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Stalkers Lazy Midd Summer Scream... sortof


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Yeah So I had the fun of having to factory reset my computer this week, so it took me awhile to get all my pics back on and get them uploaded and what not, so FINALLY... I give you my midsummer Scream PTR

So I think I only ended up getting an hour of sleep, thanks to Danielle (keiko Coaster) getting me way too excited the night before with plans to go see Rocky Horror Picture Show at midnight that night. and I haven't gone to one in over a year, so yeah. Got up, fortunately packed my Rocky attire the night before and headed down the long slow haul on 127 to Oxford. Picked Danielle up at her dorm, and were off to Middletown to pick up Justin. Me and Danielle were rocking out to some old school Jock Jams tunes (while i was trying to push the cheerleading routines from 10 years ago out of my mind lol) while Justin was being emo in the backseat :P Finally pulled into the employee parking lot around 11ish.


I love seeing this...

We got in and Danielle decided she wanted to get her sky flyer ticket now since it would most likely be $5 and she was right. While waiting on her some random person came up behind me and put his arms around my neck. Turned around to Dustin (kiruler), his dad, and Tracy (AgentSOB) whom i was extremely excited to see b/c i was sure he was gonna chicken out on his vow to conquer Drop Zone. The 2 had also gotten tickets, but decided the line was way too long to wait in and they'd come back later. We tried to convince Danielle of the same, but she assured us she'd be fine, and knew the workers so she'd talk to them and sent us on our way to DB since i was having withdrawls.

So off we went. to DB!


I spy green train!

And were assigned rows 14-16 without having to ask and me and Dustin bolted for the back row. b/c i figured i should at least give it another shot, but i'm really not a back seat fan i much prefer row 2. After getting off the ride, Danielle called us saying everyone was at the theater, so we headed in that direction and met up with quite a few more ppl. We chatted and caught up, and figured out who was with the event and that more o us just came to chill with everyone. Then most of the group decided to head into the theater for whoever was there from the hockey team, and tracy went with them, but we picked up Jackson who was opting to nap outside, and kidnapped him to the parking lot for a picnic. After lunch I went to turn my paperwork in, and justin went to get his pass, and Dustin went to interview. best part of this? Justin being in their system as a female :P Had me cracking up! Then it was time to head back into the park and hit up some Top Gun <3 The line was surpisingly long but we waited anyways. me and Jackson arguing about the length of the ride and the lift hill being included (which it totally is btw!) and then us proceeding to take random stupid/funny pics of us in line... but the best ones were then deleted by EmoJustin lol (i'm creating a new name for him O:) )


me being artsy or something


most prettiness


mass coinage i've never seen before. see this is what a line does to you





we're so cute!


me and Dustin being dorks


Jacksons turn! (he's not fast enough for me)


Jackson censored himself, but i don't know its him O:)

Great ride on seats 1-3, me and danielle on 3 cuz our long legs need a front seat. Then Dustin and dad had to head off for the event lunch and the 4 of us left decided to hit up the 80's show since I hadn't seen it yet. Saw Peanut and mom waiting in line, and then we went in and sat front row to the right of the stairs, Peanut and crew across the aisle from us. Of course we had the preshow dance party entertainment courtesy of Peanut, and I went over to talk to mom since I hadn't seen them since closing day last year

And now my favorite!

It was a great show!! Altho... I felt entirely way too old sitting next to Jackson watching the confused look on his face going "Do you know this song" and him sheepishly looking at me going "Not a clue..." well he new Micheal Jackson, and Time of my life, altho he's never seen Dirty Dancing, and he knew Girls wanna have fun. Now the girl that does Tina Turner i think is amazing! she nails the look and the way she vocalizes. All 3 of them were looking at me funny at that point lol *sigh* the package that coes with being an 80's child in a new millennium generation. don't appreciate nothin! haha Oh and now i have to add, that come time for the serenade (and i honestly don't even remember what the song was cuz i was way too busy laughing hysterically) Mind you Danielle leans to me towards the end of the song right before it and goes "Just so you know, you're probably gonna end up on stage here in a just a few" well.... lets let the pics do that talking shalt we?




we were losing it! (oh and Jackson, we still need your video of it uploaded *cough*cough*)

At the end of the show got a good bye hug from Peanut telling me he can't wait to see me at Haunt (awwww... hamoperator, you're kids are the greatest!) and it started to rain. So off we headed to the carousel cuz what's better to do when it rains and everyone else is preparing for a walk back tour. so away we went and not a moment too soon.


i give up trying to make any sense of anything i do on a carousel LOL

Fortunately the rain had let loose while we were on the ride, so we had a small break to make a dash for the bumper cars. Now there's an epic fail there that they need to fix with the gutters. Right in the middle of the outside line it's either blocked or something, cuz there was nothing but a waterfall coming down that we had to run through.. or in the case of me being with the youngins, break up a splash fight *rolls eyes* lol but bumper cars was fun. i made it more than 3/4 the way around this time. and Danielle was wrong in her thinking she could just skirt by by riding the outside of the track... but no worries we still got her. Then we headed off back towards rivertown for a bathroom smoke break. Has anyone else noticed the smoking section on the side of the restrooms there across from larosa's? Cuz that was the first time i noticed it there. While we were chilling we heard an announcement for the last Marty's Party show so we decided to head there, since we still hadn't heard from any of the walk-back group.


does this tiny little "broom" actually accomplish anything?!


Jackson <3's his DB



It's actually quite a funny little show... It might have been funnier to me once i figured out that Marty is my Haunt supervisor for the past 3 years (including this one) And so I had to point out to Justin that he'd be his again this year (is it bad when that i figured it out when he does his little hurry up scream thing lol) so it was entertaining. Ryan and Tom (CoastersNSich) had met us there so we chatted with them and got a message it was time for Tracy to meet his doom. So we gathered them, and I proceeded to run into a little friend again and gave Peanut a piggy back ride up to mom, and then we were off to Action Zone! yay!!


Tracy being nervous


Tracy: "No!! you can't make me go!!" Us: "wanna bet?!"

We met up with Jesse, Sean, Shawn, dustin and his dad, and after some stalling potty breaks we were ready to get in line! It was an entertaining line if nothing else. An ACE rep on a road trip from Cali jumped back a row to join us and talk with us the rest of the wait. And tracy kept trying not to look at the thing while jesse didn't help much to calm his nerves lol So on we go, and we made sure he wasn't getting out of it! Locked loaded and 6 minute long video to prove it! Thanks to Ryan (Boddah) for filming for me


I have a battle scar on my finger from him jamming my hand into the harness LOL don't worry it didn't hurt just looked like it did. He was such a trooper!

We then proceeded to help Tracy calm himself down so we were headed for DB, but then decided Adventure Express was such a better way to go. It took some fnagling to get 12 of us on the same train, but by golly i did a darned good job and was proud of myself. we took up the last 6 rows, and i was the only one that managed a hands ride the entire ride (slackers! lol) then it was on to The Racers, me and Sean (indianapolisman) opted for a smoke break. and the craziest thing i look up after awhile and see a girl i graduated high school with sitting across the path with her husband and 4 year old! (mind you i haven't seen her since the summer we graduated in '02) So went over and said hi to her and we caught up a bit but it was crazy for me (since we live like 2 1/2 hours away lol) The group got back together and some ppl decided to hit up FoF while me danielle, justin, and tracy decided food might be a better option, So back out to the parking lot we went. I noticed that the row right after the handicapped row had an open spot on the end, so tracy and danielle waited there while i went to get the car and move it closer. Then it was across the fence and the access drive to the blanket on the grass


take one. i had to play with the auto timer and the grass ugh


much better! I <3 parking lot picnics!

then it was time to head back on to get a night ride on DB. the 4 of us saw Adam (ki boy) and Ryan (coasterkid) standing in the single riders line, so we convinced them to join our group, and it was done. Now through some sort of mix up or miscommunication or goodness knows what. Danielle didn't get in the line with us. so she went therough the single rider line when we got to the steps and just kinda walked up with us on her side. When we got to the top we saw Gabe was pulsing so we kindly asked him if we could have a single rider (while pointing at danielle) and then if it would be too much trouble to be up front. And Gabe was amazing at giving us all we wanted lol major props go out to him! but i opted for a row 3 ride since adam and danielle were going to go for the front row but with it 5 or 6 trains deep we convinced them 2 would suffice, and I have to admit i think that 3 is my favorite front seat row!!! I dont know what it is about it, the air the ejection the g's idk but it freakin rocks at night!!

So then we all headed towards The Beast, since that was the one thing i was not leaving the park without doing. I hadn't gotten a night ride since opening day. We passed Dustin and his dad just as we got in so they waited for us and joined us again.all the switchbacks before the ramp were opened, but we were told the station was a strightshot in. No biggy. we got fireworked shut down, but no big deal. I love the sound of the fireworks echoing off The Crypt i dont know why but its entertaining. The ACE rep was on the other side of the divider from us so we got to chat with him and his kid some more. and he showed us his super awesome camera! It takes slow mo movies it was so neat to see the db splashdown in slow mo. He was also kind enough to take some pics for us.


can we never take a serious pic?


holy cow we can!! whats wrong with us?!?! LOL


and i LOVE jesse's description of KIC initiation of Coasterkid joining us at the park yay

had a FANTASTIC night ride in the back row, and Charles the ride op was way hilarious! He had on the giat oversized plastic bright green glasses, and even joined our chant of "one more time" when we pulled into an empty station house lol Then it was time to head out of the park and for me Danielle and Justin to head down to UC for Rocky! but of course... we can't pass up tradition


It was a totally epic amazing day at KI even tho I can say I really didn't do anything lol. And then to top it all off with going to Rocky for redneck night, it was amazing! and i'm including justins pic in there, since he was so gracious to go along with it :)



the candy cigarettes totally complete the redneck look i think

Thanks KIC for a great end to my season most likely Since I'll be working through Haunt. Can't wait to see you there! make sure you find me outside Urgent Scare!

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Peanut, by the way, is Hamoperator's daughter...

KICentral.com forum member 'hamoperator' states about the cute dancing kid everyone sees at most of the shows at Kings Island, and whom everyone initially thinks is a boy: "Sorry to bust a bubble, that's my Daughter. PEANUT. We are friends of the cast and she doesn't miss too many of the shows, County Line, 80's and Hot Island."...


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Altho... I felt entirely way too old sitting next to Jackson watching the confused look on his face going "Do you know this song" and him sheepishly looking at me going "Not a clue..."

Yeah, had that same experience most of the morning when I was riding with Jackson and Adam.

Peanut, by the way, is Hamoperator's daughter...

This is cool to know - I've seen Peanut dancing before and during shows before (and to the music at the IS bandstand even when no show is anywhere near to occuring). Glad to know its a KIC'ers kid having fun and entertaining the crowd!

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sooo i will never be able to live that down. and its not the fact that i didnt want to go up on stage, its more or less the fact that i have a HUGE PHOBIA of being sung to. lol. And then again....... someone **COUGH***** was singing the entire time next to me, thats why i thought you might be going up.

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sooo i will never be able to live that down. and its not the fact that i didnt want to go up on stage, its more or less the fact that i have a HUGE PHOBIA of being sung to. lol. And then again....... someone **COUGH***** was singing the entire time next to me, thats why i thought you might be going up.

LOL what?! ok ok so i was showing my age a little knowing every single word to every single song, while Jackson just looked at me like i some anomoly growing out of my head :lol: but i thought you braved it quite well under the circumstances.... and i still think he might have a little crush on you ;) haha

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