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Halloween Haunt - dumb question


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Quick question, I'm really not into Halloween, haunted houses, etc.  Me and the kids just like riding rides.  I can't find any official information on this, so I thought I'd ask the pros on here...


Are most rides / coasters open?  Long lines usually?  Can you just go, ride a bunch of rides without messing with the Halloween stuff?  Is it a reasonable expectation to just be able to ignore all that and ride?   

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Quick question, I'm really not into Halloween, haunted houses, etc.  Me and the kids just like riding rides.  I can't find any official information on this, so I thought I'd ask the pros on here...


Are most rides / coasters open?  Long lines usually?  Can you just go, ride a bunch of rides without messing with the Halloween stuff?  Is it a reasonable expectation to just be able to ignore all that and ride?   


Friday nights are GENERALLY somewhat quiet, lines are average.  Tends to be more of a rowdy crowd, but the Halloween attraction lines tend to be pretty long.


Saturdays are generally some of the most attended days of the year, I would stay away.


Sundays there are no haunted attractions open and tends to be more family friendly.


Regardless of what day you go, there aren't too many roaming actors walking around these days.

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Quick question, I'm really not into Halloween, haunted houses, etc.  Me and the kids just like riding rides.  I can't find any official information on this, so I thought I'd ask the pros on here...


Are most rides / coasters open?  Long lines usually?  Can you just go, ride a bunch of rides without messing with the Halloween stuff?  Is it a reasonable expectation to just be able to ignore all that and ride?

I went with my cousin and their nieces to the Daytime Haunt. Snoopy in a vampire cape is about scary as it gets, it's more like Autumn theming during the day. I do recall the big rides were open, the youngest niece reached coaster height and went riding. Maybe that would be fun time for you to go.

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Thanks! I don't mind loud noises, theming, etc. I just don't care for random teenagers dressed up as zombies bugging us, and I that's sort of the impression I get seeing the promos.

most of the haunt scareactors are actually mid 20-60's. very rarely do you have just a bunch of teens. the people that audition for haunt and out in the midway are the best of the best. a lot of those haunt scareactors are people that do scaring/acting/entertainment 99% of the year. getting paid to do it, or volunteering.

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Quick question, I'm really not into Halloween, haunted houses, etc.  Me and the kids just like riding rides.  I can't find any official information on this, so I thought I'd ask the pros on here...


1. Are most rides / coasters open? 2.  Long lines usually? 3. Can you just go, ride a bunch of rides without messing with the Halloween stuff? 4. Is it a reasonable expectation to just be able to ignore all that and ride?   


1. Yes, weather permitting, most of the rides that are not in Planet Snoopy (without Boo Blasters) and  are not White Water Canyon should be open.


2. Usually maybe, depending on the night, on a Friday night they are lighter. However on a Saturday night they can be a bit long.


3. That is virtually impossible due to the roaming Scareactors who will scare guests in the park. However, if they bring back the "No Boo-Sticks" then you might not get scared.


4. I would say that if your kids are age appropriate for the event's attractions in terms of Haunts then go in and have some fun. You will get scared, but it's a fun experience to have with others to reminisce of the funny moments in the attraction. However, if you don't like being scared and graphic content then seriously don't go into the Haunts or better yet the event itself as there is graphic content I e blood and guts around the park for the event's theming.


But, as I always say, take what I say with a grain of salt and call the park for more information. And or go to the front gate and ask a park representative as this is an enthusiast forum, not a park extension.

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As others mentioned Friday and Saturday nights (Saturday especially) get fairly good size crowds and can make waits for the rides a bit longer. Earlier in the day on Saturday isn't too bad but the later into the day it goes usually the heavier the crowds. Also on Fridays and Saturdays after about 5 or 6 Planet Snoopy will close down it's rides.

If you don't want to get scared at all I'd recommend a No Boo necklace as well, but there aren't a ton of street roamers in past years but there are some. If all you care about are the rides themselves I'd probably recommend going on a Sunday. Crowds usually aren't very big so can get on rides pretty quick. There is no adult haunt stuff that day so the park usually closes around 7, but since most crowds outside young families tend to want the main Haunt events they avoid Sundays resulting in much smaller crowds and lines, especially outside of PS. So if you really want to avoid long lines and scare actors Sundays would be the best bet.

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I usually go to the park on Sundays during the Halloween season. I'm way too chicken to go to Haunt, but I love walking around during the day and looking at the decorations. Also, I've found that Sundays don't really have big crowds during Fall, and I'm able to walk on almost every ride.

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