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Your Banshee Experience


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^ I know what you mean, same here, but I'm glad I tried Row 4 cause according to the test seat that does not have the row 4 belts on them I would have been unable to ride. But I also need to get in better shape not just to ride coasters but for over all health of myself. I have never been as big as I am now, and I do not like it.

I know there has to be a reason why all seats are not like row 4.

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^ I know what you mean, same here, but I'm glad I tried Row 4 cause according to the test seat that does not have the row 4 belts on them I would have been unable to ride. But I also need to get in better shape not just to ride coasters but for over all health of myself. I have never been as big as I am now, and I do not like it.

I know there has to be a reason who all seats are not like row 4.

Not sure what your asking, but Row 4 has a longer belt to accommodate larger riders. Usually coined as the big boy seats. B&M has installed them on a quite a few of there coasters.

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I think what he's saying is that if they can put a longer belt on the seats in row 4, then what is stopping them from putting that same belt on all 32 seats? Or to put it another way, if they can design the seats in row 4 to be more accommodating to larger riders, they why can't they design all of the seats that way?

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^ I never had the opportunity to ride the Flying Eagles when they were at Kings Island...good thing I'll driving through Charlotte in a month and a half and have a Platinum Pass.

I just head over to Jungle Jacks Landing at the Columbus Zoo, but then I also live in Columbus. Last season my quote to my 5 year old, " Hold on honey, Daddy's turn to fly this thing".

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I think what he's saying is that if they can put a longer belt on the seats in row 4, then what is stopping them from putting that same belt on all 32 seats? Or to put it another way, if they can design the seats in row 4 to be more accommodating to larger riders, they why can't they design all of the seats that way?

Yes, is it an overall weight issue?

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That could be a factor. I think it's moreover to make sure almost all restraints on the train are perfectly secure.

Say a smaller person like me goes in row 4 and for some reason every religious diety wants me dead and unlocks that row for some ridiculous one in a ridiculous chance time, with me being in that row the longer belt on row 4 may not prevent me from exiting the ride somewhere. Wheras the other rows offer alot more security. Whereas someone large, row 4 is like a normal row to them in comparison to any other row for me.

Thats the way I look at it.

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IMO, Banshee set a new standard for inverts from the restraints, to the size of the inversions, and even to the curved drop with no pre-drop. With the likely great success of Banshee, do you think we will see a reemergence of B&M inverts across the country, or the world?

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IMO, Banshee set a new standard for inverts from the restraints, to the size of the inversions, and even to the curved drop with no pre-drop. With the likely great success of Banshee, do you think we will see a reemergence of B&M inverts across the country, or the world?

Being tall and skinny, I don't much care for the restraints because they hurt my collarbones a little bit. Most of my head is typically over the top of typical OTSRs and I rarely experience "headbanging", so I would prefer traditional restraints. But since a lot of people really like these, I'm glad we have them, as they are popular, and they aren't so bad I can't handle them. Definitely a HUGE improvement over Gatekeeper's restraints early last year. Those were so bad, I'd rather have the original restraints on Flight of Fear...

Funny enough, I don't recall my collarbones hurting on the Carolina Cobra, so perhaps Vekoma does a better job with the vest-style restraints, or perhaps the short ride cycle didn't give them enough time to start hurting. Either way, for some reason or another, I think the new Vekoma OTSRs are just a hair more comfortable than the new B&M ones.

Regardless, I agree with all your other points. I think Banshee really raised the bar. Will it ever be topped for an Invert? Part of me hopes so because I want to see what they can do, but in a selfish way, I hope that no new inverts come close because I want Kings Island to have the number one invert in the world forever.

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With the likely great success of Banshee, do you think we will see a reemergence of B&M inverts across the country, or the world?

There are two things working against this: most parks already have an inverted coaster of some kind (either B&M invert or Vekoma SLC) and the higher cost of a B&M invert.

The parks that don't already have an inverted coaster are diminishing in number. Just thinking aloud the larger parks that don't have an invert but could probably use one are Dollywood, Silver Dollar City, Kennywood, and Holiday World. Some other parks - like Canada's Wonderland or the Six Flags properties with an SLC - have an invert there already so it's harder to justify another invert installation.

The higher cost of a B&M invert makes it harder to the smaller parks without one to install. Spending $15 million - or more - on a single attraction is tougher for the smaller parks to justify. Having said that, the fact that B&M changed their train design - one that worked well for years - means that there are probably more invert installs soon to come elsewhere. When B&M changed their hyper train design starting with Behemoth we saw three additional coasters use the same system (Diamondback, Intimidator & Shambhala) so it wouldn't surprise me at all to see a few more popping up.

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With the likely great success of Banshee, do you think we will see a reemergence of B&M inverts across the country, or the world?

There are two things working against this: most parks already have an inverted coaster of some kind (either B&M invert or Vekoma SLC) and the higher cost of a B&M invert.

The parks that don't already have an inverted coaster are diminishing in number. Just thinking aloud the larger parks that don't have an invert but could probably use one are Dollywood, Silver Dollar City, Kennywood, and Holiday World. Some other parks - like Canada's Wonderland or the Six Flags properties with an SLC - have an invert there already so it's harder to justify another invert installation.

And how did that prevent Kings Island from getting a B&M invert, when it already had two inverts?

Oh wait...

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With the likely great success of Banshee, do you think we will see a reemergence of B&M inverts across the country, or the world?

There are two things working against this: most parks already have an inverted coaster of some kind (either B&M invert or Vekoma SLC) and the higher cost of a B&M invert.

The parks that don't already have an inverted coaster are diminishing in number. Just thinking aloud the larger parks that don't have an invert but could probably use one are Dollywood, Silver Dollar City, Kennywood, and Holiday World. Some other parks - like Canada's Wonderland or the Six Flags properties with an SLC - have an invert there already so it's harder to justify another invert installation.

And how did that prevent Kings Island from getting a B&M invert, when it already had two inverts?

Oh wait...

Kings Island did not have a full circuit invert with inversions, which I think is the real point here. Yes, Invertigo is an invert, but the very concept is fundamentally different than Banshee's. On the other hand, do I see Canada's Wonderland building a B&M Invert? Probably not, because to the general public, it's not any different than their Vekoma SLC. It's hard to promote a new ride if the fans don't think it's really anything different.

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On the other hand, that didn't stop Canada's Wonderland from building Leviathan which fundamentally is very similar to their already existing Behemoth.

What I'm wondering is if we will see parks in the near future retrofit their current inverts with the new style train.

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On the other hand, that didn't stop Canada's Wonderland from building Leviathan which fundamentally is very similar to their already existing Behemoth.

Parks are going to build rides they believe will be good investments as their primary consideration. If those rides happen share similar characteristics then that's fine, and the two megas at Canada's Wonderland are great examples. Leviathan completely changed how crowds flow in that park. I've been there on days where Leviathan is sporting a half hour or longer wait in the first couple of hours while Behemoth is a five minute wait or less. It moves people like crazy, is a lot of fun and extremely re-rideable. It was a fantastic investment IMO.

Having said all that, how many parks have two similar megas in the same park? Wonderland and Cedar Point are the only two right now (and perhaps Carowinds if you believe the rumors for next year). How many parks have a B&M invert and an SLC in the same park? I believe only La Ronde has that combo. As popular as Arrow loopers were there was probably good reason why parks didn't choose to build more than one in the same park.

I'm not saying that you can't have more than one invert at a park. I'm not saying that you won't ever see an existing B&M invert replace their current trains with the newest model. I am saying that the park has to make sure that it's going to be profitable for them to make decisions like that. That's especially true with the trains, because the current models work just fine. Parks would need to see a ton of maintenance savings for them to even consider a decision to replace trains, and I simply can't imagine that would be the case.

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Short and sweet. Didn't really like the 4+ hour wait. lol! Loved the ride!!!! Hated the fact that, once again, we are getting ripped off by having to rent a locker or leave a person out of our party.

We cheated a bit there. We all waited in line and just traded off bags.

But it really sucks if you're a lone rider that day.

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Short and sweet. Didn't really like the 4+ hour wait. lol! Loved the ride!!!! Hated the fact that, once again, we are getting ripped off by having to rent a locker or leave a person out of our party.

We cheated a bit there. We all waited in line and just traded off bags.

But it really sucks if you're a lone rider that day.

Yea after riding it,IMO I think they have room for bins.

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Short and sweet. Didn't really like the 4+ hour wait. lol! Loved the ride!!!! Hated the fact that, once again, we are getting ripped off by having to rent a locker or leave a person out of our party.

We cheated a bit there. We all waited in line and just traded off bags.

But it really sucks if you're a lone rider that day.

Yea after riding it,IMO I think they have room for bins.

Room? Sure. Reduced capacity while riders putz around stowing and retrieving stuff? Nope. The ride needs to operate at maximum capacity. Don't want to rent a locker?

Hmmm. I have never, ever rented a locker in any amusement park.

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On the other hand, that didn't stop Canada's Wonderland from building Leviathan which fundamentally is very similar to their already existing Behemoth.

What I'm wondering is if we will see parks in the near future retrofit their current inverts with the new style train.

I think it's the same reason why rides aren't typically retrofitted. I imagine that it's very expensive and you can't really market it as a "new" attraction. Yeah, you've got X2 and Bizarro but they were marketing a new experience with the theme. I could see a retrofit was part of a package, but not done on its own.

Then again, stranger things have happened.

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I will admit I was not a fan of the no bag policy when announced. However, going from carrying a bag to not carrying one has become awesome. I have had to ask a couple of people to hold a key or my phone due to my lack of planning. Not having to fight to get to and from the bins is awesome. Being able to ride faster is sweet!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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