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Is The Beast from the future?


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It looks like to me, that the claws of The Beast look like metal claws. So a theory of mine is that in the future a science experiment went wrong between animal and robot, thus creating The Beast, this may be silly but what do you think?





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^^ I like that....how about this synopsis for a Triotech attraction...


The past....


On July 16th, 1890, I was visiting a friend in Kings Mills, only a short distance from the Gunpowder Factory. From my friends house we could easily see the railroad switch-backs near the powder house. It wasn't unusual to see at any time several empty cars being backed into the open tracks in order to connect additional cars, however, something seemed strange. As an engine pushed two empty cars backwards, there was another car on the opposite track and it was loaded with full gunpowder barrels. When the empty cars continued backwards down the tracks it was easy to see that the switch had not activated. From the distance, the cars appeared to tap together rather loudly and in less than a second a blinding explosion occurred.


Men, woman and children clamored and struggled to escape the burning powder house. Surely many had died in the horrendous explosion. My friend and I ran towards the destruction to assist the injured pull them to safety. The explosion had created a crater that was huge and deep. We began dragging the injured away from the site to a location further away, when my friend stopped in his tracks and pointed towards the smoking crater.


In the smoky, mangled and twisted metal jutting from the crater we heard low and guttural growls, as if there was something alive in the rubble. I know that I distinctly heard the sounds of chains being pulled taunt with a tense metal twang. As the supposed chains continued to be furiously drawn, the growling and howling intensified. Suddenly, there was a sound as if a chain snapped followed by another growl and a snap. My friend an I listened intently to discover just what this creature was and wondered just what was released during the explosion.


Suddenly from the smoking hole, there appeared the claws of a creature unlike anything either of us had seen. The metallic claws of this Beast dug into the ground surrounding the hole and began to pull the creatures body forwards. Suddenly a second explosion occurred as billows of smoke escaped the hole, blocking our view of this thing. The smoke was so thick that all we could see was the lower extremities of this huge monster. As it pulled away towards the woods we could hear the klang klang klang of the chains being dragged away. Was this creature real? Was this some man-made invention or something released from the depths of hell to wander the woods of the Little Miami Valley?


To this day neither my friend or I have seen any glimpse of this creature and as far as we know it still wanders the woods along the river.


The present...


Legend has it that a Beast was unchained many years ago and wanders the woods in the back property of Kings Island. Tracks were discovered in 1979 and the creature has appeared on occasion to frighten those who challenge it's territory. It has been known to be destructive and has destroyed many of the attractions at Kings Island including Flight Commander, TR:TR and has even destroyed it's own Son. We need to be vigilant and help confine The Beast in it's gaping crater.


Are you brave enough to challenge The Beast and confine it to a deep dark crater before it destroys our beloved park? If so, sign up at the local expedition building in Rivertown today!

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Problem is, half the mystique is that we don't know what The Beast looks like beyond its furry claws. A dark ride about or including The Beast would change that. And sometimes, what you don't see is more important than anything they could show. How disappointed would you be if a dark ride shows The Beast and it's not what you had always envisioned...? Worse, what if it's a stupid design that's poorly animated by Triotech?

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I think that was the idea behind seeing only the claws to begin with GYK; to not see. You can't see very much of it to this day, which may be why we have only ever seen the claws as it's a representation of The Beast itself.

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As I recall, some did say mark of The Beast ... and it resulted with many of the queue line signs to be removed in the following years. An example of a sign that I remember... "All is for The Beast". The only remaining sign that I have seen is "you may lose loose articles to The Beast" and it can be seen hanging over the storage boxes.


Some people even went as far as protesting the name of the ride as well.... glad that change never came to fruition.

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