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FUN 4Q Conference Call

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Record EBITDA, Revenue and Attendance for 2011.

Season Pass and group sales were up, gate tickets down. Out of park revenue up 8 percent.

Haunt a HUGE success. Looking at opportunities for other event driven attendance at other times of year (festivals like Dollywood or dare I say it...Winterfest?)

Cost of debt is down more than 3oo basis points or 3 percent. This frees up approximately $50 million a year.

Six (:)) key drivers for FUNforward:

Enhanced guest experience

Improved consumer messaging

Dynamic pricing and advanced purchase commitments

Premium product offerings

Strategic alliances and promotional leverage

Capital and expense productivity

Parks offer best day of the year experience with family and friends.

Q and A: first analyst hinted at asking exactly how many Fast Lane passes will be sold. Answer, in essence, was as many as we can while protecting the integrity of the normal guest experience and the Fast Lane experience and we will tweak it as we go.

Next question: how are up to $5 gas prices going to affect the company? Matt Ouimet said people will forfeit movies to go to parks and that most guests come from within 150-200 miles so he doesn't see a major impact.

$1.60 distribution forseen for this year, $2 next, perhaps more.

That is all. Read yourself for best results.


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I see Winterfest, if done right, as a way for Cedar Fair to make additional money at a time when the parks would otherwise be closed. If they alter the pricing strategy from what it was in 2005, it could definitely work. I mean it lasted from 1982 to 1992 and from everything I`ve heard was a profitable venture back then.

I wouldn`t look for a winter event anytime in the next year or two, but Ouimet certainly seems to be sending Cedar Fair in the right direction. Just look at the trend in their unit price since the first of the year! Its trading at 52 week highs today!

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I believe we will see more events in the park like a concert series or more promotional entrainment events such as the jump and walks before we see a return to Winterfest. I say this because Dec winter in Ohio is a gamble at best. The attendance figures say season pass sales up gate is down, so they still need to market more for the day guest and add incentive to give season pass folks a reason to return often throughout the season. Just me on this part, not sure how opening a park earlier everyday for season Pass guest will help raise revenue besides hoping to sell more passes. I mean there is not a lot open in the mornings to spend money on. Unless they offer better fresh food options or morning only discounts to pass holders during that time, otherwise then it is limited to pass sales and hope they stick around later in the day.

Honestly when KI offers more special events it entices me to come more often and heck I even plan the visits instead of going on a whim.

Let me add this as well; Like every year I look forward to the start of a new season and what Kings Island has to offer old and new. This upcoming season has me particularly excited to get back to the park as many of the new additions (the little detailed things) is what I have been wishing for for a long time. Fresher food choices, new entertainment choices and finally some love to a water park I strayed away from. I have focused on some personal things this winter and honestly feel it has been my most productive off season in a long time but that has gave me a chance to get KI off my mind for a bit so now it is like I have a clean slat to come back to. I swear I am more excited about this years season than I can remember. looking forward to a bright new season ahead.

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Just have to post this.....

From today's FB page - my friend Matt's post....

Matt Zaleski

I see that Cedar Fair, parent company of Cedar Point, announced annual revenues of $1.028 billion --- $1.027 billion of that was generated from sale of the french fries at Cedar Point. The fries are really the only thing I go to Cedar Point for anymore... :)

William Poznanski Kathy and I went there on the hotest day of the year. We stood on the concrete under the skyride and you could see the heat waves rising right in front of you. Some guy, not five feet in front of us, had an epileptic fit and fell to the ground. No less than seven people jumped on him because they thought it was a new ride!!!

Henry J. Rybaczewski Hey, Bill - if he would have had a track on him, people would've lined up just for the front seat.

William Poznanski They thought he was the front seat!!!

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Great summation of this mornings call Intrepreter.

The fact only two questions were offered speaks to the transparancy CEO Ouimet displayed at the recent New York invester conference. Simply put, new management layed out the business plan in concise, digestible, detailed bits of information that made sense.

Analysts and investors did not find it necessary to ask lawyer-like questions to get to the heart of the issues.

This is quite a radical departure from prior management handling of information and calls. Congratulations to the new team spirit and open acessable management at Cedar Fair. The new CEO has set the tone for leadership that rings crisply; we are a team working together towards common goals.

Brand extention and park utilization will increase with more events, festivals, and hosting of special groups. Look for revenue opportunities and low-hanging fruit to be picked which was overlooked by prior management. Cuisine opportunities and additional revenues can be harvested by managing the neglected breakfast business at many CF Parks.

Shoulder season(s) desirability will be enhanced, and demand created, via pricing, promotion, and special events. No longer will management allow guest park expenditures to linger or stay in the pocket. Ouimet will pry every penny loose.

Removing people from queing releases them to spend more money on park during the now "free" time. FastLane thus has two pronged benefits. Other ride management programs will free additional guest time.

It will be interesting to watch developments.

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That passage was based on the huge sucess of Halloween Haunt, not facebook pages.

Yes, but what i was meaning was that since the facebook page wanted WF back to KI, this may make their dream, of WF coming back, true based off of this article, therefore success for their dream

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