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The Son of Beast Discussion Thread


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A. If you're counting the 2006 incident, it's hard to say that was under Cedar Fair considering they took the reins only 2 weeks before.

B. If you're talking about the lady who was injured in May that sparked this entire craziness, I hardly call that an "Extreme Accident" considering that even after nearly 8 months there's still very little light on what happened.

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The fact remains that it was Cedar Fair operating and maintaining the ride on the day in question in July of 2006. The company had had every opportunity to examine what it was buying and operating and was responsible for the safety of the rides it chose to operate. To say otherwise is to say the public cannot rely on the safety of a park that has just changed hands. That is not the case.

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Yes, the case was settled out of court, but only after the issue of liability WAS decided by the jury involved. Why you seem to think Son of Beast was not determined to be the cause of the injuries is beyond me.

i'm talking about the woman who reported bursting a blood vessel in her head after riding Son of Beast, the case that was settled in court (the one left over from the '06 accident), i understand was caused by Son of Beast.

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A. If you're counting the 2006 incident, it's hard to say that was under Cedar Fair considering they took the reins only 2 weeks before.

B. If you're talking about the lady who was injured in May that sparked this entire craziness, I hardly call that an "Extreme Accident" considering that even after nearly 8 months there's still very little light on what happened.

If I am not mistaken didnt court prove that it was because of the ride that the vessel popped in her head? Plus as Don H said back in June/July the ride was to remain closed because they were not happy with the ride experience (see the Cincy.com article about SOB being cleared but sitting idle.)

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^^but with that, Son of Beast was tested and cleared to see if there was any part of the ride that could have caused such a force that would have caused a blood vessel to burst. so i don't see how they can use that as evidence that Son of Beast was the cause of the burst vessel.

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^^ actually any extra force on the human head could cause a blood vessel to burst... even a rapid change in air pressure can cause a vessel to burst. Its all about timing, and thanks terp about the court case of blood vessel lady..... and was SOB tested for force educed trauma or was it tested to make sure nothing had broken causing the injury. Just because the ride is operating the way it should be does not make it safe....

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One of the difficulties the plaintiff would have in a lawsuit over the burst blood vessel, were there a trial, is proving that it would not have happened had she not ridden Son of Beast. Causation, if you will. The park would doubtless argue the same injury would have occurred had she not ridden. The plaintiff would have the burden of proof of proving that the park's negligence somehow caused her injury. This would seem to be a very difficult burden.

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well would previous court cases have any barring on this one? Meaning the jury has found KI to be at fault (in one way shape or form) from the previous law suit... wouldnt a simple force test show that at any one point of the ride, there would be excessive force on the skull? or is it a much more indepth conversation/lawsuit than that....

Coaster: goose? What ?

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don't those signs at the front of the rides que pretty much the parks way of a waver, without signing anything?

A sign is a sign. Signs at WalMart say the company is not responsible for baskart damage. Yeah, right.

Signs at the body shop say the shop is not responsible for fire or theft. Uh huh.

And signs at an amusement park ride can attempt to disclaim liability. To some extent, they can be effective...but rides still need to be safe to the average user...the park cannot have foreseen the ride is apt to cause a healthy patron injury. As a ride gets more and more of a record of causing injuries, it is more and more likely to be removed, as a rule.

As to coaster, goose, what? See Fabio and Apollo's Chariot...


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totally missed on the goose one... now if we were talking about broken noses and he mentioned goose, I would have gotten that. Now wasnt the park able to shift the blame to the riders, the gentleman who broke his back, because he had some sort of disease and should have known better than ride the ride? Doesnt that allow them the same defense in this situation (Terp I know you dont have the perfect answer for this and if you did you cant answer it. Im just more asking it as a general question to think about)... and Hausty we can talk negatively about the ride if we want too.... lol

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well would previous court cases have any barring on this one? Meaning the jury has found KI to be at fault (in one way shape or form) from the previous law suit... wouldnt a simple force test show that at any one point of the ride, there would be excessive force on the skull? or is it a much more indepth conversation/lawsuit than that....

Coaster: goose? What ?

well, i doubt that would work, expecially since Cedar Fair redesigned and rebuild one whole section of the ride

and the goose was about when fabio got hit in the face while riding apollo's chariot, and you referring to the different things that could cause a blood vessel to burst.

edit: terpy beat me to explaining the goose.

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Let's put it this way for now and leave it at that (at least by me). Anyone can claim anything in a lawsuit. To recover in a personal injury action, they must prove the defendant either did something that caused the injury or failed to do something they were required to do and that failure caused the injury. A recovery can be reduced or even avoided in some cases if the plaintiff was also negligent and contributed to his/her injury. A trial is where such evidence is presented and heard, not the Internets. :)

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well would previous court cases have any barring on this one? Meaning the jury has found KI to be at fault (in one way shape or form) from the previous law suit... wouldnt a simple force test show that at any one point of the ride, there would be excessive force on the skull? or is it a much more indepth conversation/lawsuit than that....

Coaster: goose? What ?

well, i doubt that would work, expecially since Cedar Fair redesigned and rebuild one whole section of the ride

and the goose was about when fabio got hit in the face while riding apollo's chariot, and you referring to the different things that could cause a blood vessel to burst.

edit: terpy beat me to explaining the goose.

Correct me if I am wrong, and I may be, but they did not rebuild and redesign the area where ride failed. I thought they just rebuild it but with "better wood." I know they redesigned the loop area....... Plus a force test could be run to see what kind of forces the "average" rider would suffer during the ride. A doctor should say how much pressure would be needed to caust a vessel to burst. A Stroke is only caused by a weak area of a blood vessel being pushed on by a hard force.

EDIT: true terp, the internet is not where all of the evidence is presented as such. However the internet is where we get together and discuss over the imaginary water cooler, with out the boss yelling at us..... no harm, unless future jury members stumble upon this web site and have a set mindset before trial....

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..but we are missing the elements necessary to evaluate, much less decide, the case. That is the function of the discovery phase of litigation, where both sides can discover as much evidence as possible in order to best present their case to the trier of fact. Endless speculation without the necessary facts is rather pointless...though it can be educational and occasionally even entertaining (unless it is about business, then Jackson gets bored! :))

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I think the last two pages of this topic have gone to my head, and subsequently caused at least a headache...now, who do I sue? lol

In all seriousness though there is a lot of wisdom here...and there. This really reads like the first chapter of a law textbook, with discovery and causation, etc. Terpy, I hope you don't feel like you are repeating yourself, but it's beginning to seem like you are! I guess it's just one of those concepts that some grasp and some don't. Try not to burst a blood vessel explaining it to the masses!

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..but we are missing the elements necessary to evaluate, much less decide, the case. That is the function of the discovery phase of litigation, where both sides can discover as much evidence as possible in order to best present their case to the trier of fact. Endless speculation without the necessary facts is rather pointless...though it can be educational and occasionally even entertaining (unless it is about business, then Jackson gets bored! :))

Oh come now Terpy, this isn't boring (The boring topic is lying around here somewhere, it's got Apollo in the name) it's just long. And really complicated for 9 at night.

I can only imagine the reaction when the park map is released, or on opening day. I think there's a very good chance that Son of Beast will or will not open on April 17. Good. Now there's my contribution to this last 2 pages of logic. :)

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