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Is Kings Island Haunted?


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The guy that took a nose dive off the band stand occured in the the late '80s. I don't remember if I was an Assistant Supervisor or a Supervisor when it happened. Happened late in the evening and he was rocked off his azz. The issue at hand was had he been served while intoxicated or if friends had passed the alcohol to him. An investigation was completed and it was determined that the beer had come from Bier Gardens or Munchen Tower. Tower Drinks had closed earlier in the evening and it was determined that the man and his family had all been hanging around International Street.

I know that he was taken to Bathesda North for treatment.

We were told what to say if the story broke but it never really did make much a splash in the press. (So to Speak)

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The guy that took a nose dive off the band stand occured in the the late '80s. I don't remember if I was an Assistant Supervisor or a Supervisor when it happened. Happened late in the evening and he was rocked off his azz. The issue at hand was had he been served while intoxicated or if friends had passed the alcohol to him. An investigation was completed and it was determined that the beer had come from Bier Gardens or Munchen Tower. Tower Drinks had closed earlier in the evening and it was determined that the man and his family had all been hanging around International Street.

I know that he was taken to Bathesda North for treatment.

We were told what to say if the story broke but it never really did make much a splash in the press. (So to Speak)

What happened to the guy?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. But come;

Here, as before, never, so help you mercy,

How strange or odd soe'er I bear myself,

As I perchance hereafter shall think meet

To put an antic disposition on,

That you, at such times seeing me, never shall,

With arms encumber'd thus, or this headshake,

Or by pronouncing of some doubtful phrase,

As 'Well, well, we know,' or 'We could, an if we would,'

Or 'If we list to speak,' or 'There be, an if they might,'

Or such ambiguous giving out, to note

That you know aught of me: this not to do,

So grace and mercy at your most need help you, Swear.

- Hamlet

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THere is more things that say they are real than things that say they aren't.

You are absolutly correct. Although no one has proof positive that Ghost or spirits do exsist, there are alot of unexplained occurance's that have happened in the world.

I am not trying to give a bible lesson or church lesson, but explain to me how Jesus became a spirt if Ghost and Spirits don't exsist? He manifested into a spirt and arose from the dead, so that there is proof enough for me.

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THere is more things that say they are real than things that say they aren't.

You are absolutly correct. Although no one has proof positive that Ghost or spirits do exsist, there are alot of unexplained occurance's that have happened in the world.

I am not trying to give a bible lesson or church lesson, but explain to me how Jesus became a spirt if Ghost and Spirits don't exsist? He manifested into a spirt and arose from the dead, so that there is proof enough for me.


I caught this show a couple weeks ago called the Ghost Whisperer. <G>

And from what I understand - the ghosts are hanging around until they get some un-finished business taken care of.

Then they go into this white light just like Carol-Ann! <G>

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Guest TombraiderTy
There is a strong arguement for spirit's or "ghosts" as they are often called. We learn from our Physics classes that the nature of energy is indistructible and that each person has energy as it's life force.


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I can see this is going to turn into a religous or spiritual debate very soon so lets just drop it. Science and faith just don't mix well. I do understand that somethings can't be explained yet. Spirits or ghosts as of today have no hard evidence to suggest that they in fact exist. I'm sorry my orignal comment was so blunt, I hadn't yet thought about the response or way people might have taken it. I used to believe in ghosts fiercely and even messed with quija boards and all that jazz. I thought it was cool. But I kinda grew out of it. So I can see where your coming from. So lets accept each others opinion on the subject and continue with the stories.


Enchanted Voyager

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Guest TombraiderTy

You do have a point. Anybody who may say ghost aren't real and stuff, stay off this forum. This is used to tell ghost stories we've heard about the park, not go hitting each other down for our opinions on spirits or ghost. Thanx.

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Guest TombraiderTy

Anyone have any new stories? Today at about 8:30 when I entered the International Restaraunt's Men's restrooms I heard talking as soon as I entered but once the door closed it all stopped and I was the only person inside there. Some say it might of been coming from the restaraunt and all the chatting going on but it seemed to be coming from the stall on far left. I may have n over active imagination though.

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It may have been the crazy cook that you heard!

Rumor is that one night at closing that one of the cooks and the hostess got in a huge fight. Apparently they were having a fling and the cook found out that the hostess was having something on the side as well.

They got in a fight and they both disappeared.


OOooooohhhh, that could be a good story!

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I started reading this post thinking i could skim quickly through it and be satisfied reading a couple of posts, what i didnt realise that an hour and a half later after reading every single post consequtively i would be writting a post myself smile.gif

Do i believe Kings Island is Haunted? Nah, most of the sightings are stories, stories are fiction. I cant believe in Ficticious things such as ghosts, convincing as they may be. I do believe however that it is spooky and creepy as many others have said,

Fearfest + Fog + Late Night Close + Me Walking By Myself = Me Power Walking To Get Out of The Park

We live in an age where TV shows such as ghost hunter or ghost whisperer are watched by many of us, why, because its interesting. These posts are incredibly interesting, most are not credible though, just like many of the shows on tv. I worked at the park last year and heard a few stories about events and occurences. A couple times THOUGHT i saw some things while my ride was in motion.

We all have imaginations, and thinking about ghosts is what makes ghost. I believe.

Just my opinion tongue.gif feel free to respond


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