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New for 2011 Windseeker!

Sergeant Pepper

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Maintenance wise how reliable do you think the WindSeeker's will be?

Let's look at the mechanicals:

Conveyance to get the "gondola" up to the top of the tower (I would assume cable lift powered by motors located on the top maintenance platform or inside the tower)


Motor(s) that rotate the gondola. A traditional wheel and tire are visible in the animation and illustrations, and that's about as low tech as it gets.


Locks and Sensors on the restraints.

As far as I can see, that's it.

Here's how I see it.

The gondola is completely free from the tower itself. The two are linked by the catchcar type structure that is dynamically affixed (dynamic meaning that the connection allows movement, in this case horizontal rotation). This apparatus is also connected to the cables that raise and lower the gondola.

Now, anything at 300' can be problematic, but this seems to be pretty well tested technology. I don't have too many fears about downtime, unless the winds prove to be more of a problem than they were expecting .


They are the king of state fairs so I wouldn't rely on them too much tongue.gif

Wow! Just wow! Nice post! How many of these rides are Huss frisbee imitations. No wonder Funtime was so upset!!!

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A few things:

1: The ride looks great. It's a much needed addition to KI, we haven't had a good flat addition in a while.

2: Can anyone truly imagine what it's like to be suspended 300 feet in the air, with no floor, and just a lap bar? I'm not being a park cheerleader when I say that it actually seems scary and thrilling.

3: I talked with Don after the announcement, he said the ride placement would be near Vortex's exit, adjacent to the Euro Bobbles. It's still kinda vague, I think he means the old lazer dome.

After being suspended about 600 feet in the air at Cedar Point parasailing, I am looking forward to this ride a lot.

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Maintenance wise how reliable do you think the WindSeeker's will be?

Let's look at the mechanicals:

Conveyance to get the "gondola" up to the top of the tower (I would assume cable lift powered by motors located on the top maintenance platform or inside the tower)


Motor(s) that rotate the gondola. A traditional wheel and tire are visible in the animation and illustrations, and that's about as low tech as it gets.


Locks and Sensors on the restraints.

As far as I can see, that's it.

Here's how I see it.

The gondola is completely free from the tower itself. The two are linked by the catchcar type structure that is dynamically affixed (dynamic meaning that the connection allows movement, in this case horizontal rotation). This apparatus is also connected to the cables that raise and lower the gondola.

Now, anything at 300' can be problematic, but this seems to be pretty well tested technology. I don't have too many fears about downtime, unless the winds prove to be more of a problem than they were expecting .


They are the king of state fairs so I wouldn't rely on them too much  :P

Hey! If they build their products to withstand the abuse of being taken apart and reassembled day in and day out, then a permanent installation with a top-notch mechanics crew keeping an eye on it should be a cake walk!

My point was that the mechanicals used to make the ride aren't anything new, and that gives me confidence in the ride's potential "up time."

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I wasn't trying to bash the ride...300 ft tall swing will be quite intimidating to a lot of people...I just can't grasp the price tag for this thing...there is nothing to it...site work will fly by as will construction of it...but in the end...I am glad to see a new flat ride...the park needs many more to fill in and add some variety to the park.

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Maintenance wise how reliable do you think the WindSeeker's will be?

Let's look at the mechanicals:

Conveyance to get the "gondola" up to the top of the tower (I would assume cable lift powered by motors located on the top maintenance platform or inside the tower)


Motor(s) that rotate the gondola. A traditional wheel and tire are visible in the animation and illustrations, and that's about as low tech as it gets.


Locks and Sensors on the restraints.

As far as I can see, that's it.

Here's how I see it.

The gondola is completely free from the tower itself. The two are linked by the catchcar type structure that is dynamically affixed (dynamic meaning that the connection allows movement, in this case horizontal rotation). This apparatus is also connected to the cables that raise and lower the gondola.

Now, anything at 300' can be problematic, but this seems to be pretty well tested technology. I don't have too many fears about downtime, unless the winds prove to be more of a problem than they were expecting .


They are the king of state fairs so I wouldn't rely on them too much tongue.gif

Wow! Just wow! Nice post! How many of these rides are Huss frisbee imitations. No wonder Funtime was so upset!!!

Never been to Europe or Asia I see...I would kill to work on a Mondial or a KMG rather than a Huss. imitation frisbee? I hate to break it to you but Huss is also an imitation, they did not design the first, they did however design there version of the ride and call it a frisbee. Mondial's version is much more reliable at any size. What do you think would be harder, designing a ride that can only be put in a stationary position? Or designing a ride that can be put in a stationary position or be mounted on a truck and moved in a short period of time? This company will design it either way and it will be more reliable than any thing Huss puts out.

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I just can't grasp the price tag for this thing...there is nothing to it...site work will fly by as will construction of it

While work may seem to occur very quickly, I guarantee that there is a significant amount of effort behind the site work and construction of this thing that will cost a lot of money. The foundation of a 300' tall tower that has no lateral structural support (it looks to basically be a straight tube), that has to stand up to high winds and support a ride spinning at the top will be quite significant. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the site work and installation cost is half to two-thirds of the total investment.

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I just can't grasp the price tag for this thing...there is nothing to it...site work will fly by as will construction of it

While work may seem to occur very quickly, I guarantee that there is a significant amount of effort behind the site work and construction of this thing that will cost a lot of money. The foundation of a 300' tall tower that has no lateral structural support (it looks to basically be a straight tube), that has to stand up to high winds and support a ride spinning at the top will be quite significant. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the site work and installation cost is half to two-thirds of the total investment.

Speaking of this, ( a little off topic) but I have always wondered about this in terms of Drop Tower. The ride is basically just a very long tube jetting from the ground. I wonder how far down into the earth/bedrock the anchors and foundation for that ride reach?

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Maintenance wise how reliable do you think the WindSeeker's will be?

Let's look at the mechanicals:

Conveyance to get the "gondola" up to the top of the tower (I would assume cable lift powered by motors located on the top maintenance platform or inside the tower)


Motor(s) that rotate the gondola. A traditional wheel and tire are visible in the animation and illustrations, and that's about as low tech as it gets.


Locks and Sensors on the restraints.

As far as I can see, that's it.

Here's how I see it.

The gondola is completely free from the tower itself. The two are linked by the catchcar type structure that is dynamically affixed (dynamic meaning that the connection allows movement, in this case horizontal rotation). This apparatus is also connected to the cables that raise and lower the gondola.

Now, anything at 300' can be problematic, but this seems to be pretty well tested technology. I don't have too many fears about downtime, unless the winds prove to be more of a problem than they were expecting .


They are the king of state fairs so I wouldn't rely on them too much tongue.gif

Wow! Just wow! Nice post! How many of these rides are Huss frisbee imitations. No wonder Funtime was so upset!!!

it will be more reliable than any thing Huss puts out.

More reliable than Shake Rattle & Roll? Why don't we measure the downtime next year and bet a funnel cake on that....LOL!

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Sorry KI, you have more hits than misses. Really you do, but this one, for me personally, is a serious miss. I will likely watch people ride it, and think to myself....( I honestly have no idea ) but I will not choose to ride this. I don't have fear of heights, or of spinning, and I trust KI to ensure safety, but it just doesn't seem like something that I would be willing to wait in line for. Maybe a nice electric car that operates like the old time cars would have been more inviting. You know, dig up some concrete, lay down some grass, plant some flowers, and some trees, and maybe construct a small pond. Yea....that would be nice. I rather enjoyed the old cars at both Dollywood and Holiday World this summer. You know what else would be nice...A Ferris Wheel. That's right, back to the basics, simple, yet enjoyable for all ages. Ooh, a boat ride would be cool. Not a log flume, just a themed boat ride. With what, I don't know, maybe Peanuts, or maybe something along the lines of Epcot.....( fun but educational ) scenes featuring Ohio's history. YES..that would be very nice. Just giving an honest opinion. Thanks for the opportunity to speak it.

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my thoughts on the ride, well I have none on the ride since its not open yet... but I have thoughts on the premise...

1. Great addition for the thrill seekers, this ride screams fear of heights to me.

2. I will not be riding it, or if I do it will be later in the year. I am not a fan of rides that do circles and go real high (Delirium and the Swing ride come to mind).

3. I hope the next installation will be less for thrill seekers but more General Public type ride.

4. Overall I like that the park is adding, but I will watch you all have fun while I lap Vortex or Racer.....

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^You can't compare a 40 year old ride that has been re-built and modified mechanically with a brand new ride and concept.

You said "anything Huss"....

-- Beatle, who has always respected you and would happily share a funnel cake anytime!

OK you got me on that one....let me re-word that....."anything that was built by Huss, and has not been re-engineered or retrofitted with something other than Huss parts". Mondial has always put out a very high quality, safe, and well engineered product. I have seen, ridden, and worked on a lot of there work in Europe, there staff is always a joy to work and ride with. Yes I said ride, they will not build or design anything they will not ride. Huss? I have seen several mechanics and even a design engineer say..."well maybe not".

As always BB no disrespect taken at all, this is an open forum, not an open argue-um.....also I would love to do the funnel cake thing, but I don't think you want to face my doctor afterward because I am going to tell her it was your fault:)

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I'm actually really happy about this ride being placed in Coney Mall! I'm not a huge fan of spinning rides, but it gives the park a reason to freshen up that side of the park! In any case, KI lends enough in the thrill arena to make way for a more family oriented ride. I believe that it matters less what you have and more who you are with that makes for a fun time! As for location, I agree that it will be placed either on or next to the old Flight Commander ride pad. I remember hearing a lot of talk about that site being suggested for new ride additions in the following seasons when I was still working for KI, so that location makes perfect sense to me (and seems to suggest this in the digital renderings). However, I really wish they would've used that old ride pad for the Flying Eagles/Scooters instead of relocating it! sad.gif

Just my opinion...

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Didn't someone just yesterday say something about how they though Cedar Point and Kings Island would almost certainly not get copies of the same ride in the same year because they share parts of the same market? I can't remember who said it but the posters name jumped out at me because I happened to disagree with the poster, but then again I suppose I have more of a management view than a enthusiast spectator. In any event, I wonder what that poster has to say now that those two parks are indeed getting the same ride...

BTW - total side note - Im currently in Las Vegas and to celebrate 2.5 years of enjoying all that is chemotherapy, radiation and cancer in general I participated in the Stratosphere Sky Jump today... Fantastic experience in case anyone was curious and tomorrow at noon I will be jumping out of my second airplane in the middle of the strip and lake mead. i did it last year and it was so much fun, and I figured 'hey, im still alive.. why not do it again'... Just a random statement... no roller coaster or thrill ride has ever provided me with the sheer terror, excitement and adrenaline rush that skydiving provided. I was thinking the other day about what kind of 'enthusiast' I could label myself because while roller coasters are fun, there are plenty of other activities that provide greater thrills... So since I seem to enjoy the thrill which is motivated by the inherent risk of the activity I think I am going to graduate myself to being an 'adrenaline rush enthusiast'....

Just my random two cents while I sit here and watch the fountains @ Bellagio...

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People just wait and see,im sure everyones looked at a ride and thought it looked like it sucks then tried it and either liked or loved it.(example for me was kite eating tree i thought it looked stupid but rode it with my kid and i actually enjoyed it even it being a kid ride). As for those wanting a new coaster-wait another year they seem to put new ones up every few years.they dont wana overshadow their expensive Diamondback coaster so soon with a new one.

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Anybody else notice Son of Beast is missing from the flash animations?

The flash also has The Racers switched; red on left and blue on right. It also shows the tower itself spinning at the bottom? Some parts of the video make it look like it will be located next to the bathrooms at the end (where the white geodome was). At least we are getting a new ride.

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I think it's impossible to judge how exciting a ride will be before anyone actually rides it.

For instance, I thought SkyHawk wouldn't be that all that different of an experience from MaxAir/Delirium since the concepts were similar. (Basically, a big pendulum swinging back & forth...albet MaxAir/Delirium at least spun at the same time.) Yet, those rides are completely different experiences, and I enjoy both of them on their own merits. (I don't think you'd hear very many people say "I'm not going to ride Skyhawk because I've already ridden MaXair")

Another example is Maverick. Remember all the complaining & attacks about Maverick when it was announced? People were screaming about it not breaking any records--not the highest, tallest, fastest, anything! Yet, Maverick is a fantastic ride, and was an outstanding addition to CP. (In fact, I'd say that the front seat on Maverick is right up there as one of my absolute favorite rides...)

Again, my only complaint about WindSeeker is that it's going to be the exact same ride launching the exact same year at the two parks I frequent most often. Of course, I completely understand the synergistic/cost savings reasons behind this. (And, I'll still ride them both...the visuals should be dramatically different between them!)

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Didn't someone just yesterday say something about how they though Cedar Point and Kings Island would almost certainly not get copies of the same ride in the same year because they share parts of the same market? I can't remember who said it but the posters name jumped out at me because I happened to disagree with the poster, but then again I suppose I have more of a management view than a enthusiast spectator. In any event, I wonder what that poster has to say now that those two parks are indeed getting the same ride...

BTW - total side note - Im currently in Las Vegas and to celebrate 2.5 years of enjoying all that is chemotherapy, radiation and cancer in general I participated in the Stratosphere Sky Jump today... Fantastic experience in case anyone was curious and tomorrow at noon I will be jumping out of my second airplane in the middle of the strip and lake mead. i did it last year and it was so much fun, and I figured 'hey, im still alive.. why not do it again'... Just a random statement... no roller coaster or thrill ride has ever provided me with the sheer terror, excitement and adrenaline rush that skydiving provided. I was thinking the other day about what kind of 'enthusiast' I could label myself because while roller coasters are fun, there are plenty of other activities that provide greater thrills... So since I seem to enjoy the thrill which is motivated by the inherent risk of the activity I think I am going to graduate myself to being an 'adrenaline rush enthusiast'....

Just my random two cents while I sit here and watch the fountains @ Bellagio...

I think I'm the culprit who thought KI and CP wouldn't get copies of the same ride. Well, I ended up with egg on my face on that. ( LOL.) Suprisingly I'm pleased as punch that both parks which I frequent will be getting the same ride because I think they will still be different experiences because of the difference in geography.

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Wow. We get a new ride and before anyone even rides it, people are thinking it's going to suck. Let's wait and actually RIDE IT before we judge it. In my own opinion, I think this will be a great new addition to Kings Island, a ride that is both "thrilling" because of its sheer height yet gentle at the same time. It's a ride that plays "Mind Games" pretty much, just like Drop Tower does (does it do much other than Drop? Nope. But it terrifies you with its sheer height, which is also what Wind Seeker will do!). As I already enjoy smaller swing rides like Zephyr, they are one of my favorite classic flats, I think I'll love this ride. Besides, KI's 40th birthday comes in 2012, so we will probably get our new coaster then and then we have that, Wind Seeker, and everything we already had (DB, Beast, etc etc) too.;)

However, as for Cedar Point getting the same ride, I am slightly dissapointed. I was hoping they would build a wooden roller coaster since Blue Streak is over 40+ and Mean Streak supposedly sucks, they need a good modern woodie and it's now been 4 years since Maverick. If they truly want to be the "coaster capital of the world", they need to fill this hole in their lineup. Wind Seeker @ CP will probably also be a great ride, but building it so close to Space Spiral? :blink: Weird.

PS: I think Beast is hidden well enough in the woods that from Wind Seeker, you probably won't see anything besides the lift hills and maybe the helix, since the rest is buried in the woods. I assume this from looking at it from Vortex's lift hill.

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Why is everyone getting so hung up on the same type of ride argument? Do people not realize that almost every amusement park out there has an Eli Bridge Scrambler? Ie, Coney Island has one, Stricker`s has one, and Kings Island has one. Even Cedar Point has one as well. Scramblers have been around for decades. Do people find these rides boring? Some might, but they are still great family rides. They still draw lines and have their fans.

Best argument on here, you win.

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Anybody else notice Son of Beast is missing from the flash animations?

The flash also has The Racers switched; red on left and blue on right. It also shows the tower itself spinning at the bottom? Some parts of the video make it look like it will be located next to the bathrooms at the end (where the white geodome was). At least we are getting a new ride.

Actually, pause at 1:10 in the video on youtube:

The blurry thing to the very right edge of the screen? Looks like Son of Beast's shape to me! Take that for what it's worth. Drop Tower is the "teeny little poll thing". However, if you keep watching, when they "zoom out" and end the video, SOB and Drop Tower vanish! Weird. Also, they do have The Racers switched.

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So how tall is the rider level height? I know the tower is 301', but the swings do not go that high.

I think it is 301 feet tall for the riders. Or else it wouldn't say "Riders fly up to 301 feet" or whatever. If it isn't 301 feet for the riders, then I would say the rider level height might be at 280 feet. Although, I'm not very good at looking at things and automatically knowing how tall they are.

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