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How can you be sure? I sure as heck would love to have that! So would everyone else who rides! Great photo ops! Just think! You wouldn't have to be ready for your pic at the photo spot you could be ready anywhere! Or you could just buy a video!

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  On 4/15/2014 at 8:11 PM, thedevariouseffect said:

^Their* :P

And you're alive :P You post here so infrequently I sometimes wonder... :P

Haha I do read this forum daily, I just post post all that much :)

  On 4/15/2014 at 9:09 PM, Sebastien6221 said:
  On 4/15/2014 at 9:05 PM, CoasterGeek101 said:

Just an FYI,

Don has granted permission to livestream. Tune into http://www.ustream.tv/channel/OnTheRunKI 5 minutes before the media presentation to watch.

Anyone going to upload the video online for those of us that arent at media day or won't be able to watch the live stream? Would be great to just get online and watch it when we have the time rather than a set time/date.

You should be able to view it anytime after it goes live. Ustream saves the videos that record I believe.

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Then he said people can sit there, but if media comes to ride, they get priority. The enthusiast will have to wait another ride or 2.

On another note, I made it into a video from Gatekeeper Media Day. I am on the outside edge behind these guys.

Turn the volume down, these guys are really obnoxiously loud.

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I love the detail Kings Island & Cedar Fair have put into this ride! From lighting to queue dressing, this maybe the best ride at any Cedar Fair park!

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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^^That's why I hate when cameras hit people..for some reason it's like an idiot ray nine times out of ten. Like you and the gentleman next to you. Sat there nice and calm, relaxed, enjoyed the ride, just stuck your hands up..

Put a camera on, dispatch train and clear, instant screams..


Times I don't miss being in operations..

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  On 4/16/2014 at 1:04 AM, UnrealNightmare said:
  On 4/16/2014 at 12:45 AM, Kat said:

I want to be row two either seat 2 or 3 to be seen on the news now lol

The Earth is the proper name of a planet, and thus should always be capitalized.

Don said row 2 will be used for the media only.
From what I heard that's row 1 only

The Earth is the proper name of a planet, and thus should always be capitalized.

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  On 4/16/2014 at 2:23 AM, sfgamfreak said:

^he had mentioned that row 1 and row 2 will not be available for media day(unless no media is riding than they will be open but media has priority)

I have yet to see anything that said row 2 but whatever. Not in the mood to argue over something stupid :P

The Earth is the proper name of a planet, and thus should always be capitalized.

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  On 4/16/2014 at 2:34 AM, Kat said:
  On 4/16/2014 at 2:23 AM, sfgamfreak said:

^he had mentioned that row 1 and row 2 will not be available for media day(unless no media is riding than they will be open but media has priority)

I have yet to see anything that said row 2 but whatever. Not in the mood to argue over something stupid :P

The Earth is the proper name of a planet, and thus should always be capitalized.

I could be wrong no doubt haha I'm not saying I'm right but swear I heard it oh well we will all find out Thursday!

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Row 1 & 2 will be used for the media to film, ride, and experience. Row 1 guessing just used to ride, row 2 will have a camera on the back of row 1 for reverse POV purposes (watch the riders).

Enthusiasts can wait for these seats, however, media personnel needing to film for their stories/videos will take priority over those queued up for those rows. So you may be next to ride, but you may not ride for a few cycles due to news media.

Wait all you want, but if you want to get on, take the other rows, there are 6 other rows giving you 24 other seats with two other trains same configuration. You do have all season in 2014 and beyond to ride Banshee any row you wish.

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tomorrow many of us will be riding what is known as Kings Islands throwback coaster, Banshee. knowing that we would have this very special opportunity to ride this roller coaster before the general public, i decided that tomorrow i'll dress like a 1970's Kings Island tourist, in honor of Banshee and The Bat so here it is, my media day outfit (note: my headband is an original 1970's light up Kings Island headband):


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