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Best Theme


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Without a doubt I'd have to say Vortex, I mean the themeing is absoluetly world class, Disney dosen't have anything even close to comparing as far as the amount of themeing is concered.

In reality I'd also have to say TR:TR

Vortex does indeed have a story... The theming could be better to convey this story however.

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TRTR definitely has the best theming (even though its story is extremely confusing to your average guest), followed by FoF, which does have the best, if slightly odd and corny, story. Italian Job has some great effects, but the ride has no real story behind it, so it's going to have to take third place. Top Gun would be sitting on fourth place if it still had all of the aircraft carrier theming, but since it doesn't, it's moved down to seventh place in my opinion. Fourth place now belongs to SDatHC. That ride truly makes you feel like you're in the cartoon that was so repetitious in its formula that there was no conceivable reason why it should have succeeded so well with viewers. Fifth and sixth place are nearly a tie with Beast and SoB. Both have the similar implied theme of being chased out in the wilderness by the original/offspring creature. Beast gets fifth, though, thanks to its cool station design. Reptar takes eighth, despite the fact that I thought that particular episode of Rugrats sucked. How do you make a satire of Godzilla not funny? I'm sticking to the list, but if Wild Thornberries River Adventure was on it, it would be placed right before Reptar. Ninth is Drop Zone with its skydiving theme. Tenth and eleventh are also pretty much a tie with Vortex and Racer. Neither one really has a theme. Vortex will take tenth, though, because of its VERY lightly implied theme of twisting and turning out of a giant robot's grip, which is only based on its old logo. Finally, Face/Off takes last place because of its disappointing zero theming. It takes the name of a Paramount movie, and a good one in my opinion, and does nothing with it; not even a poster from the movie like what Top Gun does. All it does is play on the words with its seating arrangement.

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Im gunna have to go with the crowd on this one and say TR:TR because the caverns actually make you think that you are walking through a temple. Also, the figures from the movie in the preshow room are amazing and the statue that holds part of the triangle from the movie.

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I voted for Tomb Raider because, to my knowledge, it is the only ride at PKI with actual props from the actual movie!!!!

Have a great day!

Italian Chef


What props are from the movie?

I was torn between IJ and TR. I chose TR though b/c I feel that the overall ride is themed better and the line is themed much better than IJ's.

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