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King Cobra No longer for sale


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I always found that odd that Premier purchased them and did not continue to manufacture spare parts for their rides. Maybe it is because there simply aren`t enough of them operating in the US to make that finanacially sound. Also, some parks probably don`t want to deal with the high maintenance costs for a mediocre ride. I loved king Cobra and wish it was still there and that they would have built Delirium on undeveloped land, but oh well. To quote Al Weber from 1997 when he GM of Kings Island, "The park will be different in the future, we jut don`t know what shape it will take." (or something similar to that.)

Edited by CoasterRZ
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Actually there is no reasoning that "Those Sucker" will last longer than any Togo one did. B&M as a company is just a little over 10 years old. Go ride Chang at SFKK. Some B&M's don't age well when not maintained(just like Arrows) Plus B&M hasn't sold a standup since 1998. Its not wanted anymore. I will take what we got over KC in its last years of operaton anyday.

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I also don't forsee another B&M standup coming anytime soon. Sure, I'll bet that there is a possibility that some park in the future may buy one just for kicks, but the race for record breaking standups is over.

I think what we're going to be seeing next will be a sit-down.

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As many people have stated before, the stand-up coaster is pretty much dead. I would be surprised if another one ever pops up. Which leads me to believe that KC was taken off the market and will be scraped. It's value probably dropped so much that selling it for scrap would be the only way to get any money out of it.

I think the initial thrill of the stand up coaster is over. People would prefer a decent sit down to a stand up anyday. Look at the coasters that have been built over the past few years. Floorless, inverted (I include flyers in the inverted category) and launched dominate the new constructions. Stand-ups just don't fit anymore.

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Actually there is no reasoning that "Those Sucker" will last longer than any Togo one did. B&M as a company is just a little over 10 years old. Go ride Chang at SFKK. Some B&M's don't age well when not maintained(just like Arrows) Plus B&M hasn't sold a standup since 1998. Its not wanted anymore. I will take what we got over KC in its last years of operaton anyday.

Chang was horrible. I loved the track layout, but it was so freaking painful on my legs. SFKK is horrible with maintainance and landscaping.

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I didn't know that PKI was selling Cobra in the first place. I don't really see why either. Cobra was removed because it was becoming a hassle for the mechanics - it kept breaking down. Why would anyone want a ride that was removed for that reason?

Yes it was up for sale for 1.1 million dollars. It makes sense to try to make a little money off of it

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While it makes sense from the park`s perspective, I think there price tag of $1.1 million was a little high, based on the lack of availability of replacement parts, which was the reason it was removes. The park bought the ride for $3 million dollars after first riding it in Japan. It is my understanding that it was built in 1983 and KI executives rode it over there. Liking the ride, they bought it and it was shipped over to KI. I think that is what i saw on a website once or heard John Keeter mention that on the forums once somewhere.

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SOB Rider says, "B&M's don't age well when they're not maintained" and then blames B&M instead of the park. One question...What coaster could possibly hope to stay in good condition if the park doesn't perform regular maintenance on it? Do you think that The Beast would still be standing if not for the regular replacement of wood and parts?

Edited by PKI Homey
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Really the point he was trying to make....

Everyone talks so highly of B&M and wants one cause they are smooth and great. Well they are only great if they are maintained. If they don't get maintained they get crappy, just like any other ride.

People have compaired B&M's to the BMW's of the coaster world. Now BMW's are nice cars and can last unless you don't keep up the cleaning and oil changes and stuff. After a while it will look like a ragged out piece of sh** just like anyother old car that hasn't been kept up.

So all in all, anything can be nice and above other, but if not properly maintained it will be exactly the same as everything else.

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Chang was horrible. I loved the track layout, but it was so freaking painful on my legs. SFKK is horrible with maintainance and landscaping.

dude, that coaster is smooth as silk. maybe you just "stood" wrong or something biggrin.gif because chang is one of my favorites out there. yay.

anyways. .a stand-up would be cool and all but i doubt it since there's one like a city away (chang) so i think either a hyper or a floorless is what we're gonna get. cause a hyper would well, just rock! and a floorless would be unique to the area. cause there's none weat of SFWoA until you get WAY far east.

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Don't know what crack your smoking. I love SOB and I thought Chang was rough. I could throw out another SFKK classic or 2 such as The Vekoma Lawn Ordiment(SP) Quake. MAYBE the 1st SLC in America T^2. But thats not the issue. SFKK does not do a good job maintaining there rides. Heck there "new" Coaster still had Viper on the control panel.

This isnt New for 2004 so keep speculation there.

KC also had the honor of being the only Portable standup ever also. It was put up and tested without footers at the Togo plant in Japan.

Also Togo's US offices were infact in Cincinnati.

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At PCW we still have a Togo Standup that is identical to King Cobra. It opened up in 1985, and continues to operate. The ride remains one of my favourites, there is nothing like being in the front seat and heading down that first hill straight into the loop, then feeling your knees buckle in the loop. I would miss the ride if it left, hopefully PCW can find or has enough parts already to keep it running.

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