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King's Island Trip Report 4/25/10


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First off I would like to say that this was my first visit to an amusement park this early in the year as well as my first visit to an amusement park as a Season Pass Holder. All weekend the weather forecast called for rain, rain, and more rain, but since the morning was supposed to be pretty clear, we decided to go for it. It didn't rain the entire time we were there, but it began to sprinkle once we left.

Me and my Dad woke up at about 7 and left at 8, putting us at the park at around 9:30. We showed the gate guard our pass certificates and parked in the gold pass parking area. We headed up to the gates and processed our Platinum Passes, which was a lot easier than I had expected. At this point, it was about 9:45 so we headed into the park straight for Diamondback.

My first ride of the 2010 season was a front row ride on Diamondback. This was my 4th or 5th ride on Diamondback, but it was my first in the front seat. Simply outstanding views as well as airtime. The floating airtime moments over the 3rd and 5th hill were outstanding. It was a great way to start off the season. Before heading off to The Beast we noticed that a lot of people were wearing Intimidator 305 shirts (possibly a lot of people from KICentral?)

I don't remember where I sat for my first ride on The Beast, but I remember that it was in the 3rd row of the car. The ride on The Beast was refreshing after the offseason, but I would have preferred a front row seat. Oh well, on to Vortex.

As usual, we rode The Vortex near the back of the train assuring great airtime on the first drop. I'd have to say that this was the best ride on The Vortex I've ever had! There was absolutely no headbanging, the airtime was aplenty, and the corkscrews were so much fun. Even as I got of the rain I heard people saying to one another "Man that was smooth!"

We continued on down the Coney Mall. We decided to check out the lines at X-Base. Both Flight of Fear and Firehawk had decent waits (>15 minutes), so we decided to try out Firehawk. We waited about 10 minutes in line and strapped ourselves in the restraints. We were then asked to unbuckle ourselves and get back in line. After about 15 minutes of waiting for the ride to be repaired we left the line and headed for Flight of Fear. The line had left Firehawk and built up on Flight of Fear, giving us about a 20 minute wait. The launch on Flight of Fear felt more powerful than usual, but that's probably because of the long offseason.

After we got off of FoF we headed back down Coney Mall to ride The Racer. They were only running the blue side at this time of the day (around 11:30). I waited the extra train to get a front seat ride on it. I was surprised at the amount of airtime I had, especially since I don't normally get any on it. It was pleasant to see the tunnel clear of the gum, although I think the ride needs to be repainted, particularly the turnaround right after the train leaves the station.

At this time we decided to eat some lunch, so we had a couple of slices of pizza from LaRosas on International Street.

We headed back to Rivertown and got 2 more rides on Diamondback. One ride was near the front and the other was near the back. Riding Diamondback near the backseat offers more ejector airtime than I had expected, and I was expecting a lot. Heck, you spend more time out of your seat than you do in it! I still say I prefer the front for the better view and the hangtime on the first hill, but the backseat is amazing for ejector air over the hills.

Planet Snoopy looked so much better than Nickelodeon Universe. I didn't see a single kid frowning, but I did see a lot of kids giving the characters hugs, as well as calling the characters by name. So much for the "Kids have no idea who Snoopy is" crap.

We ended the day with a trip up the Eiffel Tower and a stop at one of the gift shops.


Diamondback - x3

Beast - x1

Vortex - x1

Flight of Fear - x1

Blue Racer - x1

We started riding around 10 and stopped around 1:30. 7 rides in 3 and a half hours (plus lunch) should give you the idea that most were walkons.

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I myself just got back from the park as well. I got up there and met several other KIC people. Diamondback in a steady rain is quite painful. All in all, crowds were on the light side. I assume it is because of Music in the parks, although I`ve never witnessed this at past Music in the Park days, but we actually saw a marching band marching down Coney Mall playing music. Pretty cool. I know that Cedar Point and Disney World do this. I wish that KI would do stuff like that more often. It adds an extra bit of excitement to the atmosphere.

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^^when it feels as if you are being shoved up out of your seat with a great force, but don't get this confused with floater air, where you genitally float up out of your seat for a couple of seconds.

Perhaps the most Freudian spelling error in the history of KIC.....LOL!

beatle, would you please explain to me what i did wrong? english is my weak point, and i'll happily take any pointers on how to correct the language i speak. :)

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^^when it feels as if you are being shoved up out of your seat with a great force, but don't get this confused with floater air, where you genitally float up out of your seat for a couple of seconds.

Perhaps the most Freudian spelling error in the history of KIC.....LOL!

beatle, would you please explain to me what i did wrong? english is my weak point, and i'll happily take any pointers on how to correct the language i speak. :)

"genitally" instead of "gently"

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^^when it feels as if you are being shoved up out of your seat with a great force, but don't get this confused with floater air, where you genitally float up out of your seat for a couple of seconds.

Perhaps the most Freudian spelling error in the history of KIC.....LOL!

beatle, would you please explain to me what i did wrong? english is my weak point, and i'll happily take any pointers on how to correct the language i speak. :)

"genitally" instead of "gently"

I believe chaddie's post should be the end of this discussion, as this is a family site.... :)

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My version of ejector vs floater air.

Ejector air would cause you to be thrown out of the train if you didn't have restraints.

Floater air causes you to leave your seat, but not so much that you wouldn't land back down in it if you didn't have restraints.

We had a great day in the park today too. Got there just before 10:00 and left after the 6:00 Too Much TV show.

AE 2

Backlot 1

Beast 2

Boo 2

Carousel 1

Delirium 1

Diamondback 3

Drop Tower 1

Flight Deck 1


Invertigo 1

Race for your life 1

Racer 2

Shake Rattle & Roll 1

Too Much TV 1

Train 1

Vortex 1

Woodstock 1

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I too was at the park today from around 10-1:30. A friend and I had been debating going all week. We almost did not go because of the weather forecast but it looked like the morning was going to be ok and I wanted to go ahead and get my pass processed so we went for it. I am glad we did. The weather was good the time we were there and lines were almost non existent, so it turned out to be a great visit. I was very impressed with Planet Snoopy. I thought it looked great and kids seemed to be having a good time. I also really liked Boo Blasters. I can see where some of the younger guest may be a little more scared of it than SDatHC but it was very well done. All and all I think the park is looking better every year. I know there are plenty of things that all of us would like to see changed, fixed, restored, etc but I think the park looked good, the staff was friendly and everything seemed to be operating fairly smooth so I believe KI is moving in a good direction.

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It was fun hanging out with you today Dave. As well as all the other people that comprised the KIC group most of the day. Sorry I bugged out a little early, but I felt a big headache coming on. And in fact, when I got home I just sat on the couch for a good half hour after taking some advil.

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