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How many times have you ridden Windseeker?!?!

Guest PizzaBaby027

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Twice. And that'll be enough for me. I was nervous my first time riding it because the height bothered me. But then the ride got going and once we got to the top I was just thinking "... That's it?" I'll not refuse to ride it if my friends decide they want to ride it. But I won't go out of my way to suggest that we ride it either.

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Rode it at Kings Island yesterday, only had to wait one ride cycle. The park wasn't very busy, I'm sure the heat had something to do with it!

It was a fun ride, not "thrilling" so much, but it was a nice cool down and interesting perspective of the park. The height did get to me at first, but I really enjoyed it.

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I can now finally say that I have ridden it once! :)

Like others have stated...I do not consider it a thrill ride...and I don't even like heights! It was a nice ride to look around the park...and the music is a nice touch. I was lucky enough to have gotten the Superman theme which was nice.

My only comment to improve the ride is to have some speakers at the bottom of the tower for the people in line to also enjoy.

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finally rode it today. i liked it. it was more windy than expected but 30 stories up i should have expected it. i was gona ride it again later on but it got crazy busy( heck u know its busy when u have to wait 15 min to ride AE lol)

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Finally was able to ride WindSeeker yesterday...was a bit late to open, though. Rode DB 4 times and Beast twice during ERT :D ...

Now, I am absolutely petrified of heights. Coasters have always been fine, but...Bridges scare me, tall buildings I have no desire to creep to the edge. I thought about ducking out the 30 minutes we waited, but, my 12 year old daughter talked me thru it. Ride was fine until it started spinning. At that point, started praying to Jeebus. Eyes closed. The centripetal force that sends you to the 45 degree angle, for a guy afraid of heights was almost too much. Finally opened my eyes once at the top...what an awesome view.

Once it started lowering, a sense of relief. Once off, thankful to be back on the ground. A fun ride, worth the 30 minute wait, but, not my favorite thing ever by a long shot.

I am not afraid of heights but when it kicked out and started spinning with the wind blowing I started to panic. It has an amazing view as you said and I will ride it again even though it almost gave me a stroke. Having your 10 year old cousin call you a chicken because she wasn't one bit scared was a bit of a blow to the ego also LOL.

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4 times. twice at night. once during the fireworks. You feel the explosions and felt heat (but that could have been sunburn). Also anyone notice the "stuff" behind the dinosaur exhibit on (July 2nd) ? It looked like rows of round black objects and stacks of orange bars. I'm not sure if they are still there, but take a look the next time you ride and post what you see.

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To me, thrilling is something that get's my heart pumping and the addreneline flowing. DB, MF, TTD, The Beast, etc. are all extremely great, fun rides and I love rollercoasters probably more than nearly everyone my age. But rollercoasters don't get my heart pounding. They make me happy and laugh, but I don't get that "thrill" that I used to get when I was 8 years old riding rollercoasters..

WindSeeker filled my need for something thrilling! To me, sitting on a tiny little seat bumbing violently from the wind nearly 300 ft in the air on a brand new ride is 100x more thrilling than any rollercoaster I've been on since I was a little kid. There's just something about Drop Tower and now WindSeeker that makes those rides worth my time. Don't get me wrong, I'd ride DB or The Beast before getting on WS, but I, without a doubt, find WS a more terrifying ride than any of the rollercoasters at KI.

I've been on it 3 times now.

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Finally rode it for the first time today. I thought it was a decent ride - nice breeze, especially on a day like today. Now I need to go on it at night.


May fix that tonight.

And what's mysterious to me is even given how wonderful WindSeeker is, Zephyr seems incredible when ridden right after it. The ride ops at Zephyr yesterday were phenomenal, having fun with the guests AND doing a great job. But, they didn't sing to compete with WindSeeker's musical score (a Josh-ing guest asked them to...instead they told mushroom and orange juice jokes!)

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30 trying to get to 100 rides before i leave august 19th for college. :)

Wow, quite a goal. Good luck!

I'm going for the first time this year tomorrow. Anybody have any idea how long the lines have been running for WindSeeker on Saturdays?

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Take my turn for me, I can't do that height. I'd scream like a Banshee and ruin everyone else's ride.

I doubt it would "ruin" everybody's ride. In fact, I thoroughly enjoy it when someone near me screams their head off throughout an entire ride (on any ride). I don't know why, though.

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