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Pki 8-30-03


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I don't like Cheerleaders... actually it's the parents I hate. They were mean, rude, dirty (filthy actually, Timberwolf was ankle deep in trash when it was done), ill-mannored, had no since of pride, no since of sportsmanship. They were just nasty people.

I was finally put in Timberwolf around 7:15pm and shortly after the NCA called off the championship. That was a bad idea... people were THROWING things onto the stage! I saw trays, cups, balls, anything at all thrown on the stage. I finally got down to the front and stood on a bench dead center and they stopped. Then I had to close off Post 5, which goes back to the access road and to the Prefered parking lot.

First off, NONE of the guests ever came through that way to get into Timberwolf, they all had to go through the main gate unless they were NCA people. So all the bullsh*t I was given by the guests about how they came in that way is just bull. I could care less where you parked, when you got there, how long you've been there, they had to exit through the park. They really didn't like that and got in my face and fu**ing went off behind me anyway and out to the lot. Someone was finally sent backstage to send all the guests out through the stage doors so I wouldn't have anymore coming out that way, and I was able to get all the guests moved back enough to close the gates, after that I didn't have any more problems.

Second off, I could care less how much the park makes off this stuff, but they really need to tell the NCA to shove it for next year or make the guests realize that they are guests, teach them to use the trash cans (or all are they all like Jessica Simpson and had someone clean up after them?), teach them about good sportsmanship (if I would have seen who was throwing stuff, I would have had the team disqualified if they placed and they would have been banned from the competition if it is held at PKI), and teach them manners in general. Timberwolf was hell, people were smoking, they were drinking, they were clogging the isles by just standing in them, they weren't supposed to take in strollers and they did anyway and wouldn't move them.

I'm sure there are some nice people out there for it, but all in all it was a horriable evening and I really, really don't like the NCA, NDA, or PKI for letting them in. I hope we strongly rethink next year and at least give them a list of rules to follow. Or we should charge them a HUGE clean up fee.

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cheerleaders suck.

i know.... i went yesterday to get my 2004 pass made (thank the lord, my family wasn't going to get them) and the cheerleaders were there.... the were bossing there parents around to get make up on.... and i hear alot of them cursing there parents out when the messed up

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Ya I would have to say that they were rude and messy also. I went to get my 2004 pass made also, and the spot where you fill out your card to get your pass was just covered in trash. I say KI enforces some rules next year or they can tell the NCA to go somewhere else to have their little cheer competition.

I'm not a big cheerleader fan either.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Last year wasnt too bad, or did all the long lines on SOB and the dirty people down in the valley just blend together? Probabily is overpowered by the 3 hours of cleaning we had to do on BAFFD. Cups stacked 4 ft. high. That was bad. I just ignored them for the most part.

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