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Mantis and Rougarou: Separate Credits or Not?


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For my credit count, I put Son of Beast as 2 separate credits, one as it was with the loop and one for after the 2007 'refurb' as I found out the ride was drastically different before and after. Thus, I myself will be counting Rougarou as a separate credit from Mantis. To me, floorless and stand up coasters are drastically different even if you'd have them go through the same layout. However, I won't get on anyone else to do so as I think each enthusiast should enjoy the hobby as he/she wants to.

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RCDB is counting them as one and the same, which cements my decision to count them as one. With the exception of my not counting powered coasters, my counting ideology is basically the same as theirs.

Of course, RCDB claims it has four inversions. I contend that it has three. Inclined loops are not inversions.

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rcdb.com says:

* Goliath at Six Flags Great America is wood.

* It does not list Haunted House at Camden Park as a coaster, yet does list Underground at Iowa's Adventureland.

* And, as you noted, after many, many years of not listing powered coasters, now it does. Sometimes.

I don't count it as an arbiter of things coaster any more. It's methodology no longer makes sense to me....

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I feel like there should be some credit that comes from being an enthusiast long enough to see major changes. Especially since most of the changes we see are losses of coasters we have known. It's exciting to see a change that is likely to breathe life into an older coaster rather than a dismantling (or steeling old woodies).

I don't personally keep track of the coasters I've ridden (I don't even remember for certain what parks I've been to, it's been so long). If I did, I would at least note when I have ridden a ride under multiple name/theming changes, or when the ride experience had made significant changes (addition of seatbelts or minor changes in restraints I probably wouldn't count, but a significant difference in train style like Rougarou, or the backwards Racer, I would).

As long as there is no governing body for "credits", though, I say whatever floats your boat. It's not something anyone outside of enthusiasts would care about (and not even some of us) and among those, there are going to be endless differences of opinion about what "counts."

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Exactly I said something similar in the other thread. Do what makes you happy and that's what counts (within reason it's a good motto for life.).

I sometimes wish I counted which rides I rode but to be honest very few have stood out to me: Beast, Banshee, Griffin, Hollywood Rip Ride, Big Bad Wolf, Hulk, Harry Potter, TTD...... That's about it

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And while you're visiting Idlewild, you will be conveniently located near my personal favorite amusement park...

Phantom, Jack Rabbit, Thunderbolt, Bayern Kurve, the best Musik Express I've ever ridden, Kangaroo, Noah's Ark, Potato Patch.... I could go on and on and on. :wub:

I even put a Kennywood license plate frame on Mr. Blue Sky. For me to adorn my most prized possession with their name... It says a lot about my love for that park!

And for added bonus points, the ideal route back to Cincinnati from Kennywood passes right through New Concord, OH, the happiest place on Earth!

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