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KI Opens for 39th season on April 30th, 2011


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...or not. Much depends on what happens in the next few months, including, but not limited to, tomorrow morning at 10 a.m.

Park schedules are always subject to change...especially right now.

Yep, the daily operations in mid-May seemed a little risky. It might change. It might now.

I did notice, however, that they didn't even consider Thursday and Sunday night Haunts.

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Which I find kind of odd, since Cedar Point has been doing some Haunt stuff on Sunday nights. I would think with as large of a metro area as what KI has to pull from compared to Sandusky, that doing Haunt on at least Sunday nights would be a success, especially if the weather cooperates, like it did this year.

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...or not. Much depends on what happens in the next few months, including, but not limited to, tomorrow morning at 10 a.m.

Park schedules are always subject to change...especially right now.

Yep, the daily operations in mid-May seemed a little risky. It might change. It might now.

I did notice, however, that they didn't even consider Thursday and Sunday night Haunts.

They didn't this year, did they? Although, really, I'm sure they would've had a fair turn out if they did. The weather was so beautiful this October... I remember two years ago, going to Haunt and literally feeling that it was below freezing, awfully, unbearably cold. I went to Cedar Point yesterday, and it was about the same as an early April day.

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...while doing the bare minimum to pass State inspections...

I didn't realize you were familiar with the criteria for passing the state inspections. Oh that's right, you're not. And before you ask, yes, I am.

I will not respond to your comments, as I do not feed trolls.

You think I'm a troll?

I have not and will not respond to your comments. There is a difference between informing you of this fact and responding to the substance of what you said. You obviously are not capable of recognizing the distinction. And the fact that you found it necessary to ask the quoted question after reading my last post confirms the extent of your "capabilies."

You might wanna realize who you are talking too. AZ corrected you, and you didn't like it, no need to call him a troll. I can understand why he responded so aggressively to your first post. You suggested KI was just doing "bare minimum" when in fact you really have no clue what you're talking about. I would of responded aggressively too.

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At CP, the houses are open all sundays with the outdoor zones and overlord open the last 4 sundays.

EDIT: KI 2011 schedule is looking similar to CP's schedule has been, with daily operation beginning the third week in may. If KI gets the school groups like CP does, the days will be justified.

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I just realized something else. This is technically the park`s 40th operating season, not its 39th. The park will be 39 years old next year, but it is in fact entering its 40th season of operation. (The park was one year old in 1973, its second season of operation).

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Well anyway, I'm actually kinda bum about the later opening, at least the weather will be nice(hopefully). I wounder when they'll start construction on WindSeeker? This Off-Season shouldn't be too bad, :lol: . Another thing is, who's ready to go back to work in the spring!

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The ride looks attrocious. Allowing rides to visibly rust , while doing the bare minimum to pass State inspections, is,by definition, a "lack of care", IMO! However, from what I saw today, that may not be an issue next year.

Metal is going to rust when it sits outside exposed to the elements no matter how many coats of paint are on it. All the rides are going to show visible signs of rust. True, Flight Deck looked absolutely atrocious the past few seasons, but a lack of paint doesn't imply they're doing the "bare minimum to pass State inspections." True it looks awful, but it doesn't imply the conclusion you're jumping to.

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The ride looks attrocious. Allowing rides to visibly rust , while doing the bare minimum to pass State inspections, is,by definition, a "lack of care", IMO! However, from what I saw today, that may not be an issue next year.

Metal is going to rust when it sits outside exposed to the elements no matter how many coats of paint are on it. All the rides are going to show visible signs of rust. True, Flight Deck looked absolutely atrocious the past few seasons, but a lack of paint doesn't imply they're doing the "bare minimum to pass State inspections." True it looks awful, but it doesn't imply the conclusion you're jumping to.

That was in response to the prior post. He spoke of missing bolts and broken welds and faulty wheels on the trains, all of which are looked upon with disfavor during State inspections.... I meant nothing more than that and I feel that I was taken out of cantext by several people.

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^Just sayin' but I don't think he called anything faulty. He just said those are things that need replaced and to quote him "they don't replace themselves."

My point was he insinuated that routine maintenance was showing "care" to a ride. IMO, when it comes to FD, it's like the park bought a 1968 GTO, changed the oil every 3000 miles, never washed it and let the body panels rust out!

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It could certainly use some paint, but I'm sure they wouldn't open it if it weren't 100% safe.

Let's restate that. It could certainly use some paint, but I'm sure they wouldn't open it if they did not have virtual certainty that the ride is 100 percent safe.

(Nothing is 100 percent safe...we do the best we can with what we have).

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While I'm not too happy about the late date for opening day, another question has come to mind. Why did the park release the operating calendar for next year already? I worked at the park for 19 seasons (9 of those in management positions) and have been going to the park for as long as I can remember, and to the best of my knowledge they've never released the following year's schedule this early. I'd be interested in knowing their motivation, especially since there are so many variables that could change things between now and then.

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My thing is if ur that Desprate of a Roller Coaster. Kings Dominion opens April 2nd 2011. Carowinds opens March 26th 2011. Six Flags Over Georgia opens March 19th 2011. But Kings Island opens April 30th All these dates can change. When I went to SFOG back in March none of the coasters opend till 1 o clock and the park opend at 10:30am. I think KI is smart of opeing late. I wasnt happy walking around SFOG with no coasters open Just sayin.

Six Flags Great America opens May 7th and if I remember they have always opend in April.

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But how many years has KI opened around April 9-19? Dozens. Yes, there were some years that they ended up closing early due to cold weather. But it still kind of leaves me speechless. What happens if April turns out to be October? They could be leaving lots of money out of their coffers by NOT opening when they normally do. And why does it seem that Kings Island is the only Cedar Fair park so far to have a markedly later opening day than in past years? Something seems odd to me.

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I am pretty stoked about the daily operation beginning earlier because EKU usually let's out either late April or early May. This will give me a chance to get in some days at Thr park while everyone else is in school. I am a bit bummed about the later actual opening day, it just drags the off-season on that much longer.

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Right. But bear in mind, that the earlier start of daily operation has some draw backs. Most ride operator positions are high school and college age students. So while daily operation may be beginning earlier, it is likely that those early days will be marked with limited operation and rides and attractions not opening up until mid afternoon- if at all. Trying to save on labor? Perhaps. But I just can`t see the daily operation beginning earlier resulting in an increase in revenue for those shifted operating days, given that most schools are still in session. It might be somewhat different, if Cedar Fair actually owned a hotel on property at Kings Island and could benefit from an early start to the summer vacation season with some out of park revenue. But alas Kings Island does not have such an option.

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