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LEGO recreations of rides


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While I know this is not PKI related, I can`t help but post a link to this site because these models are so cool. The site contains LEGO recreations of amusement park rides. One of the rides, the Skylab, is a replica of the one that used to reside at Kings Island. The one I first saw, was the Flying Bobs. The model looks very similar to the one that is located at Coney Island. The site also has a Tilt a Whirl, which is also located at Coney Island. The cool thing about some of these models is that they actually operate!

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That would be pretty hard to do - you'd have to layer the "track" with something smooth (as Legos aren't that). It would sure look cool, though. I'd like to see someone make a scale-model of Millennium Force...now THAT would be impressive!!!

How about a Lego-version of Drop Zone...anyone up for a challenge? biggrin.gif

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