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Blue vs Red Racer


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My wife and I love riding The Racer, but we're at a point where we will only ride the red train. Whenever we ride the blue train it feels like a much rougher and jerky ride. Being a wooden coaster I know there is going to be some roughness, but the blue track seems much more extreme.

Is this in our heads, or have any of you noticed this as well?

We also did our first ride in the front seat of the red racer last week and it was a really smooth, fun ride. I highly recommend it!

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...Being a wooden coaster I know there is going to be some roughness...

In no way am I picking on you, but...

Sigh. I get so tired of hearing this. It need not be the case. See, just to name a few, El Toro at Six Flags Great Adventure, Cannonball at Lake Winnie, Comet at The Great Escape...

Wood coasters need not be rough. Much depends on how and by whom they are maintained...

I would point out that Racer was glass smooth when it opened, and for many years thereafter. One reason Ohio wooden coasters (and at SFOG and SFGAd's Rolling Thunder) is the dense polyurethane foam used nowadays. Much of the cushioning that Racer used to have is long gone. This is one of many, many reasons I so look forward to the Timberliners...note that GCII's Millennium Flyer trains are far more comfortable than modified PTC's with dense polyurethane foam, seat dividers and individual ratcheting lap bars, none of which they were designed for.

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Sigh. I get so tired of hearing this. It need not be the case. See, just to name a few, El Toro at Six Flags Great Adventure, Cannonball at Lake Winnie, Comet at The Great Escape...

Wood coasters need not be rough. Much depends on how and by whom they are maintained...

Wow, I had no idea. The KI coasters are the only ones I've ever been on, and I've heard enough of the stereotypes over the years I just took it as a given. Thanks for the education!

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