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SFGAd GASM Removal

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I was looking at the demolition with my kids, who rode GASM for their first and only time (it rained that day) less than a month before it closed. I hope they have a greater appreciation for what "once in a lifetime" means, and know that life carries no assurances that what is here today will still be here tomorrow.

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I don't blame anyone for being upset. I mean I spited Delirium forever and refused to ride it forever because I was bitter about them tearing down king Cobra. But in hindsight they had an acutal reason. TOGO was out of business, the Japanese steel used on Cobra was crappy, and maintenance was getting to be quite high dollar. I did eventually ride Delirium and found it to be one of my favorite rides at the park. In this situation, however, I'm not sure why Six Flags is removing what many consider to be a great Arrow Mega Looper. I guess i could understand if they were putting a brand new more modern coaster in its place, but they are putting a 13 year old B&M standup in. B&M standups are often known to be even more painful to ride than Arrow Mega Loopers.

I do know the day they tear Vortex down I'm going to cry. Its my very first big coaster, and until Diamondback was built, it used to be the standard to ride it at least 3 times a trip. I don't understand Six Flags "Funstruction" thing, seems kinda insensitive to those who care for the coaster.

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^You just said you understood why it was getting removed yesterday!

I said I Kinda understand why they are removing Mega loopers like GASM because they are showing their age, though I still questioned why do it for an old B&M standup coaster.

To be exact:

Its just recently I've noticed, 5 times USED to be standard on Vortex, now Diamondback gets that kinda love from me, and Vortex gets one ride from me. As for Six Flags Great Adventure I kinda understand a bit about getting rid of GASM. I mean they have Bizzaro, basically a more modern B&M looper with floorless trains. But I don't understand why they are removing it for a B&M fail coaster. Chang I think I liked it honestly because of where it was, because other than Chang all of SFKK's coaster's sucked. But great adventure has some of the greatest coasters in the world. I honestly think in that environment it'll be kinda regarded about as highly as Mantis at Cedar Point
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You know, a certain post made me really ponder as to why GASM was not carefully dismantled and either A)put up for sale or B)rotated to another SF park. I am beginning to think there was more to its removal than making way for CHANGe.... and could possibly be for the same reason KC was removed.

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Guest rcfreak339

It's sad...I have never been to SFGAdv, but I feel like going some place to cry. :(

Cody who is just so highly upset seeing this...but not over the removal of GASM.

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The loss of any ride or park is a tragedy. Yes, there are far worse tragedies in life, as many of us personally know...but it is still sad. Life does go on for the rest of us, but places of amusement bring us great happiness. Those of us very close to parks or the industry also sometimes find the industry brings us sadness as well.

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Guest rcfreak339

Like when the park you have been going to since you were little closes...It is very sad. I'm not very surprised about this move although I don't think Chang would be a good fit for SFGAdv, SFGAm was a better fit in my opinion....and it's closer!

I think we will start seeing older Arrow loopers being demolished everywhere the next ten years, Including Vortex.

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I don't think Chang would be a good fit for SFGAdv, SFGAm was a better fit in my opinion....and it's closer!

I don't think Chang would be a good fit for any park, it's a horrible coaster! If they get rid of the stand-up trains and put sitdown trains instead it will be much better.

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Guest rcfreak339

^Well I didn't mean SFGAm was a perfect fit, because it's not. But it's better then at SFGAdv where they have B&M looper right across the park. I can see Six Flags St.Louis being the perfect fit.

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^Well I didn't mean SFGAm was a perfect fit, because it's not. But it's better then at SFGAdv where they have B&M looper right across the park. I can see Six Flags St.Louis being the perfect fit.

Too close to Louisville. When moving a ride, it is best to move it further from its original park than that. Yes, X-Flight went to Kings Island, but few Cinci people went to Geauga Lake...

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Guest Millennium

It was a good ride. It will be missed. I think Chang will do great at that park in 2011, and maybe there is a chance the ride will be converted into a sit down B&M.

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