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Pki Donates 30,000


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From Left to right: The Mayor of Mason, John McCurley, Congressman Rob Portman, Neil Armstrong, Steve Osborn (Chair of the fundraising committee), and PKI's own Craig Ross.

Paramount's Kings Island donated $30,000 to the Memorial fund. The memorial's total cost was $600,000.

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I would assume that everyone would agree that that money PKI donated is money well spent. I`m glad that PKi continues to honor our country`s brave service men and women. Remember that they were offering half price discounts to service men and women all season, I believe. (I think it was 50% admission prices anyway)

Edited by CoasterRZ
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Well, PKI will be needing that money cause there attdence has been going down the drain

You comment stinks. I think its great. I would be happy if someone said, hey well give you 30,000 for a firefighter memorial. This is a day of rememberance. People fought wars, and died so you and I could be free. Don't you get that? in dying the same way, firefighters and police officers die all the time, to protect and save the general public. Its as if, people dying is not enough for you. I will be honest and tell you I find this highly offensive to me, my "brothers and sisters," all war veterans, and anyone else who has given their life in trying to help others.

Edited by fyrfyter
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Well, PKI will be needing that money cause there attdence has been going down the drain

You comment stinks. I think its great. I would be happy if someone said, hey well give you 30,000 for a firefighter memorial. This is a day of rememberance. People fought wars, and died so you and I could be free. Don't you get that? in dying the same way, firefighters and police officers die all the time, to protect and save the general public. Its as if, people dying is not enough for you. I will be honest and tell you I find this highly offensive to me, my "brothers and sisters," all war veterans, and anyone else who has given their life in trying to help others.

Even moreso for firefighters and policemen. Police officers and paid firefighters are greatly underpaid for what they do. Especially the volunteers who accept no pay to help people.

The fact that there is a memorial for the vets is great. PKI really owes it to the community to help it out in any way it can. I realize that it brings in business and tax dollars, but it also brings in things like heavy traffic, so the city has to dish out more every year to repair the roads. Your implication about PKI is both a disservice to the park and the country that we love.

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