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LEAST Favorite Haunt


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I'm sorry slaughterhouse, I just can't get past the poo smell. To me that's not scary, its just gross. I mean if I wanted a haunt along those lines, it would be center'd around a plumber & sewage probs. Like backed up toilets & overflowing portapotties & rat infested sewers.

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What is your LEAST favorite Haunt?

From what I've done probably Club Blood or CornStalkers.

Gotta say it was Cornstalkers because it just wasn't that scary! They all looked like potato sacks with feet. I went opening night, so perhaps they got better with time...

Cutthroat Cove wasn't scary, but it was at least a little funny and entertaining.

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Cut Throat Cove was pretty bad.. not scary at all. But Cemetery Drive takes the cake every year for me. It's so wide-open, and you can easily tell where the scareactors are hiding. Not to mention the massive groups they sent through at a time.

On a bright note, I actually liked Death Row better this year than the last few times I've gone through it.

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The smell is pretty much gone from Slaughter House now, except for the possibility of one room. It used to be pretty much the whole house that smelled.

This topic is the perfect opportunity for me to re-state something I said last year. If you don't like an attraction, tell us why you don't like it (or if you liked it, why did you like it). One of my biggest pet peeves is people who just say "It sucked". Thankfully I've seen a lot less of that this year than last, and most of the people in this topic so far (with two exceptions) have been good about this.

As a scareacter, it's good to get feedback, whether it be good or bad. It lets us know what works and what doesn't, and we can use that criticism to improve. I realize, and I hope other scareacters do too, that not everyone will like the same things. One person's favorite will be another's least favorite. So if someone says something negative about your favorite (or the attraction you work in), there's no need for backlash.

Now before I possibly get called out on it, I realize I may have been a little harsh on one person who criticized Slaughter House in another topic, but that person had only been through it during rehearsal week when A LOT of the effects and props had not been put in yet, so I felt that they couldn't give an accurate assessment of the attraction. Now that it's open to the public, accurate assessments can be made. (And I'll add that I don't hold any ill feelings towards that person. He was just stating his opinion based on what he saw at the time, and I probably would have had the same opinion of it if I had been in his shoes. :) But now that it's done, it's a completely different experience!)

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Cut Throat Cove needs to just be done away with. If not then the Ent dept must get better masks for those pirates. I don't know what it is about me but the pirates and the clowns are always the most forgettable attractions for me....I often forget they exist.

Not too mention when a pirate tries to say something, you don't have the slightest clue on what they just said cause those ridiculous Wal-mart bought masks muffle everything they say. That's what I love about the Clown house now since they started to lean away from the masks and going makeup mostly.

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There needs to be less lighting in CTC and have it more dark. I do have to say the soundtrack playing through it was cool. But it made it feel more of a Fun walk through attraction than a scary haunted attraction. With the lighting and so forth.

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This topic is the perfect opportunity for me to re-state something I said last year. If you don't like an attraction, tell us why you don't like it (or if you liked it, why did you like it). One of my biggest pet peeves is people who just say "It sucked". Thankfully I've seen a lot less of that this year than last, and most of the people in this topic so far (with two exceptions) have been good about this.

As a scareacter, it's good to get feedback, whether it be good or bad. It lets us know what works and what doesn't, and we can use that criticism to improve. I realize, and I hope other scareacters do too, that not everyone will like the same things. One person's favorite will be another's least favorite. So if someone says something negative about your favorite (or the attraction you work in), there's no need for backlash.

OK I will say that Cornstalkers was boring and not scary. Club Blood was not scary at all. I went through and practically you just walked down a hallway with curtains on the side. Each curtain had a person behind it so it was ver predictable. And why do people dislike Urgent Scare? I thought it was pretty good.

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I dislike Urgent Scare for two reasons:

1) The photo-op in the first room - So you're going through bloody curtains and all of a sudden, you're in the middle of a riot scene. Town citizens are beaten, bloody, and possibly infected, all making their way towards the hospital at the end of the park. A badly damaged medical van sits in front of the hospital, its emergency lights the only form of illumination for the entire first scene. The screams of the angry mob get louder and louder as you inch closer and closer. A lone victim (maybe even a member of the hospital executive branch) has hung himself for all to see. The scene has already been set for an amazing journey into what could possibly a traumatically horrific romp through a hospital under siege by a deadly virus (possibly a new rage-style strand of the H1N1 disease). And then...

...you enter a Kodak photo-op room with two Kaman's managers in normal, blood and virus-free, business attire.


....are you serious?

Way to take people out of the experience there. With the amount of overhype surrounding the event, calling it the "the most immersive Halloween experience around", it's very contradicting (and in some cases, insulting) to take people out of an immersive Halloween experience by including a photo opportunity INSIDE a maze (no monsters are a part of the picture either, not surprisingly) in an attempt to get even more money from them.

I think gouging money from customers by endangering the lives of fellow scareactors via letting drunks run rampant throughout the park with no restrictions on how many beers they drink after charging them $8 a beer is enough, don't you think? :angry:

2) The decontamination spray tent at the beginning of the second outdoor scene - Last year marked the debut of Urgent Scare, one of the most popular and thematically-designed attractions Kings Island had ever done for the Haunt. Two things, however, kept it from truly being an iconic experience: the last third of the massive (3,000 square feet, to be exact) maze was virtually empty scenery-wise, and the decontamination tent at the end of the indoor portion of the maze. Rather than offer a nice fine mist of water, guests were showered with torrential rain (a bit harsh, but that's what it felt like) which, combined with the already cold October weather, equaled a frozen and angry body.

Fast forward to this year. It would be assumed that they would learn from their mistakes and guest complaints about getting rained on inside the tent, and either tweak it to finally shoot off a fine mist or axe it and use low-density foggers instead, right?

....riiiiiight? :mellow:

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Before I say what I voted for, let me make clear that since I'm a scareacter in Haunt I've only gone throuh this maze on rehearsal night (And as such, there are six mazes that I wasn't able to go through that night) so my opinion is based on how it was when I went through it. It may have improved since then, but I wouldn't know. Had to get that out of the way so some disgruntled scareacter from this attraction doesn't attack me like what happened when I gave my opinion on Slaughterhouse (Just messin' with ya, Gary :P)

My vote went for Cemetary Drive. Out of the six haunts I went through on rehearsal night (Cornstalkers, Club Blood, Slaughterhouse, Cut-Throat Cove, Cemetary Drive, and Massacre Manor) that one was by far the worst. The majority of the scareacters were standing right out in the open talking to eachother, and then started doing hasty zombie walks in our direction as we walked through. Not scary at all.

Some of the actors were also quite rude. Touching and shoving me and my friends as we walked through. And we even called one of them out on it when he touched one of us and he responded by calling her a profane name.

The fog machines were turned on very high in some parts of the maze, and were barely working in other parts. My gut feeling is that this was a technical issue and was addressed thereafter, but I can't be sure.

Although the maze wasn't entirely bad. One woman was leanin up against a fence pretending to be a statue and just when I was starting to question wether or not she was real, she jumped out at me which gave me a good jump. Kudos to her.

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I think you and me had the same night of maze walk throughs at rehearsal Justin ^

and during walk throughs I felt the worst was Cut Throat Cove. I know what its like trying to talk through the masks, of course I can not wear them anymore cause of the newly found asthma. I think its time either they drop the maze cause the concept never seemed to work or go all makeup. Cemetery when we walked through I thought was the best and it was broad daylight, in particular the statues which at first glance I thought were fake... .________.

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Before I say what I voted for, let me make clear that since I'm a scareacter in Haunt I've only gone throuh this maze on rehearsal night (And as such, there are six mazes that I wasn't able to go through that night) so my opinion is based on how it was when I went through it. It may have improved since then, but I wouldn't know. Had to get that out of the way so some disgruntled scareacter from this attraction doesn't attack me like what happened when I gave my opinion on Slaughterhouse (Just messin' with ya, Gary :P)

:lol: Good one! This time you put a disclaimer on your opinion, which makes it alright in my book! ;)

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Yeah but from what I saw timing was a problem everywhere. Not just in Cemetary Drive. Another problem I saw in multiple attractions were people who tried to pull off a pop-scare by saying "boo" (Mind you I said "saying," as in using the same tone of voice you would use in regular conversation and not screaming, growling, etc.)

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