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Universal/Islands of Adventure PTR


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Rowling was apparently very strict about how her work came to life in Orlando. I doubt she would easily be swayed to "modify" something to match her vision... Dueling Dragons aside, of course...?

This is true, it's what stopped her from saying YES to Disney, they wanted to make the shops big enough for everyone to fit into at once, she wanted everything to scale.

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^^^Kidd, what exactly did you not like about Rockit?

I just thought that after the drop and loop, it was rather boring. I also had a terrible rattle during my ride that seesm to come and go if you read other's reports on the ride. Maybe I just caught it on a bad day.

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^ Rockit was nearly infamous for that issue and the rumor for a long, long time was that it was one train with a broken something-or-other... Most people, it seemed, managed to get that one train... Word began soon after that Intamin was already on it, developing new trains for the ride. If that wasn't one of their announcements for their "Year to be Here" (with lots of medium-sized improvements and re-designing) then I imagine it won't be seen at all. Rockit's also plagued by needing like, seven block brakes thanks to the tiny, numerous trains. It does make for a very obviously segmented experience...

^Is that why Disney had the proposed Avatar? (how is that project coming along?)

It feels like a response, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is. It does appear that the announcement was very hasty. How unlike Disney is it to blindly announce a project not even expected to begin construction for years, and without even a shred of concept art or a hint at a staple attraction? It feels like the announcement was rushed with Disney loudly trumpeting that they'd gotten Cameron on board before anything was really solidified.

Much of the enthusiast community (or maybe just a vocal minority) wants Disney to drop the Avatar plans, and every so often, rumors spring up that they have done just that. Usually Disney chimes in with a professional reminder at an annual meeting that the project is still very much alive.

Personally, I'm not a massive fan of the idea, but I have no doubt it would be well done if or when it's finished. The idea of an entire land dedicated to the non-Californian locale from arguably the least well-rounded Disney-Pixar film coming to California Adventure threw a lot of people for a loop, but it was done beautifully, right?

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Like Indiana Jones Adventure (Paramount), Star Wars' Star Tours (20th Century Fox), The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror (CBS), or The Great Movie Ride (MGM) wasn't Disney and ruined the Disney feel? ;)

But in this case, I do agree.

Ask 100,000 members of the general public: what was the name of the hero in Avatar? What about the villain? What is it they're fighting over? No doubt the land would be stunning and that no expense would be spared in attention to detail... But doesn't Disney prefer the immersive adventures where people care about the characters and their goals? An odd fit, and the announcement that it would be made into an entire land at Animal Kingdom (again, without any actual plans to speak of) only makes it worse.

To innovate on the technology behind The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man and put it in the Hollywood Studios park? Sure. But an entire land, and in Animal Kingdom? Talk about shoe-horning it in. And to add "insult to injury," much of the enthusiast community is still burned by The Beastly Kingdom land that never was at Animal Kingdom and that could easily still fit in the spot earmarked for Avatar...

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The idea of an entire land dedicated to the non-Californian locale from arguably the least well-rounded Disney-Pixar film coming to California Adventure threw a lot of people for a loop, but it was done beautifully, right?

Don't watch if you don't want spoilers on what all takes place once you traverse the innards of Ornament Valley, but you kinda still need to watch it to see how big of a step forward Disney and its Imagineers took with audio-animatronics. The first Cars film is my least favorite of the Pixar flicks that I've seen (I have yet to and most likely don't plan to see the sequel), but RSR is probably the best attraction Disney has ever created via bringing characters from a two-dimensional film into a three-dimensional environment. This definitely puts Uni Hollywood's Transformers to shame (had they gone for a few AA figures like they planned before it would be a different story).

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I didn't watch the video because I'll be there sooner rather than later, but I have heard people raving about this ride, saying it's this decades "Indiana Jones Adventure." I believe it! And by the way, that park looks beautiful now. Compare 2001 to 2012:



Truly incredible!

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Thanks for sharing your experience with us TheCrypt!

I had the opportunity to visit USF and IOA back in 2009 a couple of weeks before KI opened for the season. I wasn't that much of a fan of roller coasters before this trip. Before this trip, I did the coasters at the Disney parks in Florida, as well as The Beast, Firehawk, Racer, and Adventure Express at Kings Island. The Incredible Hulk did it for me, a month before I rode Diamondback for the first time. I will never forget my first ride on that thing.You can't keep me off of roller coasters now, it's a great adrenaline rush and a great stress reliever. Anyways, I need to get down there soon to check it out, it's been way too long. Once again, thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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Very awesome trip report! I went this year durring spring break. I only went to USF this year and I'm deff going next year to IOA. It was a blast and I had the best time ever! The only rides I did'nt ride were: Disaster and twister. But overall I just had the time of my life! And I got to take a pic of Nickelodeon Studios which has been a life long dream! :)

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Very awesome trip report! I went this year durring spring break. I only went to USF this year and I'm deff going next year to IOA. It was a blast and I had the best time ever! The only rides I did'nt ride were: Disaster and twister. But overall I just had the time of my life! And I got to take a pic of Nickelodeon Studios which has been a life long dream! :)

You must ride the Harry Potter ride (the one in the castle) it is my favorite ride with SOB in second Jaws was third. butter beer is a must too if I could i would live at UO or IOA!
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