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Smurfs Making a Comeback to PKI


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  • 2 weeks later...
How can you not like the Family Guy on adult swim?  They spoof tons of movies and TV shows.  I think it is funnier than Futurama.  Just my opinion.

No I said I hate Adult Swim I hate how the classic HB characters are now a nothing but a Joke on birdman I dont like Family Guy Besides Family Guy tries to hard to be something its not....I perfer the simpsons myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How can you not like the Family Guy on adult swim? They spoof tons of movies and TV shows. I think it is funnier than Futurama. Just my opinion.

I actually enjoy Family Guy every once and a while, but you have to admit that most of the time it's just a bunch of gay jokes or race jokes.

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The smurfs are not coming to PKI. We will not see walk around characters and you will not see a ride.

That shows how much you know....Paramount has a meeting with I.M.P.S this week during the Licensing Show to go over deals..of what is unknown they also have a meeting with New Line Cinema.

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After seeing that picture it shows that the smurfs are coming back to TV and stuff just like the He-man and Ninja turtles.

A lot of people like the smurfs.some people dont because they are stupid and dont know whats good and kick ass!

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Dont listen to yogi he doesnt have inside support like I do I can tell ya a ride may not happen BUT the characters will soon return... ;)

What do you have against the Smurfs?

Iam a huge smurf fan as well a scooby Doo fan.

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who do ya know scoobster!

I have 2 best friends that work in Hollywood we went to school together and we keep in touch lets just say You will indeed see the smurfs again because starting next year they are going to be on Friday nights on NICK!

Its going to be how you seen Pinky&The Brain on Nick werid at first but yup dont forget Scooby told ya first!

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Ok this is what I have found out from a friend attending the 2004 licensing show:

The Smurfs are coming to The USA with a new Retro product-line to be launched Late 2004 and 2005.

The Smurfs 3D movie will indeed happen.It will hit theaters sometime next year.

Well thats all for now I will report more when I talk to chris.


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Well heres the thing, All new Costumes coming into the park have to be Nickelodeon, and Due to strick costuming laws, you wil never see the smurfs.

It will almost always be Nicktoons only or Park Made Creatures.

IM yogi if you need answers.

Ha dude yogi got banned for being an A*s!

Plus I rather hear it from Scooby he is a good friend of mine he knows his stuff plus his eyes light up when talking about the smurfs,Scooby Doo, Old HB cartoons.He knows whats going on he always has info you want.

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Well heres the thing, All new Costumes coming into the park have to be Nickelodeon, and Due to strick costuming laws, you wil never see the smurfs.

It will almost always be Nicktoons only or Park Made Creatures.

IM yogi if you need answers.

Ha dude yogi got banned for being an A*s!

Plus I rather hear it from Scooby he is a good friend of mine he knows his stuff plus his eyes light up when talking about the smurfs,Scooby Doo, Old HB cartoons.He knows whats going on he always has info you want.

:offtopic: I agree but I have never met with him but he has given me some news and kept me up-to-date with the return of The Smurfs he would E-mail me to let me know whats going on plus when the Smurf-Product meeting was happening he let me know about almost everything.

Yogi was the mod over on PKIU that gave me somewhat of trouble thats why I came here.

Iam sure the new Smurf Product line will be ''Smurfin''

And they will soon be in PKI if they gain Popularity again and Iam sure they will because while the smurf marathon was going on Boomerang a lot kids had interest in the smurfs.

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