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Do you think Son of Beast will be torn down?


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My humble opinion is that eventually SOB will be torn down to make room for a world class, smooth steel coaster. The question is not "will SOB be torn down" but when. Maybe this year, next year, 10 years, 50 years, etc. But rest assured, someday SOB will be a thing of the past.

Have a great day!

Italian Chef


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Guest faceoff

Having rode Son of Beast many times,i would hate to see this happen. I know

the ride is rough and the accident was unfortunate. I am keeping the faith that

king's island will correct all problems and the ride will re-open. But should the

time come for sob to go, i would like to see for a replacement- intamin launched

coaster with inversions like storm runner.

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  PKIcook304 said:
If SOB does get torn down I think the ride that they put there needs to hold some sort of a record.Well that what I think but it probably wont happen.

A record like an industry record for number of days it operates in its first year versus number of days it is closed would be nice.

Kings Island doesn't really need, nor will it get--in my opinion, a ride like Son of Beast, Volcano: The Blast Coaster, Hypersonic, Kingda Ka, Top Thrill Dragster, Deja Vu, etc., which are all noted for their very spotty operational records the first years they were open, and for some of them, to this day!

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  screamingnight said:
I do say tear it down.  The only bad thing is America wont have the tallest and fastest coaster in the world Germany will.  -Sniffle.-  sad.gif


The tallest and fastest coaster in the world is Kingda Ka at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey.

Was before July 9, 2006 and will be even if Son of Beast is removed.

That is if Kingda Ka is running.

If not, Top Thrill Dragster is at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio.

That is if Top Thrill Dragster is running.

Ah, Intamin.

Oh, you mean wood?

Yep, that would be in Germany. Also an Intamin.

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If I had the final say on this, I would have the ride dismantled. I would first have pictures taken of the ride at every angle, with every possible type of film. This would be to ensure a future of profit for copyrighted materials to be used in references, or books. I would then go about the cheapest method of the demolition of the ride. However, out of respect for its history, I would take it's sign " THE BIG CRATE" and have it placed over alongside the line to "The Beast."

I would also have the sign for "The Beastie" placed along this entrance.

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  The Interpreter said:
  screamingnight said:
I do say tear it down.   The only bad thing is America wont have the tallest and fastest coaster in the world Germany will.  -Sniffle.-  sad.gif


The tallest and fastest coaster in the world is Kingda Ka at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey.

Was before July 9, 2006 and will be even if Son of Beast is removed.

That is if Kingda Ka is running.

If not, Top Thrill Dragster is at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio.

That is if Top Thrill Dragster is running.

Ah, Intamin.

Oh, you mean wood?

Yep, that would be in Germany. Also an Intamin.

I meant wooden.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Do I want it to be taken down? No! but that wasn't the question and I think it will be taken down in the next five years, the ride has been nothing but trouble and a waste of money. It would be cool though if they destroyed all but the very top little dip that towers over Action Zone as a commeration. They could even put a baby carriage up there, how cool would that be.

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Quoting Interpreter:

Oh, you mean wood?

Yep, that would be in Germany. Also an Intamin.

I am a little curious about this response. I am not clear if you believe the largest wooden coaster to be located in Germany or not.

If you mean Colossus at Heide Park, well... it CLAIMS to be the largest, but it is in fact, not.

SOB is indeed the tallest and fastest wooden coaster in existence. It's lift tops out at 218, beating Colossus by around 22 feet.

Here's a link to Colossus' specs.


Even if Colossus were to stand taller than SOB, there would still be the great debate as to the sincerity of it being an actual "wooden" coaster. As with El Toro at SFGADV, it uses the unique Intamin laminated steel track.

At this point, I guess you could say that Colossus is the largest operating wooden coaster in existance. That is until SOB reopens... which I believe it likely will.


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Shaggy, read back.

Screamingnight had said now that SOB was closed, PKI would no longer have the tallest and fastest COASTER in the world. I pointed out only that Kingda Ka is the tallest and fastest coaster in the world, whether Son of Beast is operating or not. And that if he did mean wooden (which he had not at that point said, but later did), then it is somewhat ironic that with Son of Beast closed, the tallest and fastest wood AND steel are both INTAMINS.

I hope that makes it a bit clearer....

On a different but related note, I see no reason why El Toro, Balder or Colossos would not be considered to be wood coasters. . .but definitions are in the minds of the makers!

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