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I'm looking for the music that plays in Coney Mall during Haunt, like the creepy carnival music and stuff. If someone could tell me what the names of the songs are, it would be a big help. Thanks!

Edit: I am looking for the music from last year, but music from other years would be fine too!

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lol wel we still have yet to determine the creepy ballerina song yet, (thank God or uncle henry would be throwing it in my fae everyday!) i can't stand it. its the one that creeps me out. and they tend to change them every year, and in every section of the park.

but don't worry you'll hear it when you leave your attraction at night when the parks deserted and you'll figure them out by the end of th year ;):P lol

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I don't know what all was played in Coney Mall specifically, but I have a huge playlist of Halloween music on my iPod. I can PM you the list of songs if you'd like. It's got everything from classical (Bach's Tocatta and Fugue, etc) to oldies (Spooky by the Classics IV and Monster Mash) to current (Dragula by Rob Zombie) and movie themes (Tubular Bells from Exorcist).

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Thanks for the replies everyone! I found this website that lists some music they play at Knotts. http://www.ultimatehaunt.com/theevent2/hau.../hauntmusic.htm

Thanks Kat, I was just looking for the stuff played in Coney Mall though. So I wouldn't want you to waste your time making a list of all those songs for no reason. Thanks anyway though! :D

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I'm pretty sure Nox Arcana - Haunted Carousel is played in that area. Unless I'm thinking of something else.

OMG!! YOU ROCK! that song totally plays. right before the ballerina song. i love this song tho! its so creepy and amazing and even creepier at 2 am with fog and no one around when some random creeper... *glares in Dane's direction* decides he wants to come and scare the crap out of you unexpectedly... 'm really gonna have to watch my back for them this year... i feel like they're gonna come after me with a vengence this year since some of them *cough*cough*uncle henry*cough* couldn't manage to scareme last year ;)

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I have a 3 hour trip to KI, and my playlist to get down there is all Halloween related songs. I have a few that are played at the park (Monster, Thriller) but mostly i stick to Halloween movie/theatre songs (Nightmare Before Christmas, Rocky Horror, Ghostbusters, Little Shop of Horrors, Signs) with of course some Disney stuff thrown in (Grim Grimming Ghosts) and some classic rock songs (Highway to Hell, Enter Sandman.) Its an extremely aclectic mix of songs I mostly only listen to this time of the year and since I dont bring anyone on these trips (none of my friends want to pay for a hotel) I dont have to worry about scaring/boring them with the strange mix of music. I do a much more mainstream mix of rock and roll and the classic halloween songs for my Halloweekends playlist.

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Touchdown ... can I convince you to PM me your playlist? I'm always looking for extra ideas to add on to my Halloween playlist. :) This is my favorite time of year, everything from the chill in the air, the smell of autumn, Haunt and other scary stuff, costumes, and especially the music!!

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I only have about a 10 minute drive from home to Haunt, or a 20 minute drive from my other job to Haunt. This is what I listen to on the drive:

The Most Frightening Music in the Universe

Scary Music by Erich Kunzel & The Cincinnati Pops

and of course, Rob Zombie - Past, Present & Future. You just can't go wrong with Rob Zombie to get you pumped up for Haunt! This is the one I listen to most on the way.

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Thanks for those links Gator. Some new songs on there for me to put onto my iPod - though admittedly, I have the majority of the first link already on my Halloween playlist!

Night on Bald Mountain is like .. the quintessential Halloween song. Everything about it is creepy. Not to mention there's a nice little viola solo in it. :) (Right at the end of the clip on Amazon) One of my favorite pieces I've ever played on viola.

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Touchdown ... can I convince you to PM me your playlist? I'm always looking for extra ideas to add on to my Halloween playlist. :) This is my favorite time of year, everything from the chill in the air, the smell of autumn, Haunt and other scary stuff, costumes, and especially the music!!

I've got a nice little collection of some good Halloween and/or Halloween-like music I play outside my house while getting it spruced up on Beggars Night (before I unleash my custom mix of sounds and music). I can PM some of them over if you'd like. I'm sure you probably have most of them, but I might have a few that are new to you.

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Thanks for those links Gator. Some new songs on there for me to put onto my iPod - though admittedly, I have the majority of the first link already on my Halloween playlist!

Night on Bald Mountain is like .. the quintessential Halloween song. Everything about it is creepy. Not to mention there's a nice little viola solo in it. :) (Right at the end of the clip on Amazon) One of my favorite pieces I've ever played on viola.


Do you have Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique? The 4th movement is great for halloween...also Schubert's unfinished 8th symphony is good as well. I have both and if you want I can get them to you this wknd.

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