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Indiana Beach looking for Marketing Intern

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Are you a college student studying PR, Telecommunications, Marketing, Advertising, or Sales? Then consider an internship with Indiana Beach Amusement Resort in Monticello, IN on beautiful Lake Shafer. Ideal candidates would not hate people in general, be willing to work around and in an amusement park, and enjoy spending a summer on the lake.

You should expect your assignments (adventures) to change daily, this is not a 9 – 5. We need a Honey badger. We are looking for students savvy in social media, event coordination, professional communication, media relations, advertising planning, customer service, fun initiation, strategic planning, creative writing, and graphic design. The more hats you can wear, the better. Multitasking skills are a must. Our team will utilize your strengths and help you work on the other stuff.

- This is for college credit - This is a PAID internship - We have on location housing options available - Opportunity for fulltime employment (If you are awesome)


Anyone interested?

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I will definitely be passing this on to my best friend of 17 years, who is a junior in marketing communications (with a minor in advertising) at Kent State University up here near Akron. She's very into music and such a lively, fun girl, this job (and even application process) seems right up her alley! Very cool.

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Why can't amusement park engineering internships be this explicitly available and/or necessary?! :lol:

Terp, being very careful here...an interview/selection process should be at least a two way street. Not only should the employer choose the best candidate, but the candidate should also determine the nest opportunity.

I seem to recall allegations by employees that they were not paid for quite some time, stories of long time employees being let go, something about the park closing abruptly before the season was over, tales of unpaid electric bills, etc.

This may indeed be a marketing opportunity with significant challenges. It may set up the selected candidate with a reputation industry wide. Or, life lessons of a completely different kind may be gained in a less than pleasant fashion.

I'd carefully consider all the circumstances before rushing into this.

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I am well aware of what was then said. Watch what is done with far greater interest than just what is said.

Terp, not above pointing out that even paid interns usually earn far less than experienced employees.

I think it is interesting it i a paid intern, most that I have looked at or known someone did was not paid at all.

I know, what is said is not always reality, but I don't want to be pessimistic about it all either. I think they deserve another chance. I really want when to be successful!

Good luck to your friend GYK if they decide to apply!

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