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Stuff posted on the web is public. It is saved by many other places.

If you, the website owner, have not saved your own copy, you may find yourself trying to defend yourself against an allegation that something was posted on your site that in fact never was.

It should be added that stuff removed by the mods IS saved elsewhere, just YOU (and other users) can't see it. Stuff removed by a user might well be far more difficult to recover.

Finally, a user could start a huge fight, then remove his/her threads and run...doing so again and again.

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We can't allow people to remove their own topics because if something was to be posted that would cause a issue, we must save it.

I didn't mean remove the whole topic, I meant remove the poll but still have the topic and all posts intact. Like, when you originally create the poll, you set a date for it to end (vBulletin does it this way), then at that date, the poll disappears instead of staying there as a dead poll.

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