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Merry Christmas!

Guest KingsIslandPR

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I had a great Christmas! I got 2 superhero movies (The Dark Knight Rises, The Amazing Spiderman 3D) and a smartphone. Now I'm not the only person in the world who doesn't own a smartphone lol. I hope everyone else had a great Christmas too!

PS: I love the snow! I've missed it the last couple of years. I actually got to leave work early so I wasn't one bit upset ;-)

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I have to admit, it does make me chuckle to hear of all these extremes referring to the snow/ weather- especially from the media.

Where I live in Erie, PA, we had about 12" this morning. It was a: "meh, it snowed" morning. It took me about an hour to clear my driveway/ sidewalk & my neighbor's driveway/ sidewalk (her husband unexpectedly passed away in the fall & like a good neighbor- Brown was there! B) ).

I had a humorous experience while in Atlanta for Super Bowl XXXIV. The entire East coast was in an ice storm & nobody knew how to deal with it- even at the hotel I stayed at where I witnessed a frustrated father using a screwdriver to removes the ice from his windshield.

Take your time driving. Find a back road/ parking lot and hit the gas/ brakes HARD to get the feel of your car sliding.

Did I mention take your time?

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