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Roller coaster manufacturer...


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GCI are the ones responsible for the Millenium Flyer trains as they are called. They allow for some nasty looking track layouts with severe and sudden banks. I personally have never ridden any of their rides, but I hope to experience them one day. As for CCI, they made some excellent woodies, however, that company has since been disolved and is currently existing under two different forms. Denise Dinn went out to Utah and is the head of S&S Power`s wood coaster division. I believe that they built one coaster in the Northwest. The other part of the defunct CCI is the Gravity Group, which I believe is based in Cincinnati like CCI was. They specialize in the design, and retracking/profiling of wooden coasters. I don`t know if they`ve designed any coasters yet, though.

The manufacturer I would most like to see at PKI would have to be B&M because of their raw speed, height and elegant looking supports and track. Their rides always seem to look so graceful, and I wouldn`t mind one gracing PKI`s skyline in the near future. Also, since they have four across seating, they offer a high capacity. I haven`t ridden any Intamin coaters besides Volcano: The Blast Coaster and Superman Ultimate Escape at SF:WoA. I found those rides to be enjoyable (especially SUE as the lines were walk on all day I was there!). I really would like to experience Millenium Force and Top Thrill Dragster before I decide if I want PKI to get an Intamin coaster (I last made it up to Cedar Point in 1999!)

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Rode two new to me coasters over the summer. Apollos Chariot at BGW and Superman at SFA. I also rode alot more new coasters but thats besides the point of the post. Apollos Chariot was great and had loads of airtime but it was just too smooth and forceless. Superman on the other hand had loads of airtime and had great forces throughout the ride. I liked Superman so much thats it's my favortie steel coaster! biggrin.gif

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The only B&M rides I've ever ridden are Raptor and Mantis, both at CP. They are truly great rides...smooth, fast and very powerful. I really want to try out a B&M floorless and speedcoaster. I'm sure that I would love both since the company's stand-up and invert are high on my list.

I'm still going to go with Intamin, because of their products. Millennium Force just plainly kicks arse along with Dragster and Wicked Twister. PKI has a couple Intamin flats and water rides, so why not go back to such a great company for a coaster? Intamin will build taller, faster and longer as needed.

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I picked Intamin basically cause I'm impressed with their progress from their original coasters to now. Track design has changed, developed new ways to launch, and just some pretty darn awsome layouts and speeds on rides. B&M has multiple track designs for each type of coaster they have... however they're all the same with just different track tie styles.. nothing to inovative has really come out of them. True there was floorless, but whats that.. just an elevated seat with a floor in the station that moves...??? Though the ride is still the same as any other coaster they make. Flyer was their only true inovated method, but I'm just not as impressed by that as I am with the great Intamin rides.

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