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Better Than ANY Fast Pass

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  • 3 weeks later...

This morning on the "Today" show, around 7:30 AM, they ran a story on the instance of disabled people selling their services as a means to get onto rides without waiting in line to families.  As an experiment, a crew hired a guide to see what would happen at DL.  The result--despite Disney knowing about the practice, the crew was backdoored or put into the FP line on EVERY attraction they visited,  Needless to say when the footage was sent to Disney, they were none too pleased.  The guide in question has been bannred from the park and the company he works for is now being investigated internally by Disney. 


The reporter then interviewed the owner of the company who said she was just selling a service that people wanted.  The guide was also interviewed, saying that despite his ban, he would continue to go to the park and expressed no remorse for what he did, saying he intends to do it over and over.  Knowing the Mouse, I expect a swift crackdown on this practice immediately.  Interestingly, there was no mention of what would happen to guests who were caught using the service.

Edit: Here is the link to the story:http://www.today.com/news/undercover-disney-deplorable-scheme-skip-lines-6C10131266 Edited by Gabe
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