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diamondstack 6/16


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  On 8/16/2013 at 2:47 AM, Tr0y said:

Now that i think about this, doesn't Flight of Fear only operate with 2 trains? When it could easily operate with 3 trains.. Increasing its capacity.. It has a loading station a mid corse break run, a ending break run and a unloading station. What it the deal with that? One train loads the other unloads and one train runs the corse.

Efficiency. For safety reasons, a train cannot be rolled forward into the station until the other train has cleared the cobra roll, in case of a rollback. By the time one train has cleared the cobra roll, the other train has usually run the course and is sitting empty at unload, ready to roll into the station and be loaded. So running three trains would have no appreciable effect on capacity and would only succeed in stacking every time.

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  On 8/16/2013 at 2:47 AM, Tr0y said:

Now that i think about this, doesn't Flight of Fear only operate with 2 trains? When it could easily operate with 3 trains.. Increasing its capacity.. It has a loading station a mid corse break run, a ending break run and a unloading station. What it the deal with that? One train loads the other unloads and one train runs the corse.

There is also a holding break between unload / load station. I was working at FOF during the transition from OTR's to lap bars and the explanation given to me was because with the seat belt latches they added it was going to take us longer to load and unload the trains. I always believed we could have ran 3 trains but they stopped using the holding break between stations and I never knew why. With the right crew I still think it's possible..imo. They told us it also had something to do with KD's FOF and didn't go into much more detail about that incident.

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Regulations changed and now Kings Island only operates 2 trains when it originally operated 4... It makes sense for safety reasons but as a rollback on FoF is possible but highly unlikely the LIM launch is not mechanical it's propulsion is electromagnetic. Being indoors cuts out the weather changing the launch outcome.. They could still run 3 trains because of the mcbr. once the train 1 passes threw a sensor completing the first loop the chances of rollback are slim to none the other two trains can move up a section, so train 2 goes from the unloading station to loading station and the train 3 waiting in the last brake run move to the unloading station it would still be more efficient, with 3 trains. Or the latter and it could end up like diamondstack and have two trains waiting and one train loading.. It all depends on the crew at that point.

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We were in line for Diamondback recently and we thought the trains were stacking because we weren't moving an inch. Then we counted 5 trains leave the station without us moving at all. After about 15 minutes we left the line by crawling through the queue line over to the Fastlane to leave....now as we were leaving the queue, we counted 35 Fastlaners entering the Fastlane line...guess it had nothing to do with stacking that day!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was at the park last night.

Customer service is lacking at Kings Island

The original Diamondback crew was the best. It is a shame that they were transferred to other rides, for whatever reason.

Also, the person on the mic needs to give MORE direction to the guests.

Leviathan has a timer in the front of the station, starting at 45 seconds. They were dispatching trains in 45 seconds or less. As soon as train 1 dropped, train 2 was being dispatched.

As soon as train one leaves the lift hill, train 2 should be ready to dispatch. There is no excuse for slow loading times. You have ONE restraint to check on Diamondback per seat. Check it, and move on to the next one.

Kings Island employees need to take the information given to them to make the experience better in the future. Don't go on the defense. That is a big problem. When you tell a KI employee something, they get defensive about it. Instead of fixing the problem, they make it worse by challenging the person bringing it to their attention.

I worked at Busch Gardens Tampa, Silver Springs Ocala, Disney, Kings Island, for 6 years was a manager at a McDonald's, and now I have my own business and work for myself. One thing I learned over the years, is do not argue with your customers, and use their feedback to make the experience better.

This thread contains feedback in which hopefully Diamondback employees can see, and up their games. We are going into Haunt, and your line will be extremely long. NOW is the time to work on bettering your staff.

I love Diamondback, but things need to change at that coaster.

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I even said the same thing in my trip report and have a video of it...

This crew isn't the worst however...beast crew still stacks with it's five minute cycle time. Yesterday was very simple mistakes which irks me...

Best crew this year has either been WindSeeker, Drop Tower, or skyflyer I think...honorable mention to Vortex but I will say they have a terrible spiel

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I only give WindSeeker credit for enforcing rules like a boss...slow loading isn't surprising considering they don't have someone dedicated to controls and they don't dedicate the same amount of employees to platform, one of the platform employees works controls as well, which is dumb

However one guy on the ride was breaking the rules, so they kept him locked in the restraint until security came, good job

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