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Second weekend crowds


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I know it's difficult, if not impossible, to predict crowds, but I'm going to ask anyway. Historically speaking, assumming no rain and normal ride operation, etc, how does the second weekend of the season typically end up crowd-wise compared to opening day? I know opening day is usually incredibly crowded, so I typically avoid it (also because I'm in college up by Zanesville). I will likely be headed over for my first trip of 2012 this Saturday, and I want to know if I should wait for weekday operation. (I'm a guy who hates waiting in long lines). I know that in May, as a rule of thumb, crowds tend to be lighter, but my main question is, based on experiences from past years, would it be worth driving to KI from Fairfield for someone who doesn't really like lines but needs his adrenaline fix?

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I probably should have specified, Sunday is an impossibility, at least this weekend. But, I do appreciate the advice. And yes, Fairfield is a lot closer than Atlanta. My only issue is that I work minumum wage and drive an SUV, and will be temporarily jobless Tuesday. (Wow, this makes it seem like I have no priorities at all... I live with my parents and got a full scholarship to school, that's why being jobless isn't a big deal for me) But I can probably get my parents to cover the gas for me, as they always have as long as I'm in school, haha.

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my wife graduated from there in 06 and I am graduate from 08 (walked early so technically Dec 07)... Lived in Kelley, Finney, and the Townhouses.... loved and hated that college (sorry now university) but that place has a special spot in the middle of my heart and home.... worked at WMCO and MCTV for all my college days... man now I miss that place... haha good luck!

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