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NO king cobra


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He`s right. While the trains are protected in the FoF drum, the track and supports have been laying exposed in the field behind SoB and FoF since the ride was dismanteled in early 2002. If the park hasn`t found a buyer by now, they will more likely ship off to the scrap yard. Most parks probably didn`t want it for the same reason that PKI removed it- increasing maintenance issues.

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Allthough RCDB's info is usually pretty accurate, they do have odd tendancies to remove and add coasters from the site. I'm not entirely certain why.

Also, from what I've heard, KC's track was more "cut apart" than dismantled. From what I've heard, they cut through the bolts instead of unscrewing each one. Likely because the coaster would be unusable to anyone due to it's metal fatigue. I'm not certain on that one, but that's what I've heard.

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a museum of Coney / KI / PKI history I think would be excellent. Honestly, why else would they be keeping the trains?

And to make a quick correction, King Cobra was for sale at one point. In early 2001 I saw a post on a PKI Yahoo group that had a link to the site where it was listed. Sure enough, it was there- pictures and all. I believe it was listed at $1.1 million.... which might explain why it was never sold..... I'll look up that post. Though likely the link is long gone.

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found it. Posted September 19, 2002.

Here is the link, though of course the site says that the page can no longer be found.

From: aeilerman

Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 11:59 pm

Subject: King Cobra For Sale aeilerman


I have found the web-site that is selling the King Cobra from PKI.

here is the link


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^That link doesnt work, and Boddah's right, the way it is cut apart makes it unusable and it would cost way more than the coaster is worth to put that track back together, KC was never for sale as a ride after it was dismantled it was put on that site in case anyone wanted to purchase the trains, spare parts, or scrap metal, its sad to say it but KC is no more. The trains are still kept because they can still be sold or used as spare parts at one of the other two Paramount sister parks that still operate Togo stand ups. Togo has long been out of business in the North America (theyre American headquarters used to be in Cincinnati) however Togo still makes and operates coasters in Japan where a potential buyer could be interested some day. If PKI was keeping the trains around for a museum of defunct rides I'm sure theyd be kept in better condition, but who knows, anythings possible, Id love to see a museum too.

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The KC was a very underrated ride...it was a lot of fun and gave some great airtime.

Still, everytime I was at the park the ride had at least an hour of downtime. I can see why PKI let it go, especially if it was costing lots of $$$ in maintenance.

Even if it was useable and for sale, who would have really brought it? Nice as it was, it was a relic...there've been many better stand-up coasters (Mantis, at Cedar Point, for one).

I'd also like to see PKI do a museum of its heritage...I used to love being in the lobby of the International Restaurant and seeing the news clippings from the 1970s about the progress at the park.

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I remember that website, KC was definately up for sale as a Togo Stand up, it said nothing about parts or scrap metal...Also KC's track wasn't cut up. The pieces are all in tact. They are stored in two spots off of the back roads. One near where they set off the fireworks, the other back behind SOB where the old cages are from WAH. But you're right about it not being sold to anyone now. It's sad too, I loved that coaster, the first stand up coaster now suffering the same fate as the first suspended coaster. But like The Bat will we ever see another Stand up at KI?

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I heard that the Monorail was going to be turned into a penumatic thrill ride experience.

Yeah King Cobra is still at PKI and doesn't seem to be in too bad a shape. I mean it needs major rehab - but I looks like it could be fixed. The question is whether or not a park could make money after the costs of buying it from PKI, and fixing it.

I have seen the King Cobra track close up and its not as bad as you might think it is.

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Yeah, Jungle Jim will be getting the monorail to work, my neighbor is a fairfield city council member and she was telling me its taking forever for him to get a permit for the ride from the city of fairfield and he needs to have state inspectors come do their inspection of the ride after its completion which wontbe for awhile, its planned to be in the next few phases of his stores construction however, it was supposed to be open earlier....the station and amintenance house for the cars is completely buitl and even featrues transfer track, there are 4 trains. On the front of the store a 5th train, that is even painted sits on a mock track so people can see it off of Route 4 while many footers are in place for the rest of the track. Ill go take pictures soon, I would tonight ifi t wasnt dark already.

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  WooferBearATL said:
Exposed to what? The outside? Pretty sure the ride was outside for 17 years.

Outside and maintained is very different than outside and left to it's own accords.

I agree. Even from a distance you can see that KC's track doesn't look like it's in great shape. Under normal circumstances it could probably be restored, but I'd guess that it would be more viable to manufacture a new coaster rather than to refurb and reconstruct KC at another park.

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People! It isn't that bad! There are only a couple pieces out behind Son of Beast - most of the track is at the fireworks launch pad. I'd show you a photo - but don't think I would be allowed to post it. Some other people who have seen the photos agree that it is still in pretty good shape - just needs a little work. It isn't like its got holes rusting in it or anything... It could still open somewhere - but with Togo being out of business, it would be hard to find other parts for it.

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