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Wow...Just, wow


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Wow Kings Island all the way for the kid compared to Cedar Point hands down .

but for the coaster fanatic of course Cedar Point:

but over all midwest hometown theme park Kings Island for everyone from the 1-2 year old all the way up to the thrill seekers they will become:

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You look back at all this... and it all comes back to who he works for; The Sandusky Register. I think it is kind of natural to have some kind of local pride, but 'ol Ben does take it a little far with not making accurate statements about Kings Island when there's a good chance that he probably hasn't even set foot at KI. The Cincinnati Enquirer probably went bonkers when news rang out about the sale. I didn't see the paper after the sale, but I bet it made front page as it did for the Dayton Daily News. There was probably some other blowhard who works for the Enquirer who made hackneyed statements about CP.

All I'm saying is that some journalists just don't give a darn about what other people think, and just write their opinion. Save it for the opinion column, bub.


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Yeah, there was some definite leaning toward the "home town" favorite in this op-ed piece (it doesn't actually rate as a "news" article). It's just more of the same "CP is better than KI / KI is better than CP" argument that's been raging since the 70s (And, I've heard KI fans be just as bad...) biggrin.gif

I actually found the article kind of funny...I really like the part where he was chiding KI for having a chain store like Starbucks in the park. I found that humorous because he apparently doesn't realize that Johnny Rocket's is a chain as well... (I guess if your world view doesn't go much beyond the Sandusky city limits it would be easy to miss.) Not to mention that you can buy Starbucks coffee at CP as well (they sell it at the coffee shop by Demon Drop, as well as the Hotel Breakers). But, as others have pointed out, this was written to a very specific audience for whom I'm sure he was preaching to the choir. (And, while Sandusky is a lovely little town, let's face it...CP is pretty much their one claim to fame.)

As far as the kid's areas go, I have heard some parents say that they do prefer CP's to KI's. Not because it's necessarily "nicer", but because CP mixes a few kids' rides into mutiple areas of the park, unlike KI that concentrates everything in one area. The rationale is that it makes it easier to tour the park with a family when there are multiple age groups. That makes sense to me, although I'm sure that reasoning would require a much deeper analysis than this "journalist" gave it.

Finally, I will say that Cedar Fair must not share this reporters negative view of KI...otherwise they certainly wouldn't have paid (some may say--overpaid) TOP dollar to buy the Paramount Parks biggrin.gif

But, again, I found it a humorous article...

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I'm going to look at this in a different way.

Before I say anything I just have to say: I'm just pointing a couple of things out. Don't get mad at me.


CP mixes a few kids' rides into mutiple areas of the park

So does Kings Island- Avdenture Express, in Octoberfest, Viking Fury, in Octoberfest, Zephyr, in Coney Mall, Shake rattle and roll, in Coney Mall, in Coney Mall, Monstre, in Coney Mall, Congo Falls (sort of) in Action Zone, and Dodgems, on International Street,

2. He could have interviewed more people, but just put in the one that made Kings Island look the worst

3. he was right about the headaches on The Beast, and Son of Beast

Please give this thought, and remember- I'm young.

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i think the worst part was simply the whole "KI doesn't have classic children's ride thing". I had no idea that "dune buggies, sky fighters, or motorcycles" were considered "classic". These rides may be "classic" to him but you'd be hard pressed to find any knowledgeable enthuisiast who would consider these rides classic. Just becaue they exist at CP doesn't make them classic. Plus the fact I would consider a ride like the kiddie whip (don't remember its new name) an actual classic childrens ride, at least a lot more classic than "dune buggies".

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That article seemed like it came from someone who already figured KI sucked. I hate that they compared Wicked Twister to Face/Off when Face/Off was built before WT. I also don't think the writer considered that when all the rides in Action Zone were built, that KI was under contract with Paramount, meaning that they are allowed to name rides after some of their movies, just like Universal Studios (who I love).

By the way, I like both parks, and I wouldn't be able to compare them like that, b/c they both of exciting rides.

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  Vortexlover2 said:
I'm going to look at this in a different way.

Before I say anything I just have to say: I'm just pointing a couple of things out. Don't get mad at me.


CP mixes a few kids' rides into mutiple areas of the park

So does Kings Island- Avdenture Express, in Octoberfest, Viking Fury, in Octoberfest, Zephyr, in Coney Mall, Shake rattle and roll, in Coney Mall, in Coney Mall, Monstre, in Coney Mall, Congo Falls (sort of) in Action Zone, and Dodgems, on International Street,

Please give this thought, and remember- I'm young.

No one will get mad...you made some well-reasoned observations. smile.gif

I guess I consider those rides more "tweener" rides than actual kids rides. (In fact, AE is one of my favorite rides in the park. Second best Arrow mine ride out there...) I was referring more to the "baby rides" for the preschool set in NU.

Cedar Pont has a few of these type rides in a few different areas of the park (on the main Midway, Camp Snoopy, the frog hopper back by Gemini, etc.) The point I heard a parent make (actually it may have been a posting on here...or maybe CoasterBuzz) was that she had really young kids and slightly older kids. At Cedar Point she could let the ten year-olds go off and ride Gemini, while she stayed with the little kids on the frog hopper. That way, everyone got to do what they wanted to, while still being somewhat "together."

I'm not really saying that's right or wrong (nor could anyone, really, since it was the woman's opinion), but not having kids myself I found it kind of an interesting perspective. Personally, I had always thought it seemed kind of inefficient that not all of CP's baby rides were in the same area...so I found it interesting to hear why someone actually preferred that set-up.

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I just got a reply from Mr. Roode...

Mr. Ruwe,

Trust that the letter you speak of, with the following passage:

I am a Cincinnati resident, not born, but raised here since the age of

> 3. I have been visiting Paramount's Kings Island since 1997, and every

> year have ridden the rides, enjoyed the scenery, and had a great day.

has been forwarded to the appropriate editor.

For future reference, the "Forum" e-mail address is regforum@sanduskyregister.com.

Thank you for continuing to follow the stories and let me and the editors here know what you think. The only way we can do better coverage is if we get feedback from those who read the paper.

Benjamin Roode

Bellevue/Sandusky County reporter

The Sandusky Register

419-483-4550 (office)

419-483-7191 (fax)

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  jzarley said:
Personally, I had always thought it seemed kind of inefficient that not all of CP's baby rides were in the same area...so I found it interesting to hear why someone actually preferred that set-up.

I don't agree with the lady's comments that CP's kids area(s) are better than KI's, but I do like the idea of 2 kids areas split in the park. For one, I think it would spread out some of the kid traffic. If you go to NU on a busy day, it's insane with kids and grown-ups all over trying to fight through the crowds. I think having the kids areas split up kind of helps make a potentially congested area a little more manageable.

I also think it makes it better for groups with kids who also want to ride other rides. At KI, if you want to do kids stuff and go do FOF, you have to make quite the trek to the other side of the park then go all the way back to the kids area, then way back out for The Racer, then all the way back to NU. Just a lot of walking, and walking with kids no less. And you know that if they don't want to ride Racer with you, they're going to get really bored. At CP, if you're with some kids, you can let them play there at the front kids area then if you want to trek all the way to the Gemini or Magnum, guess what, there's another kids area right there so you don't have to hike half a mile to get back to the original kids section. Makes it easier on parents that way.

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^Wow...Just, wow. I think maybe if you took the time to search you cold fin that information under one of the topics about gold passes instead of posting it here because your too lazy to clicl "forums" then "search".

UncleHenry, any reply to your letters to the ditor?

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  TOPGUN1993 said:
Dodgems, on International Street,

Dodgem is in Coney Mall not IStreet

And there is also the scrambler + the train + WWC for younger kids

Congo Falls (sort of) in Action Zone
???? its in AZ totaly

Are you thinking of a different park ?


I said sort of to it being kind of not kidish

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I liked the part where it said did you think meanstreak was mean?Then try out The Beast family it sound as though they are dissing Cedar Point laugh.gif and that is also true becaue menstreak is a crappy ride and doesnt go hardly fast at all and i thought it was no where near as rough as The Beast and Son of Beast those 2 rides kick butt. cool.gif

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