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PKD'S TR:TR Contstruction


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You peeps have to realize that PKD attracts nowhere near the numbers we do. Just because there's isn't a "top spin in a box" doens't mean it's not going to be any good....So, to assume there's is going to suck butt because it's not indoors and didn't have nearly the budget as ours did, is pretty unfair...Quit hatin peeps.

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  AZ Kinda Guy said:
You peeps have to realize that PKD attracts nowhere near the numbers we do. Just because there's isn't a "top spin in a box" doens't mean it's not going to be any good....So, to assume there's is going to suck butt because it's not indoors and didn't have nearly the budget as ours did, is pretty unfair...Quit hatin peeps.

Wow... someone on this site actually uses their brain instead of the, "If it's not at PKI, it sucks" mentality that everyone seems to have. I'm impressed. wink.gif You're the man AZ Kinda Guy tongue.gif

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some people are hatten and i go to pkd all the time because in livin right her in virginia 20mins away from it. If you don't even know whats coming with the ride ill tell you. ours will be very highly themed and we will have you raceing to the ground looking at a pit off fire and flames shoting from the ground. we also have the water effect where you get soaked on every seat. although ours is out door you will not be looking at roller coasters and stuff while on the ride out doors because was also have smoke and steam around us while on the ride so you will feel more in a tomb raider enviornment. althogh ours hold 38 it will still be good. it will not be a short ride because i heard that ours will be over 2minutes. just to mention ours will flip 5 times (like yours do) and will be a floorless top spin sitting back to back and theres noting in front of you but your legs and noting above you but the sky. ours is only 10ft shorter than tomb raider the ride at pki. yours 70ft high ours 60. think of a 2 story home and take off the top. that is only how short ours is from yours. Please don't hate rolleyes.gif

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  Vortexlover2 said:
Since ours is indors, and has more space, and is geting longer this year, I think their's will not copare to ours as "Really Cool" and I found out is will only cary 30 people at once, or something like that, when ours holds like 72!

The one at PKI has 77 seats, but only 56 seats are used.

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  flightoffear1996 said:
Most thrilling no, most fun yes. I think PKD's TR:TR is gonna be a piece of crap. Its outside for one which gives you less theming options, and with only 40 people its gonna have long lines and a short ride I am sure.

Most thrilling? Absolutely NOT. I've ridden a lot of regular top spins and probably 80% of them are far superior in program to Tomb Raider. The flips are way more intense and the action is generally a lot better. I'm sorry, Tomb Raider's program is WEAK. It works perfect for the effects on the ride, but overall its not that impressive. PKD's certainly will be a fun ride, outdoor or indoor. Big deal, its only 40 people. Lower attendance park, lower attendance ride. Like someone else said though, at least their version should operate consistently.

- Todd

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  AZ Kinda Guy said:

Someone else? Someone else? Is that all I am to you Todd? After all these years I'm just "someone else"? biggrin.gif

LOL! No, no, no, now you know you are more than that! :-) Its just that after reading so many babbling posts about bigger being better, even the knowledgeble posts blur into the mix. I should have known it was you, afterall you seem to be one of the few that understand how this whole industry works man. Have a good one.

- Todd

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Yeah, when will people learn Sparky knows what he's talking about? He's been to more parks than anyone, so his head isn't filled with, "OMG PKI ROXORZ!!!" He knows there is better out there, and not everything PKI does is amazing.

And I am almost to that point. 50+ coasters and counting baby!

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Oh, I see. 80% of the time is good so long as it is a ride from PKI. But, when it is 80% for a ride at CP, TTD, then it is down most of the time. I can see where this logic is going. And yes, TTD was up as much as TR:TR or very close. rolleyes.gif

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  PKD_Freak said:
some people are hatten and i go to pkd all the time because in livin right her in virginia 20mins away from it. If you don't even know whats coming with the ride ill tell you. ours will be very highly themed and we will have you raceing to the ground looking at a pit off fire and flames shoting from the ground. we also have the water effect where you get soaked on every seat. although ours is out door you will not be looking at roller coasters and stuff while on the ride out doors because was also have smoke and steam around us while on the ride so you will feel more in a tomb raider enviornment. althogh ours hold 38 it will still be good. it will not be a short ride because i heard that ours will be over 2minutes. just to mention ours will flip 5 times (like yours do) and will be a floorless top spin sitting back to back and theres noting in front of you but your legs and noting above you but the sky. ours is only 10ft shorter than tomb raider the ride at pki. yours 70ft high ours 60. think of a 2 story home and take off the top. that is only how short ours is from yours. Please don't hate rolleyes.gif

Funny you say don't hate, when you come on this site all the time and tell us all how much better PKD is than PKI. So I don't think you're in the position to stop people from slamming PKD until you stop slamming PKI.

With that said, I don't think it's right to say that the PKD TRTR will suck, because I'm sure it will be a very fun ride. It has the neatest element of ours in it, the lava pit, and since it's outdoors they may have real fire(I believe our TRTR was originally supposed to but that was cut out do to safety or something of that nature). It is unfortunate that all TRTR's can't be like ours due to budgets that are lowers than PKI's, but atleast PKD went the extra mile to put effects and a story to this ride unlike PCW's sad attempt. PKD is a great park, and I hope to visit them soon to check out Volcano and Hypersonic XLC(if it's running, I hope). Plus I'd love to see their TRTR and Scooby Doo(I like that it has doors that open when the cars get near them, very cool). I think PKD's great, and their TRTR will be great, so I don't think anyone needs to slam them.

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  DeliriumDreamer said:
Well, our seats USED to get wet. That, and yours probably won't have the special black-light effects that ours had in the beginning. I only hope that ours gets that fixed...

Actually its not suppose to be a black light, thats why it didnt work right, they put the wrong bulb in it, its suppose to be a UV light.

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  PKD4LIFE said:
slam pki? my last post on this topic wasn't soppose to be a bad note. it was suppose to be like a lil funny note that all our seats will get wet. i didn't say that all of pki's seats get wet. ok im done biggrin.gif .

I was talking about PKD Freak in my post. Unless you have 2 memberships here, that wasn't referring to you.

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Couple of things:


1) Alien Seed: Are you the one fixing it? Or do you personally know the guy fixing it?

2) TRTR GUY: Do you personally change the lightbulbs? Or do you personally know the guy who changes the lightbulbs?

3) This is where Tom snaps. Tom is sick and tired of people talking like they know everything about the park, what is going on in the park, and then are royally p*ssed off when they dont get their way. Im in the same boat at Matt when he posts. Not even a quarter of you actually knows what is going on inside the park, and frankly, half of you are more clueless about the park than most females are about football (I know, im stereotyping, no offense ladies who do know what team Ladanian Thomlinson plays for.) So, before you go around thinking you know everything about the park, think for a second will ya? The only thing that the clueless ones know about are coming from the press releases.

Sorry had to rant, but its in my nature.

Now then, like I said about IJ, why dont we wait and see how PKD does with this top spin? Remember, this is a Huss prototype as well.

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  SOB_TOM said:
2) TRTR GUY: Do you personally change the lightbulbs? Or do you personally know the guy who changes the lightbulbs?

No its just a fact, they replaced it with the wrong light bulb thats why you could see the light coming on but the face didnt change, plus enertainment said that.

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  SOB_TOM said:
1) Alien Seed: Are you the one fixing it? Or do you personally know the guy fixing it?

I think you need to read what I said a little closer, or maybe just try reading the words in the order I put them in. I clearly said that I was told the information by somebody else, someone who probably would know about TRTR's situation. I never said "this IS gonna happen, that WON'T happen, etc."

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