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Sky Rocket's trains have arrived at Kennywood

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Haha! This is really just adding to the joke that is our Premier Backlot Stunt Coaster trains... They're still good looking, but think about it - you have to squeeze yourself into the space where the door once was, slide all the way down into the low-set bucket seat with zero leg room, pull down the lap bar / ankle bar combo, then seatbelt yourself in... And that's a family coaster that hits a max speed of 40 and doesn't go upside down. I know most of that is for the sake of the MINI design, but still... Wow.

If Backlot Stunt Coaster got these exact trains, the ride would honestly probably be more enjoyable. Our former MINI trains are starting to get the Premier vibration, have absolutely no padding, are not ergonomically designed in the lower-back region, and are so overly-secured with about five safety devices. It's to the extent that it's become a tedious and unnecessary loading procedure for a small, already-low-throughput coaster.

The cars we have don't look TERRIBLE, but if it would improve throughput, comfort, safety, we might as well switch to new trains. That being said, I don't know that any rides will get new trains, and I bet Flight Deck and Vortex (and Son of Beast?) would be first priority. One thing Premier doesn't really do that I wish they would is tiered seating - even like Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit where it's just very slightly tiered, it provides a better experience for all.

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