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Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular


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In addition to lighted trees and interactive displays along the midways, the park's signature Eiffel Tower will sparkle in color from top to bottom making this a truly unique and must-see experience.

I am so excited for the lighted tower. Covered in twinkling LED lights? That sounds incredible. At the park today, I could see some of the lights in place on the tower. To be completely honest, our current lighting systems are starting to show a lot of age. Only one side of the tower is illuminated, and usually unevenly. Plus, the two colors I see the tower illuminated in the most often are yellow (why?!) and purple (too dark to be striking). It would do a tremendous amount of good to have nice, bright, LED lights.

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I did not venture up in the tower today, or around the backside of the tower today or on Friday to see any additional work that they have done since last week.

The lights that shine on the front side of the tower were installed for Winterfest back in 2005. They are not that old. The lights can change colors, and the color selection is programmable. I like it when the tower was lit up in the blue color. When they installed those lights, they were ONLY installed on the front side. It will be interesting to see what the tower looks like with this new light spectacular. Also, night rides on Backlot will be interesting this year too, since the trees right beyond the helix are covered in lights.

Does anyone know how many lights Cedar Point`s Starlight Experience uses? The information on Kings Island`s Events page states that Snoopy`s Starlight Spectacular will utilize more than 2 million lights. And I wonder what is meant by the interactive displays. If those will be similar to the displays that Cedar Point has, or what those will entail.

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I am so excited for the lighted tower. Covered in twinkling LED lights? That sounds incredible. At the park today, I could see some of the lights in place on the tower. To be completely honest, our current lighting systems are starting to show a lot of age. Only one side of the tower is illuminated, and usually unevenly. Plus, the two colors I see the tower illuminated in the most often are yellow (why?!) and purple (too dark to be striking). It would do a tremendous amount of good to have nice, bright, LED lights.

Define "twinkling"... Also, the different colors create visual interest. It isn't always yellow and deep violet. Would you rather have just white light like it used to be before the system was put in?

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Some of Cedar Points lights have a twinkling effect to them. In particular in the tunnel under Millenium Force, and the large snowflake that is on the roof of a building. Also, they dim and turn off some of the LED lights like the "firework" LED light scenes in the summer area of their Snoopy`s Starlight Experience.

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Some of Cedar Points lights have a twinkling effect to them. In particular in the tunnel under Millenium Force, and the large snowflake that is on the roof of a building. Also, they dim and turn off some of the LED lights like the "firework" LED light scenes in the summer area of their Snoopy`s Starlight Experience.

I meant twinkling in respect to the tower lights. The lights on the front certainly don't "twinkle". I'd be interested in seeing what this new system has in store for guests...

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And I was referring you to an example of a "twinkling effect" created for Cedar Point`s Starlight Experience. Something similar could be utilized on the Eiffel Tower at Kings Island. Since I did not venture back behind the Eiffel Tower this past weekend, I can`t comment on what, if anything has actually been added to the tower so far.

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Some of Cedar Points lights have a twinkling effect to them. In particular in the tunnel under Millenium Force, and the large snowflake that is on the roof of a building. Also, they dim and turn off some of the LED lights like the "firework" LED light scenes in the summer area of their Snoopy`s Starlight Experience.

I meant twinkling in respect to the tower lights. The lights on the front certainly don't "twinkle". I'd be interested in seeing what this new system has in store for guests...

I believe the Tower will be equipped with the same LED lights as the plants. At least, it looks that way from the back of the Tower, which has already begun to be dressed in lights... And I suppose I would rather have the Tower just be white. It looks classy. Driving down the highway (as I do - I live four hours away and usually arrive Friday nights with friends) the Tower is simply not very striking when it's deep purple, and about the last color I'd ever chose to illuminate the Eiffel Tower is yellow. It looks... strange... To say the least.


That's what I loved about the park - the nice, bright Tower with complimentary fountains. If that was back when there were only white lights, then yes, I prefer the white lights. It always looks nice, of course... But a yellow tower and pink and blue fountains? Just odd choices if you ask me.

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LED lights on the tower? You mean, they're basically mounting Christmas lights on the tower? Wouldn't that look a bit... tacky?

That is the main problem with the Starlight shows, the look during the day.

I found the "look" of the Frontier Trail last year during the day to be just fine, the lights were hardly visible unless you were looking for them.

As far as the tower's concerned, I doubt the look is ruined. If Disney can get away with draping their castles with light netting every winter (which is painfully obvious from Main St, USA), the lights on the tower shouldn't be a big deal.

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So far from what I have seen of the show at Kings Island, it does not look that tacky during the day. Most of the lights blend in fairly well. Granted, I haven`t seen any of the lights on the tower yet.

I`m really excited to see this light show this year. I think it will be a wonderful family friendly addition to the park. Speaking from experience though working with Christmas lights, maintenance will be key to this remaining successful. It doesn`t take much for strands to burn out and entire sections to go dark, which over time would ruin the effect.

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So far from what I have seen of the show at Kings Island, it does not look that tacky during the day. Most of the lights blend in fairly well. Granted, I haven`t seen any of the lights on the tower yet.

I`m really excited to see this light show this year. I think it will be a wonderful family friendly addition to the park. Speaking from experience though working with Christmas lights, maintenance will be key to this remaining successful. It doesn`t take much for strands to burn out and entire sections to go dark, which over time would ruin the effect.

If the lights are the same ones that CP used, which I have no reason to doubt they will be, they are all closed circuit LED strands, meaning if 1, 2, or 40 LEDs in the set go out, the rest stay lit. Also, LEDs have a much higher life expectancy than traditional bulbs, so it would take quite a while before units start to go.

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Right. But when I was at Cedar Point last August, I saw several sets that were out completely.

Ah yes, I saw that too, but I was told it was a control/electrical issue. Their control/pack distribution was pretty screwey. Hopefully KI's is a bit more straighforward, which would prevent "lost" paths like CP was experiencing.

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LED lights on the tower? You mean, they're basically mounting Christmas lights on the tower? Wouldn't that look a bit... tacky?

That is the main problem with the Starlight shows, the look during the day.

I found the "look" of the Frontier Trail last year during the day to be just fine, the lights were hardly visible unless you were looking for them.

As far as the tower's concerned, I doubt the look is ruined. If Disney can get away with draping their castles with light netting every winter (which is painfully obvious from Main St, USA), the lights on the tower shouldn't be a big deal.

Don't get me wrong, I love the starlight experience. I guess it is all a matter of person taste. I thought the lights took away from the Frontier Trail during the day. Of course some of that maybe the area is themed as a frontier town and has all of these high tech LEDs hanging all over the place. I am just one of those people that notice things like that such as all the wifi bridges that go from building to building so the system talks.

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True. Kings Island`s Starlight Spectacular is on paths that are somewhat out of the way and not heavily traveled. Case in point: I was at Kings Island on Sunday from 9:30 to 5pm and made several circuits across the park. Not once did I walk on the paths behind the Eiffel Tower.

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True. Kings Island`s Starlight Spectacular is on paths that are somewhat out of the way and not heavily traveled. Case in point: I was at Kings Island on Sunday from 9:30 to 5pm and made several circuits across the park. Not once did I walk on the paths behind the Eiffel Tower.

Oops, I meant "paths" as in a wiring directional, but you're right, the show should be a bit simpler to set up being that it's in a less traveled area in the park.

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Personally I think seeing the lights during the day is a good thing.. It makes you think about how cool that area will look at night. And the general feel of the Frontier Trail is still there if you ask me.. it's hard not to have that feeling with the blacksmith and wood-working shops all around there. And now with the addition of Shoot the Rapids I think the area will thrive even more.

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Remind me to bring a box of tissues next time I read this thread.

I am so sick of people bashing CF and their theming/ upkeep at KI. Look at Rivertown, Planet Snoopy and BBOBH, give em credit for the improvement (not that I imagine Kinzel had much to do with it other than submission). Imagine if they kept this trend (and ownership of the park) for 2 years... 5 years.

For the record, I think the lights at CP look out of place and tacky during the day but after my initial reaction to them, they blended in and I barely gave them another thought... other than being anxious to see them lit.

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