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Gordon Bombay

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Yes, it should be really good. Although i cant be 100% accurate, my recreation will be as accurate as it can be. I hope I can atch a tour in the offseason or as soon as it opens I can go in and make notes of everything thats changed and what all needs to be done. I really hope I get a job there. I applied but I could work rides cause i dont turn 16 till April 19th!!!! ahh!!! censored.gif but they said they kept everything on file for me so if i go back in April and they ahve opening i can get a job.

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I need some help from you guys. Im currently constructing the beautiful centerpiece of Ki, the Eifel tower. Its coming along ok. I have about the exact height, the two vieweing levels in each with its own elevator and the pointed top. I also have the 50ft viewing area placed around the tower. The only problem I have is that I dont know how to make the supports looks real. Like I'm not sure of a way I can make it look like KI's. Do you guys have any suggestions?

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Well for one thing, I have magic powers and use little pixies to fly into the game and perform the action for me. No not really. Ive just been trying to get creative with how I could do it. Im experimenting now with using rollercoaster track that is painted the same color and tilted at angle to resemple the supports. Dont know how it iwll turn out though. Kind of an interesting process. Ill post some shots soon.

Thanks for the compliments Jasper.

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I just bought RCT 3 a few nites ago so I've been checking out the boards over at the official website. There's alot of talented people out there doing some amazing things with RCT3.. so far my favorite was a beetlejuice ride someone made.. absolutely stunning. A recreation of KI would be great.. I think I'm gonna work on a camden park scenario.. you have just been hired on as Park Design Manager for Camden Park's new owners.. (fiction of course) your job is a difficult one.. repair everything, clean up the park, and make new atractions to get the guests into teh park in the small amount of space there is.. lol... what? it's a idea.. lol!

anyway it's hard to see what yoru park will look like just yet with the screenshots how they are so I won't judge yay or nay.

here's a tip I read over there that could help.. I heard that the game handles better when rides are spaced apart better.. if you bunch everything together it seems to get worse FPS, and possibly crash. themeing I don't beleive makes a differance but rides do.

everyone seems to be playing it more like the first two and bunching thing stogether to tightly as that was what you had to do in the first 2 games.. therefore it's getting slower fps and crashing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, you can get a sneak peek at the recreation. You can download and ride the recreation of Flight of Fear. Anyone who has RCT3 just has to download it and place it in My Documents/RCT3/Custom Track. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

Before you tell me whats wrong, these are flaws that I already know about:

1)there is no second station (due to a flaw in RCT3, it makes me create and entrance and exit for both stations, this will be corrected as soon as the expansion pack comes out.

2)Flight of Fear seems too spread out (This is as accurate as you can get with Flight of Fear, the track is as close together as it can be.)

3)Its not indoors. (RCT3 doesnt let me save the scenery (aka the FOF building) with the ride itself, soon I will post the file that includes all of FOF's theming and building. Note: The theming is great, it is DARK and has lights jsut like th real thing)

Let me know what you guys think, heres the link: FOF RECREATION

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Im glad you guys like the FOF recreation, it was tough to do, I know theres still some kinks as far as the ride goes and Im working them out, that site its hsoted on is called the Ultimate Thrill Zone, its run by my frined zach in Houston. Hes doing a great job running it, it would be really helpful if some of you guys registered on it and checked it out and did some posting. Im on his staff as a photographer, Im going to be taking a lot of pics of KI this year for him.

Heres the link:


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  • 2 months later...

Do you have your Eifel Tower saved as a structure available for download? Or, can you (or anyone) recommend any good fan sites with building downloads?

I am absolutely awful at structure building!! And, I lose patience for it really quickly. I tried making a recreation of IJST...I didn't make it past the parking garage biggrin.gif


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Do you have your Eifel Tower saved as a structure available for download?

No, actually i had to get really creative with building it. What I did was build two elevators to the correct height then build the structure around them including paths so people can stand in the tower. For the supports of the structure I used steep slanted wooden track painted blue. Then some bent blue steel track to create a curvy design.

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