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Season Pass Processing


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Is it just me, or this rediculous?

Season Pass Processing

04/09, 05/10-05/14, 05/17-05/21

Does that mean it can only be done on those dates, so if I went I'd just have to go to Guest Relations each time and set it up so I can get back in the park with my e-pass? Sounds pretty stupid to me that on opening weekend the only day you can get it processed is today and then not again for a month?

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Wow yea that really sucks, I could see that really ****ing some people off. Especially when KI wants everyone to get a season pass? This seems like prime time to keep the processing place open as much as possible. If those are indeed the only dates it is open then I must admit that is a bad move on KI's part.

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Wow yea that really sucks, I could see that really ****ing some people off. Especially when KI wants everyone to get a season pass? This seems like prime time to keep the processing place open as much as possible. If those are indeed the only dates it is open then I must admit that is a bad move on KI's part.

Yeah, I agree. That would have really ****ed me off to no end. Fortunately, i'm all set. good.

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