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Really good dark ride

Enchanted Voyager

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You may think that but the kids which the ride was geared to seem to enjoy the ride because everytime I walk by that ride it always has a long line no matter how crowded the park is. I argree it is no Men in Black but they still did a nice job.

If PKI installs a new dark ride lets hope its the Adam's Family Roller Coaster.

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  hauntguy said:
^ No they didn't. SDTHC is just another KID ride for HBL. PKI needs an awesome, SCARY dark ride in like the Coney Mall or Rivertown. SDTHC sucks!!! I hate that ride... it's poor attempt at a dark ride! -Hauntguy

Hauntguy you keep forgetting unless it's for FearFest PKI isnt gonna get a scary attraction SDATHC is something great both kids and adults love scooby you may think it's a poor attraction but you may be the only that thinks that a lot of people like it I love the it I like the feeling it gives me I feel like Iam in a scooby-doo cartoon.Now if you want something creepy & spooky I hear one of the paramount parks is in the design phase on a addams family attraction of course thats just a wild rumor spreading like a wildfire.

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  hauntguy said:
^ No they didn't. SDTHC is just another KID ride for HBL. PKI needs an awesome, SCARY dark ride in like the Coney Mall or Rivertown. SDTHC sucks!!! I hate that ride... it's poor attempt at a dark ride! -Hauntguy

Dude your starting to really p*ss me off scooby-doo is beloved by millions and like was said PKI or paramount wont get anything scary unless it's for fearfest.SDATCH is very popular among kids there is always a long line which goes quite I'd say it's one the most popular rides in HBL.

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  Scooby_Doo said:
  hauntguy said:
^ No they didn't. SDTHC is just another KID ride for HBL. PKI needs an awesome, SCARY dark ride in like the Coney Mall or Rivertown. SDTHC sucks!!! I hate that ride... it's poor attempt at a dark ride! -Hauntguy

Dude your starting to really p*ss me off scooby-doo is beloved by millions and like was said PKI or paramount wont get anything scary unless it's for fearfest.SDATCH is very popular among kids there is always a long line which goes quite I'd say it's one the most popular rides in HBL.

I agree that Scooby is still really popular, but you have to admit, the ride itself is kind of poorly done.

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I honestly dont think it is poorly done I love it because it's interactive and its Scooby! the blacklight effects are really cool again I dont think it is poorly done and this is coming from a guy who has been on almost all the scooby dark rides in this great nation.

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Why is it that scary attractions are for Fearfest only? What happened to the good 'ol days of amusement parks having haunted houses in them operating the entire season? I think it's one of the things missing from every park I visit. As a matter of fact, Camden Park in my hometown has one of the oldest operating haunted houses. It was almost considered a coaster due to the fact that it has a chain lift and the ride is based on gravity.

I haven't been on SDATH, but every time I'm over that way, there's a long wait to it. Scooby is as popular as ever.

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  PKIBeast said:
Why is it that scary attractions are for Fearfest only? What happened to the good 'ol days of amusement parks having haunted houses in them operating the entire season? I think it's one of the things missing from every park I visit. As a matter of fact, Camden Park in my hometown has one of the oldest operating haunted houses. It was almost considered a coaster due to the fact that it has a chain lift and the ride is based on gravity.

I haven't been on SDATH, but every time I'm over that way, there's a long wait to it. Scooby is as popular as ever.

Yeah scooby is always popular doesnt matter what time of day it's always got a huge line.

''Our family enjoyed the Smurfs much more than we ever did Phantom Theatre. It was kinda like Kings Island's version of Small World. Of course we realize most kids today don't know what a smurf is''

Yeah I love the smurf ride yeah a lot of kids dont know what a smurf is today but that's gonna change come next year there is a new computer-animated smurfs movie in the works plus the smurfs are on TV again they come on everymorning at 7:30 and 8:00am.They are gaining popularity again because of the old re-runs on Boomerang.

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Yes don't knock scooby haunted castle awseome theme they should build a boat ride lots of cool air about 10minutes long a capacity hauler and you go through caverns through the years of Cartoons you meet george jetson you meet the flinstones, the smurfs and such all in there music and there special part of the ride then at the end you see old phantom theatre and maybe some smurfs!!!!

They need a long non scary family ride with lots of capacity no scary too it and plenty of cold air something frankly scooby has lost over the years

2006 adams family the ride

2007 expansion of nick central good bye hanna barbera


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