like the best ride ever I swear everyone else hates it but i dont get ti I LOVE it

Who here hates TR:TR? Everyone I've heard said they liked it. It's just a very long wait because it keeps breaking down. I love TR:TR too it's just when they are holding you over the lava, it feels too much like your falling out. ohmy.gif

I really do hope we get to ride it this weekend though.

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Hmm... Water with red dye? I was thinking it was red and yellow lights that made it look like lava. Otherwise when they shoot it up at you, if it was red it would get on your shirt and stain it. THAT would be scary. But no, I really like TR:TR's effects.

Edited by bignathan4403
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Actually, for the most part people getting off seem to like the ride. Very seldomly do I hear someone say that hated it completely. There are mixed reviews but no one really hates it completely. There are those who like it, those who thought it was okay, those who thought it could have been better, those who wouldnt wait as long for it, and then those who absolutely loved it. I am one who likes it.

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When I went on opening day, the 6 people in my group rode it. We waited two and a half hours for it because we were bored and wanted to do something. Out of all six people one complained that she did not like it. Also before the ride she was freaking out because she had no clue what it was. I don't think she liked it because she had no clue what it was.

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