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I know this video is kind of old (HB days) and its also a little look back to the old days of HB and angry guests about the height changes. But anyways here is what many employees dealt with when they changed the height requirements of the rides. It was such a big deal it was a part of the news!!! So yeah, its a little old. Here is the video... Click here

EDIT: Grammar and spelling.

Edited by CoastersRZ
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Yes, that was a lousy excuse for a news segment. This really doesn`t show much of Hanna Barbera Land either, or what employees had to deal with. I had to deal with something similar at Coney. It used to be any one under the 48" could ride with a chaperone. But then they changed it to you must be 36" to ride. Lets just say I have been on the front lines of that argument!

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Ya know I really have problems with News Channels that go out to create their own news.

Honestly, had it ever occured to the people that the Big Bad Amusment Park did not set out to upset this family. Did it ever occure to them that the changes were made for safety reasons?

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That was the exact thought going through my head while watching this video.

Heaven forbid they change *safety* requirements to make the rider *safer* for the guests. She's the type of person I wouldn't be surprised seeing 'shoe-stuffing' to get her child on the ride. I mean, people...it's called *safety* for a reason. Why would you even think about endangering your child for a few cheap thrills?

As for the money issue and the season pass...

How hard is it to type 'pki.com' into your favorite web browser and look up height requirements? It's no different than getting on the website to check the park's hours for the day.

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Wooferbear -

I could not agree with you more - Cincinnati news is by far - the WORST news i have ever seen in my life... Everything is ALWAYS breaking news... I remember during the first 2 or 3 days of Katrina - all the local news stations had wall to wall coverage of the syrene leak.... are you kidding me? They are all fools - 5 12 and 9... even though nine is the one i generally watch...

Furthermore - the woman on that clip - is trashy. Of course as soon as she gets her money back shes whistling a whole different tune. And what a moron - the ride goes up in the air and spins around for 2 minutes... duh.... Hmmm... apparently the best childrens area in the country isnt all that great....

In the words of a complete and utter fool....

You my dear, get the News 12 Bone

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Well, that syrene leak did cause havoc! It shut down Columbia Parkway and Eastern Avenue, both major arteries from the east side of Cincinnati to downtown. Because of the road closures, it took me almost two hours to get to UC. It normally takes me about twenty five minutes!

But in general, the Cincinnati news channels overblow a lot of things. Like whenever we get a sever thunderstorm warning, they have to cut into regular programming. They then repeat themselves again and again and act like the thunderstorm has an F5 tornado on the ground.

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With that reasoning, we should be okay with no seatbelts installed on The Beast since we all have ridden it before those were added.

Things come up...we realize things may be safer if we change certain rules.

The park is looking out for our safety, plain and simple. They wouldn't alienate guests if they didn't have a good reason.

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If a kid rode Beastie safely the year before the limit was raised, there isn't a logical safety reason for being denied.

Yeah, you're right.

I'm certain that the park just changed height requirements for completly arbitrary reasons and to inconvenience people.

Yeah, the goal of most parks is to completly limit the amount of people on rides.

This woman should have been happy that the park would continue to evaluate safety concerns and issues on the park and to strive to keep everyone safe.

This was a no brainer.

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What people don't understand. All rides go thru a saftey review. For some reason they thought the requirement should have been raised. I recall The Racer having it's height requirement raised twice within the last 5 years. It used to be 42 inches tall to ride Racer, then they changed it to 44 and now it's 48. Adventure Express used to be 42 inches as well, and its now 44.

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Wooferbear -

I could not agree with you more - Cincinnati news is by far - the WORST news i have ever seen in my life... Everything is ALWAYS breaking news... I remember during the first 2 or 3 days of Katrina - all the local news stations had wall to wall coverage of the syrene leak.... are you kidding me? They are all fools - 5 12 and 9... even though nine is the one i generally watch...

Furthermore - the woman on that clip - is trashy. Of course as soon as she gets her money back shes whistling a whole different tune. And what a moron - the ride goes up in the air and spins around for 2 minutes... duh.... Hmmm... apparently the best childrens area in the country isnt all that great....

In the words of a complete and utter fool....

You my dear, get the News 12 Bone

Hell, 12 broke into The Price is Right for a Carson Palmer press conference, the day after the Wild Card loss to the Steelers. "OW! I broke my leg! Please feel sorry for me!" PATHETIC. They couldn't have waited 10 minutes to show video?

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All local news in Cincinnati is bad, the short lived WB 64 news was fantastic is too bad it didnt work out. While Cincinnati local news is bad, fort wayne and daytons is even worse.

Park guests baffle me, I no longer work for PKI or any park for that matter, but it annoys me as to how everyone thinks their the authority. "It goes up it spins hes down" THE RESTRICTIONS ARE SET FOR HIS SAFETY! Im sorry but that lady is truly a dumbass and the people who agree with here and dont see the safety changes are blind. DId channle 5 have nothing better to cover? Seriously, thats not a problem at Kings Island. THey took extra safety measures they shoud be applauded for keeping the little tikes safe, and IM sure they published the new changes well before this dumb B***h bought her ticket or pass but she made no attempt to check. Ive seen much worse cases though, long ago when I worked for the park I had a guest attempt to hit me after i told him i wouldnt permit his daughter to ride Face Off, she was no way close and he was promptly escorted out by police.

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Ive always wondered if the FCC mandates what is worthy of breaking in the news???....

Oh - and during that styrene leak - i was living on lovely beechmont ave ... on the Beechmont hill, so i know all about the detour - and you could have just taken red bank up to 71 and then the lateral across.... thats what i did at least....

But anyway - the saving grace is that sometimes - if you unplug your cable - you can get a dayton news station....

Someone should call Michelle Hopkins and ask her to investigate all the BREAKING NEWS alerts -

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The height requirements are there for safety reasons. Alot of parents are pretty dumb because they just want their kids to ride. If they are too short, it means that they cannot be reasonably restrained. I get *****ed out all the time because parents say stuff like:

"Four inches too short? I don't see why they can't ride if I ride with them."

"Jesus Christ - she's only 1/4 inch below the 54 inch height requirement. Stop being an asshole and let her ride."

"Your rules are so freaking rediculous. My son is in sixth grade! And you're telling me he can't ride a kiddie ride! I want a manager down here right now. You know what - F*** you - I am going to guest relations and complaining. I'll have your job for this."

What is really funny is that half the time the kids don't think its that big a deal. It is the parents that like to fuss about it. I have to wonder if some of these parents don't duct tape their kids to the top of the family auto for the drive to Kings Island. They obviously aren't concerned with their children's safety whatsoever.

When I am working - I try to be as friendly as I can be - but I will not allow a kid to ride if they are below the height requirement. I am not being mean or unreasonable. I am being safe. So deal with it.


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The thing is that these are the parents that are ass holes no matter what. This woman, had her child been injured would have been the first to complain and gripe about how there should be height rules or restrictions.

I would have refunded all their season passes and directed them to the nearest WalMart for their rides.

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I was at CP two weeks ago and saw the something similar. A woman was at the entrance to the Magnum with her son (who obviously was too short to ride it) trying to explain that they had both just ridden the Millenium Force. She called the attendant an idiot. In my view he acted very professionally. I won't say what I thought of her. Hat's off to all the ride attendants out there that have to put up with "guests" like this. You people are the best.

Mike B.

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I do believe though, that they announced the increased height requirements shortly before the season started. It certainly was after at least some of the passes for that year were sold. And yeah, people don`t realize that those height requirements are for the safety of the children and everyone riding. I had a guest at Coney today tell me that the height to ride without a chapperone on the Ferris Wheel has increased this year. That particular height requirement has remained unchanged in my four years running the Ferris Wheel at Coney! He was just mad because he had to actually ride the ride with his kids!

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I do believe though, that they announced the increased height requirements shortly before the season started. It certainly was after at least some of the passes for that year were sold. And yeah, people don`t realize that those height requirements are for the safety of the children and everyone riding. I had a guest at Coney today tell me that the height to ride without a chapperone on the Ferris Wheel has increased this year. That particular height requirement has remained unchanged in my four years running the Ferris Wheel at Coney! He was just mad because he had to actually ride the ride with his kids!

Yeah, must really suck to have to spend time with your kids and enjoy the rides.

Man, these examples of lousy parents really remind me of why I don't do social work anymore.

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Honestly, had it ever occured to the people that the Big Bad Amusment Park did not set out to upset this family.  Did it ever occure to them that the changes were made for safety reasons?

I am sure PKI had legitimate safety issues that caused them to increase the height requirements. The problem was that the guest had purchased a season pass that was for all practical purposes worthless for this child. While many on this board think the complaint was frivilous, the woman was exactly right when she said that children shorter than the new height requirement should be considered the same as children under 2 years of age. They would be limited to riding the same attractions, so why should one have to pay while the other does not. The park and Siebert did the right thing by refunding for the pass.

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There was a problem this year that Dick Dastardly's Biplanes last year had a height requirement of 36" last year. Then this year it was raised to 40" (now themed to Blue's Skidoo). Except the map said it was 36" still. So the first couple days they had a greeter at the line entrance to Blues Skidoo - basically to stand there and get *****ed at. I got to do it for two hours. I probably height checked 200 or more kids - and turned away a good 150 - 50% of which had parents that gave me a rude comment. I did however get a compliment from one guest - who said they appreciated how we look out for kids saftey. That was nice to hear on such a stressful day. biggrin.gif

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It happened to my family when The Racers went from 44 inches to 48 inches, did I complain?NO,  you suck it up and find other rides to ride.......She wanted money thats all there is to it.

Finding other rides for children that do not meet the height requirement is not as easy as you make it out to be. First, children that come to the park are already limited in the amount of attractions they can ride. Now a new height requirement is limiting that even more. This guest had a legitimate complaint. Trust me, I worked at the park for over 12 years and have heard hundreds of silly and worthless complaints. Why charge this guest for a season pass when the child is for all practical purposes now considered the same as a 2 year old, which would be free? PKI did the right thing. And they were smart to offer the same refund to other families that may find themselves in this situation. PKI made this concession because they knew it was a valid issue.

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