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Is Kings Island Haunted?


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Guest kwindshawne
I always thought that Tower Tommy was Tower Johnny. I guess that just goes to show the validity of it. :cowboy:

At the risk of sounding even more strange than I am - it is TOWER JOHNNY and he does exist - I have actually seen him wandering around at night. Enough said.

I believe in ghosts personally....anything is possible..

As far as Tower Johnny-that was tragic. Think from the parks perspective...would you really want to remind folks about the gruesome nature of his death? Even though he was stupid for getting blasted..but those things can happen when you're drunk, and it could not have been prevented by any employee or anyone else for that matter. Something like that is best left alone and not publicized for obvious reasons.

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  • 5 months later...

I live in a house that was part of the underground railroad and was a hopital during the Civil war and there is a bball court at the bottom of the hill. One day me and a few of my friends were playin and one of them, Taylor said "Josh why is there a nurse in that window?" I said "What window?" Kyla said "She just left!"

At that instant we all ran up there and when we got to the window nothing was there.

I know this has nothing to do with KI but I just figured I would tell you all!

Back on topic. When your on the top of the tower ther is a corner where you can stick you head between the railing. I thought it was neat to be able to look out beyong the bars!

I asked the elevator op if someone had died on the elevator and she denied everything that I had recently been told of about Johnny. So maybe they arent supposed to admit to it?

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I belive in all things hauted so i do belive that it is hauted.... I wanna see Johnny or The Racer kid..... which is assumed to be johnny. or what about the infomus WWC outpost 3(i cant remeber which it is) how he throws rocks at the tower....anyway i totally belive that there are ghosts in that lovely park, i wish i could stay after hours and see what its all about!

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Me and my friend were riding The Beast and it was like 8 and we were coming up the last tunnel and I asked why his hand was on my shoulder and he swore up and down that he never touched my shoulder

I dont know what it was but I think Johnny had something to do with it!

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Wow, this topic sure is returning from the dead. (Yes, I'll be here all week.)

My friends did that to me on Bare Bones night last year. I made the mistake of telling them about some of the rumors and they scared the crap out of me. At least the first time, the next nine times weren't as funny...

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Nothing like ressurecting an old topic. Back to the haunts though, what is this story about WWC outpost 3 or whatever i have heard the rest but not this one.I actually wrote a ghost story about KI once if i can dig it up somewhere ill post it on here.

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This doesnt exactly pertain to KI but i found these cool videos on Youtube.

This is a video of a possible fallen angel.

Kind of reminds me of Smegol from Lord of the Rings.

Like any place of earth there is a story behind the place, I can bet that over 90% of the world has a creepy story behind it. I don't know if you believe in ghosts or not but I will admit, I have been in situations where I believed I was not alone.

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I woke up this morning and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and heard a chair move across the floor and looked in the kitchen to find that a chair was all the way across the room so I turned the light on and went back to the bathroom and the chair had moved back

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Where in the park were you when it happened?

Quite a few have died at the park, mostly things liek heart attacks and so on. The Boy in question died on the Effile Tower Elevator, he was on top of it and was drinking. My sister was the first on the scene to that and she said it was horrible to see.

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Where in the park were you when it happened?

Quite a few have died at the park, mostly things liek heart attacks and so on. The Boy in question died on the Effile Tower Elevator, he was on top of it and was drinking. My sister was the first on the scene to that and she said it was horrible to see.

And the Tower and Tower Drinks were closed off the rest of the weekend.

Was kinda odd seeing the yellow tape surround the tower.

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Where in the park were you when it happened?

Quite a few have died at the park, mostly things liek heart attacks and so on. The Boy in question died on the Effile Tower Elevator, he was on top of it and was drinking. My sister was the first on the scene to that and she said it was horrible to see.

I knew all that, I was just wondering where moe2795 was when Johnny fell.

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  • 3 months later...

I worked at Kings Island for 3 years starting in summer of 2001 i worked in food but also floated around to rides and attractions theres one story on here of a girl that was working on tower 2 of white water canyon almost the same thing happened to me little rocks got were being thrown at the side windows i didnt believe in ghosts till that night cause there was no one around and no reason for anyone to be around there....... when i was working in ice cream zone before i left i was closing during fear fest i was a supervisor it was about 1:30 there was another employee with me i was getting the cash out of the safe to walk it up to the cash office when one of the heavy syrup boxes (the Coke) flew off the shelf and slid across the floor dont know how that happened but pretty weird!!!!!

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I worked at Kings Island for 3 years starting in summer of 2001 i worked in food but also floated around to rides and attractions theres one story on here of a girl that was working on tower 2 of white water canyon almost the same thing happened to me little rocks got were being thrown at the side windows i didnt believe in ghosts till that night cause there was no one around and no reason for anyone to be around there....... when i was working in ice cream zone before i left i was closing during fear fest i was a supervisor it was about 1:30 there was another employee with me i was getting the cash out of the safe to walk it up to the cash office when one of the heavy syrup boxes (the Coke) flew off the shelf and slid across the floor dont know how that happened but pretty weird!!!!!

Now To Make It Easier To Read.

I worked at Kings Island for 3 years starting in summer of 2001. i worked in food but also floated around to rides and attractions. theres one story on here of a girl that was working on tower 2 of white water canyon. almost the same thing happened to me! little rocks were being thrown at the side windows. i didnt believe in ghosts till that night cause there was no one around and no reason for anyone to be around there. when i was working in ice cream zone before i left. i was closing during fear fest. i was a supervisor it was about 1:30. there was another employee with me and i was getting the cash out of the safe to walk it up to the cash office when one of the heavy syrup boxes (the Coke) flew off the shelf and slid across the floor. dont know how that happened but pretty weird!!!!!

Punctuation is your friend.

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This doesnt exactly pertain to KI but i found these cool videos on Youtube.

This is a video of a possible fallen angel.


This is a video of a girl that gets picked up only to later crash he car.


I love how many people actually think these videos are real. I always get a laugh when there is a big fuss over video which is clearly fake.

EDIT: Might as well post my KI haunt info.


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I was actually watching a show the other day that said the most haunted places are amusement parks and other places with a lot of energy. I guess the ghosts are attracted to the energy. Personallly, I've never seen any ghosts but could use some extra energy!!

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