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PKIC Survivor to Return


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This offseason, 16 players will begin yet another adventure, as PKICentral brings back PKIC Survivor for it's second season hosted by UncleHenry. The first season had it's twists and turns, and this season is sure to be just as surprising!

The new location for this second season is a series of islands that is deeply rooted in tradition. The native people of this region are well known for building massive structures located on the largest of the islands, known as Cepoi. Visitors to this region have come to call this island "The Point" due to it's elongated shape.

16 players, 2 tribes, 1 Survivor!

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PKIC Survivor: Cedar Islands will premier this offseason...

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It will be somewhat of a time commitment. While you do not have to show up to all of the events, you will not be penalized, except for the tribal council. If you do not vote, your vote gets cast against you. No penalties for missing a challenge. Taking part in tribal council really takes no time at all, answer one or two questions and send me your vote, both in a PM, and you're done.

The game is now scheduled to begin in late november.

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Except events do occur at specific times - say like 8pm on Tuesday - for example. The challenge runs like 8-10, and after 10 it is OVER. The submissions are reviewed, and the winner chosen, and then there will be a day for tribal council. All votes have to be PM'd by a certain time or you end up voting for yourself. This is just an example of how it was run last time.

It is alot of fun though - but it does take some work.

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