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Top 3 Arrow Design Failures

Guest Millennium

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Is Disney's Hollywood Studios a theme park?

Yes, it is.

What about Epcot? It is not the idea of "World Showcase" that makes Epcot a theme park, it's the themed pavilions and attractions. I wager than you can't rightly have one without the other, and that theme is nowadays misconstrued as being the same as product tie-in, but still...

What about EPCOT? It was an idea Walt Disney had for two theme parks in one:


But again, Disney and Universal are in their own class and should not be compared to a seasonal park- themed or not.

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Compare Kings Island to Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom. Would you really claim that both are "amusement parks" devoid of theme? Is one less themed than the other? But both are just straight up amusement parks? It is not black-or-white. It's a spectrum. Some of the Paramount Parks and some of the Cedar Fair parks lie mostly on the themed side of the spectrum (however low on that side) while others are on the high end of the amusement park side. And in response to tggrr, Epcot is a theme park in Walt Disney World that was conceived as two parks in one. EPCOT was Walt Disney's idea. The two are completely unrelated.


But yes, back to Arrow, who revolutionized the industry with their many multi-loopers, found a niche in the mine train (with one of theirs at most every major amusement park in America at one point or another), designed the much-beloved, much-imitated, never-reproduced suspeneded coaster and, in 1959, built the first steel tubular-tracked roller coaster for that same Mr. Walt Disney...

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Compare Kings Island to Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom. Would you really claim that both are "amusement parks" devoid of theme?

Uh- I honestly don't believe you have actually read what I wrote.

Back in the 70's & 80's KI was considered a theme park due to it's heavily themed areas while the rides were loosely themed. When Paramount took over, they concentrated more on themeing rides then themeing areas.

So now, almost 40 years later, is a theme park considered a theme park for the themed rides or themed areas?

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What about EPCOT? It was an idea Walt Disney had for two theme parks in one:


i'm not 100% sure that's correct, the way i understood the concept for the park now known as epcot (from a show from '06 talking about disney world) was this:

walt and the imagineer team were working on two projects at once; one showcasing different countries of the world, while the other focused on future technologies and other things like that.

they had built scale models of what both were to look like, when two of the imagineers took the two models and pushed them together, creating what is now known as epcot.

although, i'm not sure if the models were built with walt still living, the imagineers did take all of his ideas, except walt's idea for spaceship earth, which was that skyscraper looking thing posted above by goodyellowkorn.

please correct me where i'm wrong, i'm trying to use some information i've only heard twice, and the last time i heard it was like 6 months ago.

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I am just basing my opinion off what many have said saying Top Gun err flight deck (i really have a hard time calling it flight deck) is the longest and most intense of them all. Well its not very intense IMO and its a short ride. if it is the longest and most intense than what does that say about all the other inverted coasters out there "It starts off bad and only gets worse".

Now granted I do think Top Gun is a lot of fun, but its so freaking short! Maybe they should of bought the remains of Big Bad Wolf and made it twice as long! And you got to walk 2 miles through an empty queue to get to it! I will never understand wtf the park was thinking when they built that queue. Diamondback's queue isn't even HALF That size!

I love suspended coasters. I have been on 6: Iron Dragon, Top Gun, Big Bad Wolf, Ninja, Eagle Fortress, and Vortex. If anyone has even ridden Eagle Fortress, he or she will never, ever say that a suspended coaster is lame. EF is/was my third favorite arrow coaster after Magnum and X. While Top Gun is short, it is quite a bit more intense than BBW's first half. Vortex is almost a same ride as Top Gun. Overall, I find suspended coasters provides very nice and unique ride experiences.

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I like suspended coasters like Flight Deck, but I'm not a fan of coasters that are "suspended" in the manner of the one next to it. But it seems that themeing has become the theme of this thread... So I will say that the theme in modern theme parks is survival, while themeing within said parks has become less of a theme. In light of the theme, I will just applaud the survival theme and ignore the themeing and/or lack of themeing of various rides and parks and continue to enjoy those parks that follow the survival theme without regard to themeing....

--Beatle, who writes in this manner from time to time.

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Cormster, I am really saddened that you did not get to ride Big Bad Wolf at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. The Wolf was a very intense ride, more intense than most coasters at Kings Island. The last drop over the water and the tremendous swing length you got was a one of a kind experience. Sadly there will probably never come along another Big Bad Wolf again.

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What about EPCOT? It was an idea Walt Disney had for two theme parks in one:


i'm not 100% sure that's correct, the way i understood the concept for the park now known as epcot (from a show from '06 talking about disney world) was this:


Even though Walt's dream of an Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow was never developed, a World's Fair type EPCOT does now exist. Although, a city truly new and experimental was designed, and is located on the Disney World Property, Celebration Florida is where remnant of EPCOT now resides. One wonders, what if Walt lived longer, would there have been an EPCOT? This question is inevitably unanswerable.
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I'm sorry I'm acting like a mod, but for goodness sakes people, get on topic! We keep transferring back to the stupid theme argument.


Is there something you would like to add to the Arrow discussion?

If not, sit back, and enjoy the ride. Unfortunately, topics to tend to go in many directions. Yet when that happens, there is the possibility that other valuable information can be gained by reading the intresting discussion- as this has been.

If we played by the black and white rules, there are many things we may never learn.

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The Suspended coaster model has always been how you say kinda lame.

What suspended coasters have you been on?

Only Flight Deck, though Coaster critics have said its the most "intense" of all of them, which to me doesn't say much as Flight Deck is pretty weak. Thought honestly my main compliant is how short it is... if it were a bit longer I wouldn't have any complaints.

I think the rumors we hear every year about them tearing it down just go to show its an unpopular coaster that no one cares about. We all know very well that Kings Island doesn't need to tear it down to get the extra space as they haven't even currently used half of the land they own. But many people talk about it being the first coaster to go even before Son of Beast because they secretly loath the lame-a-coaster and want it gone. Either that or they just hate the ridiculously long queue it has, which I agree the queue sucks and it isn't worth the short ride.

I will be riding my second suspended coaster "Iron Dragon" next week which honestly from POV videos, looks a bit more entertaining than flight deck as it at least has 2 lift hills.

If you are a fan of lift hills, you will love Iron Dragon!

Edit: And Cedar Creek Mine Ride!

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Guest rcfreak339

^If you do not like Flight Deck because it's not intense you will NOT like Iron Dragon. I ride coasters because they are fun, and all suspended coasters I have been on have been just that. Fun. Not some gut renching high speed thrill ride which yes I may like sometimes but you always need that "fun" coaster which Flight Deck and all other suspended coasters are.

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I'm sorry I'm acting like a mod, but for goodness sakes people, get on topic! We keep transferring back to the stupid theme argument.

a. If you are sorry to be acting like a mod, there is a very simple solution. As my old boss often used to say, there is a remedy to feeling sorry for your actions...don't do things that make you have to apologize, if they can be avoided. Wisdom there, there is.

b. Stupid theming argument? Only the future of Kings Island depends on the resolution of such arguments, by park management. This amusement park vs. theme park argument is fundamental to the park business. It also had much to do with rides like Top Gun. Top Gun, without its theming is not the same ride it is with it. If it is to you, you are in a distinct minority.

c. Serendipitous detours on this site have taught me much. If you don't want to read them, you have that right. If you want to shut them off, by trying to steer the conversation, you do not. As has been pointed out, if you want to add to the discussion, do so. If you only want to say, "Shut up, guys, and talk about what *I* want to talk about," you do not.

Terp, who hopes this detour helps

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I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong, and I will admit that yeah I've been beaten in this thread. I have never ridden The Bat, nor any other suspended other than Flight Deck, so I can't judge the whole category of coasters until I've ridden more than just one. I'm not sure where the "theme" park verses "amusement park" thing came from. Personally I just don't care about that. I always thought they were the same thing anyway.

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