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  UncleHenry said:
Fix FoF's effects and bring them back to how they were when it first opened, and you have a world class ride again!

If you think about it, FoF is really about 90% in working order, which is phoenominal for a Paramount Park. With the exception of some lights burnt out, the only themeing that doesn't work is the stuff that no longer goes with the video (i.e. the projected vertical and horizontal lines). It may be dusty in there, but it works!

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^ I saw the fog work either this season or least. I'm pretty sure it does work, it probably just needs to be filled.

The people floating was never really that great of an effect. I think someone in a pod with a Pink Panther covered in dust is creepy enough!

Which lights are we talking about?

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The fog inside the station never worked the season I was on FoF's crew (2003). The fog I am talking about is inside the actual station. Directly in front of the train in the station are a ring of lights that go around the arch above the track. In front of those lights are grates. Fog used to come out of those grates, and the lights behind the grates would light up (as they still do) to make the fog glow as the train launched INTO the fog. Also at this time, the lights would dim and the "all seeing eye" above the station (that big red ball thing) would glow bright red at launch. THOSE are the effects I would like back.

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It truly brings a tear to my eye to see that someone other than me not only remembers these things, but cares about them as well. The pulsating light above the train is burnt out now and needs replacing; and I do wish they'd get the dead bugs out of that thing too. The fog will never happen again, it's just not worth the money for PKI. You, me, and probably 20 other people are the only ones that actually remember the ride had fog there. The managers don't even remember it. I am a bit confused, however, about the pod people's "floating effect." What was this? I only recall some fascinating lights inside the pods that change colors. Some of those still work, since they were replaced last year. The one thing they did fix this past season was the light fixtures in the ceiling, giving the ceiling a clear separated color scheme of green and purple. The fog in the hanger worked every now and then, but it never spread out from underneath the saucer. It ended up merely serving the purpose of making sure no one could see their reflection in the station wall mirror. Something they need to fix in the hanger are the lights on the saucer itself, including yellow, purple, and green lights, and the strobe lights that go on when Patchbay and Mr. Christopher "jack in." Lastly, it's not really broken but inaudible, the music inside the drum. They need to turn up the volume because the only time you can hear it is when the block brakes slow the train down and the noise from the train is greatly lessened.

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It's really dirty inside Flight of Fear and extremely dusty. Also it's seems very cluttered. It needs some cleaning inside. On Racer I think they should remove the walls inside the brake shed. They put those on to protect the skid brakes. But since the skid brakes aren't there anymore they should remove them. Plus, it gets very hot in there on hot days. And when you're back there for a while it gets pretty stuffy in there. Action Theater should be two sided all year long. They have two sides why not use them. Maybe this time if they're going to bring an old film back they should advertise it more, so it won't be like DOT and being shut down within the month. Vortex could use some work in the station. Maybe doing something with the que line or something. Also Racer needs some updating on it's station. Some of the wood in the station is getting old and some boards need replaced. Especially on Troika they should get ALL the lights on it working right. I all ways hated working that ride and only two arms are lit up. It looks bad. And they should put in a flat or something where Eurobungee was, it looks too empty.

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  HabloRM said:
Especially on Troika they should get ALL the lights on it working right.  I all ways hated working that ride and only two arms are lit up.  It looks bad.

This is the kind of thing that you should put on the maintenance list every night until it gets fixed.


"zephyr" not "zepher"

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  CoastersRZ said:
No, I don`t think Vortex needs any theming. I wouldn`t mind seeing The Racer return to its original color scheme with red track and blue handrails.

I think that is the best Idea so far. I don't think the park would go and spend the money to return the theme to The Racers. I would not mind if they both went the same way and no backwords.

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  HabloRM said:
Action Theater should be two sided all year long. They have two sides why not use them. Maybe this time if they're going to bring an old film back they should advertise it more, so it won't be like DOT and being shut down within the month.

I don't think we'll be seeing any of the old movies again. There is a possibility of seeing Smash Factory, Asteroid Attack, or SOTLT again, but nobody wants them. And, I seriously doubt we will ever see 007 LTT come back, just on the grounds that Bond is owned by MGM, and they're the ones we had to pay $10,000 a year to just to have the name Outer Limits.

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  matth said:
  HabloRM said:
Especially on Troika they should get ALL the lights on it working right.  I all ways hated working that ride and only two arms are lit up.  It looks bad.

This is the kind of thing that you should put on the maintenance list every night until it gets fixed.


"zephyr" not "zepher"

And the sad thing is that we do. Or at least I do everytime I'm at Monster. Some of those lights weren't working either and I forgot to add that in my last post. When I'm at Troika I let them know about it too.

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  Alien Seed said:
And, I seriously doubt we will ever see 007 LTT come back, just on the grounds that Bond is owned by MGM, and they're the ones we had to pay $10,000 a year to just to have the name Outer Limits.

MGM was just sold. I know they are making a new 007 moive with a new 007.

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  HabloRM said:
  matth said:
  HabloRM said:
Especially on Troika they should get ALL the lights on it working right.  I all ways hated working that ride and only two arms are lit up.  It looks bad.

This is the kind of thing that you should put on the maintenance list every night until it gets fixed.


"zephyr" not "zepher"

And the sad thing is that we do. Or at least I do everytime I'm at Monster. Some of those lights weren't working either and I forgot to add that in my last post. When I'm at Troika I let them know about it too.

Do you actually see the list after it is printed to ensure that everything that is on it is in the correct place?


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personaly i just think a knew movie for FOF would be nice. I know that the video goes with the whole them, but really theres only a UFO in there so you could have a lot of different stories to go with it. Even if they keep the story just an updated version would be cool, I mean the movie looks so fake and after having seen it a million times it kinda gets on my nerves.

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I think it would be cool to get some lighting effects for Vortex. Like lights shining on the corkscrew. I also wish they would bring back those "marching ants" lights that went up the lift hill of Vortex and along the straight part of track on The Racer. I thought those really made the PKI atmosphere a lot more lively. They were there labor day weekend, but then vanished. I figured they had them off for Fearfest, but they weren't on the last weekend, that wasn't Fearfest. huh.gif

I also think they could use more/better lighting during night at Coney Mall. It gets dark through there. And the Eiffel Tower doesn't do that great a Job of illumninating the entire park! rolleyes.giflaugh.gif

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  TheKlockster said:
I think it would be cool to get some lighting effects for Vortex. Like lights shining on the corkscrew. I also wish they would bring back those "marching ants" lights that went up the lift hill of Vortex and along the straight part of track on The Racer. I thought those really made the PKI atmosphere a lot more lively. They were there labor day weekend, but then vanished. I figured they had them off for Fearfest, but they weren't on the last weekend, that wasn't Fearfest. huh.gif

I also think they could use more/better lighting during night at Coney Mall. It gets dark through there. And the Eiffel Tower doesn't do that great a Job of illumninating the entire park! rolleyes.giflaugh.gif

They were just off for fearfest.

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