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PKI Needs a Hyper coaster bad!


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So, now they say they want to cater to a demographic that they have been catering to for years.  Duh!  They've always done just that.  Sorry, IJ:Stunt Crap doesn't cut it as a coaster, family or not.

It's really all about market research. This site is such a microscopic view of what people really want. Of course if you asked anyone on here what they would want, they'd say they want a 250ft tall Intamin with 15 inversions. This of course is coming from a demographic that's mainly males between the ages of 16 and 30, a lot of which don't have families. PKI does extensive market research to find out what types of rides, shows, and attractions would be the most popular with the most amount of people from year to year and they follow that when planning their expansions. IJ isn't exactly what people on here would describe when asked what their dream coaster would be, but to my understanding, it has been very popular with the masses.

I do however agree with your comment that you made before that PKI is always removing family attractions. Looking back at the timeline, the last true expansion we've had was SOB in 2000, and even that's arguable because the monorail used to run there. Of course, there are several reasons why this is happening. The main reason is likely that things get outdated and the space that they occupy could be utilized better and be more profitable with a new expansion, there's no denying that. Secondly, let's face it, when some of these rides get old, it's just really expensive to maintain them and as opposed to cutting into their budget for the next year, they just remove it and utilize the money on other improvements. Lastly, PKI has a pretty good layout. To my understanding, the "wheel" design is based off of Disney. Let's face it, in those few areas where it dead ends, it's always crowded (i.e. AZ neear SOB, CM near Spongebob), so in order to add a new attraction in an area that's not preexisting, they would almost have to ad a new area, which is real money there. I just wish they would think a little more when deciding what to remove. Regardless of of you feel about the Tiques, Flyers, or IJ, this years expansion really took away from the look and feel of the park.

that is a load of bs!! Are you on pki's payroll?

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I do not see how pki's management does not see how much a good hyper coaster would do at the park. Just look at Millennium Force. It is 2005. The ride's 6th season, and it will easily get a 1-2 hour line. Millennium Force put Cedar Point really on the map as the best park on the planet, in my opinion. It got international attention. People travel from very far away just to get a ride on MF or TTD. I know I have. I do every year. If Kings Island were to build a tall, fast, smooth, re-rideable hyper or giga-coaster, I know I would be at the park at least twice as many times as I go now. I used to go on opening day every year and generaly once a week. This year, my first trip was in late May. If they built a hyper-coaster(preferably an Intamin), I know for a fact I would go on opening day and almost definently once a week all summer.

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Everyone is all stuck on this Family concept. Well i got news for everyone, The people that want the big coaster are part of that same family. But what i really think needs work on is the stuff for the adults that no longer want to ride the rollercoasters or main rides. I used to love goin to the park with my parents. But now that they are older theres not really much in the park anymore for them to do

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Everyone is all stuck on this Family concept. Well i got news for everyone, The people that want the big coaster are part of that same family. But what i really think needs work on is the stuff for the adults that no longer want to ride the rollercoasters or main rides. I used to love goin to the park with my parents. But now that they are older theres not really much in the park anymore for them to do

As it was said before, PKI is a family park and will continue to cater to the family, however, as I said before I think KI needs a new coaster to cater to the middle aged crowd, something like a new woodie or a stand up coaster. I do not think they need a Hyper Coaster, nor would I like to see one in the park.

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"And the sad thing is, you are probably one of the ones who had to go on it in order to decide it sucks."

How is that sad? What is sad is someone who doesn't ride a coaster and then claims it sucks. How stupid would that be? How else can you decide if a coaster sucks or not if you never rode it. THINK!

Also, Kat Employee, I'll give you the same advice I told certain other members. Quit trying to tell me what to do. You're not my mother or father. And quit putting words in my mouth. Not once did I say PKI sucks. I said Italian Job Stunt Crap sucks. Try reading instead of skimming over people's post before you open your mouth and put your foot in it.

Gulliver, nobody cares if YOU don't want a hyper coaster. A lot of other people do. So take your own advice and quit repeating yourself. And as I said before, PKI has ALWAYS catered to families.

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"And the sad thing is, you are probably one of the ones who had to go on it in order to decide it sucks."

How is that sad? What is sad is someone who doesn't ride a coaster and then claims it sucks. How stupid would that be? How else can you decide if a coaster sucks or not if you never rode it. THINK!

Also, Kat Employee, I'll give you the same advice I told certain other members. Quit trying to tell me what to do. You're not my mother or father. And quit putting words in my mouth. Not once did I say PKI sucks. I said Italian Job Stunt Crap sucks. Try reading instead of skimming over people's post before you open your mouth and put your foot in it.

Gulliver, nobody cares if YOU don't want a hyper coaster. A lot of other people do. So take your own advice and quit repeating yourself. And as I said before, PKI has ALWAYS catered to families.

Quit crying whinny baby.

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