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Timberwolf Concerts


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OK, the title might have been misleading to an extent but I want to get the attention of the right people.

All I really want to know is: are there any big Disturbed fans that are also big PKI fans?

Oh yeah I guess I should add something that relates to PKI or else....well you know...ok let me think....

Wouldn't it be cool if Disturbed could be at TIMBERWOLF next year? I think it would be awesome if they had like a later on in the evening concert and you could spend the earlier part of the day riding rides and stuff.

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Well one, most concerts in Timberwolf, ok all, are later in the day. Usually 7pm or 8pm starting times. The only things that aren't are Spirit Song and Cheerleader weekend, those last basically all day.

It was mentioned that at all Paramount Parks, they will be trying to beef up the concert selection and bring in more. Though since an outside company deals with the selection of bands and venues, its not completely up to the park. So if this company approached Disturbed about performing at PKI and they agreed to the contract and venue size, you might see them. I do feel where your coming from, I'd love to see more bands that are more recent selecting PKI as their venue.

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I seen Def Leppard there as well as Weird Al this past season. The place was maybe only half full at the most. Def Leppard put on a GREAT show. The place is very outdated, Would be nice if they got rid of the bench seats they have now and make it look more like a Riverbend seat wise. The person in charge of taking pictures for the band was even making fun of the place on the bands website. Check it out! Also features pics from that show! Click here and scroll down to the words 07.25.2003: DAY THREE: CINCINNAT. It's a pretty funny read.

Edited by bwware
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Well...i know that if the band is good enough, the quality of the venue kindof disappears, especially if you're standing up for the majority of the concert (referring to the bench seats). But it is a bit funny yet disheartening to hear the photographer from Def Leapard describe the green room as a poop shack. Little things like that can sometimes stick in the minds of those who perform at TW and perhaps even spread, casting a dark shadow on the facility. THis could even hinder some bands from making a visit. So yeah it would be nice if we could have a bit of an upgrade of the facilities, but from a financial standpoint, I can also see where the park is coming from in choosing not to spend alot of money on a facility that is utiliized only a few times a year. Though should they choose to bring in better acts and/or increase the roster of performances, it might pay to finally renovate.

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"Timberwolf Amphitheater, a dilapidated, ragged crap-hole, would provide no such relief from the heat as I discovered later."

Maybe we should rehab Timberwolf? I agree it needs to be redone. Maybe with a system where they can move around the seats for different events like wrestling, motor cross ect etc.

When I left weird al benches were busted the place looked ratty. Plus I was on the end and only had room for a half of a cheek. I spent more time out in the park than inside it during the wait between opening act and the storm. I was in the front and it Took FOREVER to get to get out. This place was great in the 80's but its time for a 21st century upgrade. Maybe take a break from big rides stuff for one year. and rehab all the entertainment stages and venues. International showplace needs a BIG upgrade as well. You could do smaller shows there.

Edited by sobrider
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Even if they did small things each season it would pay off. ie Change benches one year, replace sound cage in audience the next....

With the record breaking amount of money food service made in Timberwolf this year, I've been trying to tell the head of food we need an upgraded food stand.

Every little bit about that place is horrible. Its ok to look at from Drop Zone, but once you're in there.... run.

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Okay, my two cents about Timberwolf:

Even if the park did a nice upgrade to it, the place would still be trashed at the end of major concerts and events. Most of the time it's the guests fault that the place looks as crappy as it does. The benches have been replaced with brand new ones often b/c people keep breaking them by standing up on them, jumping on them and whatever else they decide to do that they are not supposed to do on them. We do our best to tell them not too, but then we get f*cking screamed at by the guests when we ask them to get down.

Cheerleaders are the worst... they are horrible! I have never had such a bad experience at the park until that weekend. The people are mean and nasty and can't see past their own noses. They could care less about the rules and less about any other person but themselves, their precious cheerleaders. They trash Timberwolf too, none of them know how to throw things away. I might have seen one filled garbage can in the entire theater and there was literally a foot of trash in the theater at the end of the event almost every night. I mean, come on people!

It would be great for the park to upgrade Timberwolf, especially the stage and the seating (stadium style would be awesome). I too have heard that we are getting a lot more shows in the theater this year. That would be great. The only thing I would really stress would be to follow the rules and not b*tch at the ushers or security when they ask you to do something simple like get off the benches!

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For some reason, I don`t see the park selling the rights to have an outside company operate Timberwolf. They have operated it since it was built in 1982. Now the Paladium at Paramount`s Carowinds seems like a very nice ampitheater and if PKI took the time an money to renovate it, it would be nice like that. However, I can`t really compare them since I`ve never been in either one. If the park were to upgrade Timberwolf, it might come out of the capital expenditures budget, which would mean less money for rides. Besides, why would the park sell it when they make loads of money on food sales. I don`t like when there are concerts in the park as it results in a very crowded park. But that means more money for the park to spend on hopefully more rides.

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We do our best to tell them not too, but then we get f*cking screamed at by the guests when we ask them to get down.

The only thing I would really stress would be to follow the rules and not b*tch at the ushers or security when they ask you to do something simple like get off the benches!

AMEN! I almost got hit a couple times telling people to get off the benches or stop smoking. I agree that standing on benches is a big part of why the place gets ruined...the ushers and security can only do so much.

My worst two T-Wolf experiences: The first time Aaron Carter came and that darn Britney Spears concert...Britney is definitely on the top of that list! A couple nights I will never forget!

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For some reason, I don`t see the park selling the rights to have an outside company operate Timberwolf.

They don't hire outside people to "RUN" Timberwolf, though they do have a company that books the events, ie getting and selecting the bands to come. The food and merch stands inside are run by park employees, the security is park security. Though the lighting and sound stuff is all run by the band and their crew.

Even if the park did a nice upgrade to it, the place would still be trashed at the end of major concerts and events. Most of the time it's the guests fault that the place looks as crappy as it does.

Now when I talk about the place looking trashy, I just mean... when you walk into the place the decor is old and run down looking. Not that there is trash all over the place. The paint job is all brown and dull (who wants brown). They still have lighting fixtures and decor from Adventure Village, the old theming of Action Zone. I don't see why they can't upgrade the concert area to be more geared towards Action Zone colors and flare.

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Beastfreak, I was responding to a statement in which someone said that they should consider leasing ouot Timberwolf to an outside company. I don`t see their post right now. I know that park employees run the concessions and security for TImberwolf.

I agree, that Timberwolf could at least use a paint job to brighten up the colors to match the rest of the Action Zone. It appears that the park is on a current trend to brighten up colocs in the entire park as the Scrambler is being painted yellow this season.

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I was just saying that even if the park did update the paint job and the decor for Timberwolf, that it would still be trashed by the guests and the park would still have to redo it every year. Maybe we should up the prices of the tickets some more to pay for the costs of the new benches after all the events b/c the guets are too stupid not to follow the rules.

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I was just saying that even if the park did update the paint job and the decor for Timberwolf, that it would still be trashed by the guests and the park would still have to redo it every year. Maybe we should up the prices of the tickets some more to pay for the costs of the new benches after all the events b/c the guets are too stupid not to follow the rules.

I don't really see where you're coming from, what makes you think the park will have to repaint and redecorate every year? Tombraider is the most heavily themed ride in the park, especially in the que area and it still looks really good considering it's been there for 2 years, I know, I work there (sometimes). Plus the whole park gets trashed every day and it doesn't need to be renovated entirely every day, it's just a matter of picking up the trash and cleaning the spilled pop off of the wall. Also i'm pretty sure Riverbend doesn't repaint and redecorate every year and they have concerts almost once a week. I think a Timberwolf renovation would be great since I've never seen a band there that I thought was worth seeing.

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I totally understand what DL was saying...It isn't just your everyday wear-and-tear that happens at a T-Wolf concert. Some MAJOR damage can happen to those benches. As DL said, the main reason any of the damage happens is because "guests are too stupid not to follow the rules."

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Okay back to topic...

It would be awsome for any big named act, or some well known locals, to appear at PKI. Would they? I don't know. I guess it all depends on if they (the bands, acts) want to make a ton of money or really get it on with their fans and and perform someplace relativly inexpensive and fun like Timberwolf. Heck, they could do some cool things with their fan clubs like have contests to have people get backstage, ride a ride or two with 'em, whatever. Third Eye Blind did that, they had two fans ride Beast with them when they were there.

I think it is really up to the people that take care of things for the artists. The park can always extend an invitation, but it is up to the artist and their staff.

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